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Please Return Mutagen Sample Drops To Normal. (Gf)


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(Reposted here by suggestion from GD)


I'll be honest with you here, DE, I EXTREMELY dislike the Direlects being the only way to get Mutagen Samples. I think that it should have an increased chance to drop instead of it being the only way to aquire it. There are some of us who really don't want to farm the (rare) nav coordinates to get ~250 Mutagen samples for JUST the research, and that isn't counting the amount needed for mutagen masses. Also, WHY ARE INFESTED DROPPING FIELDRON SAMPLES INSTEAD OF MUTAGEN?!? It couldn't be some other material that isn't so easily farmed elsewhere?

Also, there are some people who can't run the Direlect due to low-end computer specs. Not everyone has god PCs, you know. Anyways, those people who can't run Direlect can't get mutagen, so they're flat out of luck, just out of reach of the gun of their dreams...

Also, as I think on it more and more, people are going to use the "Just buy mutagen samples!" way out, but thing is, Orokin Cells (10plat) are WAAAAY harder to find than Mutagen Samples (15plat), even if you have to spend time getting the resources for it, you still get 5-50 a run, depending on game type. 


Being a longtime player, since April, I have seen many decisions both bad and good by you all at DE, most of the good can outweigh the bad easily. But really, with the whole system of the direlects being the only way of aquiring Mutagen, you are practically forcing those people with low-end PCs that can't run the Direlects to pay an overpriced 15plat for a material that should be on Jupiter and Eris permanently.


Though, the only true reason I see you might have for mutagen samples dropping only from direlects is to have people play them more. Really, this is easily changed, just throw on a bunch of special mods and rewards for finishing direlects rather than Nekros and Nekros alone.


In my time of playing Warframe, I have seen many mistakes. Please don't keep this as one of them.


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I completely agree with what you're saying. I myself don't really enjoy Derelict runs anyway, I find it pretty taxing on the eyes, and I prefer to just play through a level as opposed to really having to concentrate on what's a wall as opposed to a floor, which the Derelict seems to have me doing quite a bit.


My clan's just finished the research for the new infested tech, and there's no way I have enough mutagen samples to make the masses required. While I considered the platinum 'easy-out' option, it is expensive, and I do have the ability to play the Derelicts. I really feel that the drops should go back to the way they were so that those of us who don't enjoy/can't play the Derelict runs are still able to get the mutagen samples we need to make these new weapons.

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I don't see why people not being able to run the derelicts on there computer to be a problem. The better warframe looks, we'll the better it is. It's not de's fault that people can't afford a decent pc


I agree that it's not DE's fault, and I agree that the Derelicts should be there for those that want to play them, but as some of us can't for whatever reason, they shouldn't have fairly necessary drops that are dedicated solely to them.

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Well i agree ,the main reason is to force player to go there.They should have lower OD map types put the new prime stuff there, still have(other maps types for later/adding new stuff...)that would have been better choice and not touch the mutagen samples.Also infested maps getting Fieldron feels wrong to ...

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I'm also interested. In why the 2 above disagree. DE could have easily put an orokin derelict tileset, as part of a new dwarf planet/moon like Titan. Then there would be no need for the grind^2 system.

Well I had 800+ mutagen samples, gave 300 to the Dojo and have 12 Mutagen masses, just building a few more. So yeah I disagree. It suits me fine to have while there are have nots...I kept collecting them in one of the events and after, so had plenty. Not my fault if people didn't stock up.

It really feels good to have loads of something while most have hardly any....that's why I like it the way it is.

SERIOUSLY NOW (I was joking before, although I did have the quantities mentioned)..........a team of 3 or 4 can farm 80+ Mutagen samples each in 2 20 minute dereclict defence runs to wave 30. So spend an hour and your going to have nearly 200...I really don't see what the problem is? 4 friends with a Key each is all it takes.

Edited by DaveC
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I don't see why people not being able to run the derelicts on there computer to be a problem. The better warframe looks, we'll the better it is. It's not de's fault that people can't afford a decent pc

most of the people who can run the derelicts anyway crash in them. That's DE's fault.

And if you couldn't play this game altogether and I told you "go buy a proper computer", I don't think you'd feel very happy now, would you.

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Its clearly to keep people playing O.D. missions even after they farm nekros. New players need experienced players running the content to keep them interested. I would expect detonite to disappear from normal drops before long too.... probably into a new tileset, possibly hidden behind keys that require nav point. ... since I have 120 of them with no use.

As for the performance issue.... buy a better rig. My computer is 3 years old and I can host 3 other players and still run 60 fps. Its not like you need haswell and a titan to get decent frame rate.

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I disagree, the drop of mutagen samples from Direlects is lore content.

This is not a mistake, is the game growing, thing like specific drop will be here when

the game officially launch.

About the perfomance issues, my first pc running warframe was Pentium E2140 1.6Ghz 1mb cache memory + 8400gs.

running it at lowest res and everything turned off. never had a perfomance issue.

