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Energy Color Default Errors


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So, when it comes to the new energy emissive changes, a lot of the frames energy colors have been utterly destroyed in the process. Especially in regards to tennogen and deluxe. The energy remains constant between normal, prime, deluxe, and tennogen. In the past, all these had their own individual energy colors. But now, that is no more. To see just how big of a problem this is, take a look at frames such as Mag, Nekros, and even excalibur unbra. Their energy colors are all kept at the default now, and that is a problem. For example: Mag. Her default energy color used to be a nice blue, and would change across each different skin, including tennogen and deluxe. Now, it's a sickly light green, which does not come close to even remotely looking good. And the original energy color? What does it affect? The dot on the helmet. It doesnt do jack. And nekros. Dear God nekros...what happened to you...the energy used to be a wonderful blue...but now it's a horrifying purple...and the original energy color for default nekros was yellow. When changing to deluxe, it changed to light blue. But guess what! Even the goddamned prime model of the frames have this very same issue! Now, even if a tennogen artist makes a new design for a frame, or DE releases a new deluxe, the energy shown for it, WILL NOT EXIST. ITS GONNA STAY TO THE ORE GIVEN ENERGY. SO ANY NEW NEKROS SKINS WILL BE PURPLE DEFAULT ENERGY, ALL MAG SKINS HAVE GREEN ENERGY, AND ALL EXCALIBUR SKINS, EVEN UMBRA, HAVE BLUE ENERGY. DE, can you please make an option to, oh, I dunno, swap what the energy and emissive does? That way, new players will not be completely confused when they come to the game and see that mag looks nothing like what is shown in the images, nekros deluxe has a purple energy when the pictures show a blue, and excalibur umbra, where in the cinematics, has a yellow energy, only to discover upon unlocking it, that It has magically became blue. This is a massive problem, and it also badly affects my fashion frame ability. So could you please resolve this somehow? It would be heavily appreciated. 


- Crimson1314

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As a TL;DR: Default is supposed to retrieve values from the info set in the textures, but in order to fix a bug DE decided to do a quick fix by making it retrieve from the color profile (what you copy to attachments), overriding the defaults.

Most Warframes won't have a problem with this, but some (Mag Prime, Trinity + Prime, some skins) have extra textures with their own special colors and needs that aren't supported in the UI to be colored independently. They can work using default though, just takes time to check through the complex code.

Check the Codex Warframe dioramas and you will see all these Warframes and weapons are correctly set up there.

Edited by NightmareT12
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Yeah, but in game, this still isnt fixed. For example, when you have default fully onerous or mag, you will see that the color is still messed up. Even in tennogen. For example: nekros deluxe. Its purple. All I want is a way to match the emissive and energy colors to each other directly. Even with default colors. It's all I want. Oh, also, the zenistar energy is overridden to red.

Edited by (XB1)Crimson1314
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