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Conclave point as power measurement


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If you didn't know or you joined warframe at later time, there was a scoring of your power called conclave point with this format


Conclave point on gear | Total conclave point


With this, enemies are scaled based on how well your build is and there was an absurd moment where you can fight level 100 Captain Vor on mercury before it was fixed so how about putting it back in so if you say you want challenge, enemies will start at higher level and you can toggle it on and off if you want a relaxed mission walking or an all out battle. This toggle feature is controlled by host so there will be no newbie griefing by joining them with high point

What do you guys think?

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Except that system was badly designed since some mods would give you more GS because of their rarity even if they were worse than a more common mod for your specific build. It's the very reason why they removed them in the first place. I'd rather take a difficulty slider or an "Elite Starchart" where the lowest level is 100 and goes up from there.

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All difficulty sliders or extra mode +'s will do currently is segment public to the point of nonexistence with quadrupling nodes with various difficulties and the whole game will appear to be a ghost town and forcing everyone into a grass roots LFG chat session for everything.

DE would first need to develop a planetary lobby system so you can shop for game types and difficulties in a easy to digest format. Instead of the "click this node and hope for the best" system now.

Edited by Firetempest
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The game doesn't understand the context of the mods and can only attach a score to them in hopes of it matching the value of the mod. If you had something like Master Thief, an elemental Bullet Jump mod and other utility mods equipped, you can end up being on the same score as a tryhard Chroma build who would get half the score of the damage he is pushing out due to exponential increases, etc.

You'll create this horribly wild variation in game experience between people who exclusively follow the meta and people who rather run their own builds where the people following the meta not only get an easier game due to the nature of their cheese to win build, but they are also set to square off against potentially weaker enemies. We already have this in effect, it's called stop playing nothing but meta builds.

Edited by RX-3DR
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Imo the real power measurment could be:

Endo spent.

Since MR means you have lots of stuff but does not show how strong your things are. 

It could work as experience and have levels just like MR. Could also have some requirements later on like owning 3x Rank8+ mods and stuff...

Just a thought.

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