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I disagree, the drop of mutagen samples from Direlects is lore content.

This is not a mistake, is the game growing, thing like specific drop will be here when

the game officially launch.

About the perfomance issues, my first pc running warframe was Pentium E2140 1.6Ghz 1mb cache memory + 8400gs.

running it at lowest res and everything turned off. never had a perfomance issue.


Why is it lore content? What in the lore dictates that derelicts should contain mutagen samples? What's the explanation for enemy bosses holding Warframe blueprints then? If drops were to follow lore, only Grineer would drop neural sensors which would be used to build Grineer weapons, and not Neurodes. Or Infested weaponry would be made of nano spores and plastids, not metal and circuits.

If lore was truly being taken into account, Eris and Jupiter would have Orokin Derelicts - their descriptions say that "Infested are spreading through the Orokin derelicts in this region."


And I don't think most people can sufficiently play on 640x480 without getting a headache. At this point, having mutagen samples in an area a noticeable volume of the player base cannot properly play is just asking for trouble.

Edited by dukarriope
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This entire thing is so obviously a ploy to keep people playing Derelicts. Why else would they move it there, when they JUST released a bunch of new infested research weapons and a sentinel.

But why would they do that? Why would DE make us do that?

Well, maybe they're really proud of their work and they want people to play it. That's fair. But if that were the case, maybe they shouldn't have hidden the thing behind a grind wall.

What else could cause them to do this? Again, because it's behind a grind wall. A grind wall requires you to keep patient, to collect a bunch of nav points, to wait for your keys to build, then go into the derelict and farm some mutagens. That leaves plenty of time for you to get frustrated, say "F*** it", and buy the damn things. One at a time, 15 plat each. You see where this is headed.

Look, if you want to restrict mats to a specific area, especially mats that you need lots and lots of to do anything with, then that area better be really damn accessible. Nobody wants to grind for half an hour, just for a chance to grind for another half an hour. That's not engaging, that's monotony.

Please put the damn things back on eris and jupiter.

OR, alternate solution, MAKE THE DERELICTS MORE ACCESSIBLE. Make it a planet, shove a bunch of missions on existing planets, I don't care, just do SOMETHING so that it's no longer behind a grind wall.

Edited by sinsinkun
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Its clearly to keep people playing O.D. missions even after they farm nekros. New players need experienced players running the content to keep them interested. I would expect detonite to disappear from normal drops before long too.... probably into a new tileset, possibly hidden behind keys that require nav point. ... since I have 120 of them with no use.

As for the performance issue.... buy a better rig. My computer is 3 years old and I can host 3 other players and still run 60 fps. Its not like you need haswell and a titan to get decent frame rate.

Buy a better rig, haha. Look man, people have bills to pay, if someone has to decide between buying a new rig just to handle a new tileset in Warframe or to pay the mortgage/rent on their house for the next couple of months, they'll put off buying a new rig. Wanna know something a close relative of mine told me a couple months back? They were just a couple thousand dollars away from making a six figure income annually, that they've never made so much money in all their life, but because of the bills they have, coupled with groceries, insurance, gas for driving to and from work, etc, that they've never been so broke in all their lives either. That's how crazy it can get for some people, that despite making all that money, expenses in required services and whatnot will make it impossible to buy a new rig.

My biggest beefs with the Dere-Lag Void is that the lobby system sucks compared to a normal Online game and that, like Phobos, the maps are just too damn big. The missions drag on and on and on and it kills the fast flow of the game moreso than the stamina changes.

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I disagree with this. Derelict Missions being the only place mutagen samples can be found is lore driven. They should probably take the same stance with the other two clan drops as well in the future. Doing this also helps add some content that newer players can eventually progress to, and once you can like was previously stated it only takes an hour or two to get over 100 mutagen samples which is not really a grind. I belive this change just adds natural progression to the game and entwines it with the setting/lore.


And as far as the machines go and performance issues people need to understand this is a newer game and old rigs aren't going to be able to play it at a great FPS on ultra settings. That said I have a friend playing on an old dual-core cpu and integrated graphics card and after the recent multi-thread option is able to even play this game on the lowest settings.


This game is going to be on the PS4 and IIRC in a livestream they said at that point forward they wanted to make the PC version look even better. People should not be condemning a more immersive and better looking game because they can't afford a better PC. The game is already F2P and if you want to continue playing PC games you should buy a gaming computer since that's what they're for and even older gaming machines can run this game decently well, and if not then put your settings on the lowest if you want to still play on a weaker machine, or wait and get the PS4.

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I don't see why people not being able to run the derelicts on there computer to be a problem. The better warframe looks, we'll the better it is. It's not de's fault that people can't afford a decent pc


Yeah but it's their fault that DE can't optimize a map to save their company.

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Disagree, the whole point of the derelict is to finally start having places for things to be. this is a BETA. new content was added to be more of a "home" for the infested. and it's awesome and works really well.

Personally it adds more to the gameplay, if you don't want to take the time to run a single mission for the nav points, that's just lazy.

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