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- Black Paper - Now recruiting (1 slot only)


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Note: We start interviews for potential members only if the player has more than 1000 completed missions, you can check this in your ingame profile, if you have less, do not bother applying.

Playing on console and being experienced there, having been on certain "popular" clans, being really high mastery and so on does not help you, either you have atleast 1000 completed missions or you can't enter, no exceptions.


- Black Paper - is a reference an Organization in a game called Phantasy Star Online, a game that i still like to this day, so my username is also related to it, this clan was made by me and to be used only by me in a time where i alone was more active than entire clans, i build what was necessary and i created the emblem.



  1. In the case of events where the statues are defined by the points the clan has then the objective is always the gold statue.
  2. If the statues need a classification then all i ask is participation and some effort to try and get the best position we can, i know by experience that unless all players make an effort the statue will not be obtained and i also know many players aren't in the mood to display such effort.
  3. Challenges provided by the leader are not the upmost important thing, but relevant to show the leader that you care enough to try.
  4. Fun above all, make yourselves confortable with Warframe


Atleast 1000 completed missions

Profile will be checked and questions made if the player has for example no participation in recent events or events at all.

Questions regarding current clan situation or why the user left a clan or got kicked will also be made.

We have weekly challenges, miss to many and a specific rank is given to you, no interest in doing them after a certain amount of time and it's a kick, no warning is given, i do not force players into playing the game, that is up to you, but i am paying attention.


  • Respect all rules imposed by Digital Extremes, desrespecting these rules not only gets you kicked from clan, but a report will also be made, here the tolerance is zero
  • Respect other players, meaning, do not stain the name of the clan by disrespecting other players even if they are outside the clan, think twice before speaking or acting, report if necessary but never insult other players as that will only bring problems to yourself
  • Show interest in the game, don't join just to receive free stuff or to get stuff unlocked, we will always help if the players shows effort in trying, if the 1st thing you do before trying is to ask for stuff, then your stay will be short, if you try 1st and bad luck arrives then we can share, as for star chart i do not do taxis as that is a serious lack of effort that will only lead to areas being unlocked regardless of the player being able to do them or not. We can unlock planets, but the actual unlock of missions needs to be done by the player. You need to actually like what you're doing.
  • Do not mobilize the clan against an individual, if you have a problem then talk to us, we will give advice for the issue but we will not hate on a player because you want to.
  • Be minimally active, daily missions or doing random mission is perfectly fine, i do not demand any grind that will take the enjoyment out of a player, no one likes grind, but one thing is playing once in a while another is skiping events and just play once a year


Research isn't going to be revealed.

If you have any questions regarding research (a specific weapon for example) you are automatically disqualified from entering.


Ranks are increased based on the challenges made in the clan, you will never get control of constructions or demolitions, but if your interest is high and your participation is high, it is likely you will gain permissions to start research, recruit and moderate.

If participation is next to none, rank is decreased, if it reaches a rank below the entry one then recruiting begins once again, if a player is found, the players with the rank "---" are removed from the clan.

Hunter - You can participate in weekly challenges, chat and have fun with other clanmates, you cannot claim research.

Hunter class C - Easiest rank to achieve, you have permission to retrieve and replicate blueprints from research

Hunter class B - Harder to achieve, you can now start research

Hunter class A - You can now recruit if you see an opening, you are no longer obligated to do weekly challenges, but your participation in clan donations and events still stand

Hunter Class S - Only after alot of recruiting or special clan events will you be able to achieve this rank, you can moderate and kick


Trade Tax:


Tax is at it's max, this happens because either the cost is low and 100% isn't much or to ensure that what you're getting is fair for the amount of credits it asks, if you are out of credits it likely means you don't really need the content for the grind you have done, even a legendary mod.

If you find the tax to high, you can't enter.


We use ingame chat or discord depending on where we are and we can change on the spot.


We are currently in the Moonlapse Alliance, you will certanly find someone to help you out. 


Clan emblem:




We have weekly missions where the players must do solo missions (or group ones possibly) with specific conditions determined by the leader, this mission has the objective of forcing the players to do a mission and checking who makes the effort to actually do the mission, do not be concerned about the duration of the mission, it's usually something small and it's only 1 mission, but if in 1 week you don't do the mission, that will be registered, this is a way to check activity and effort.
It is meant to see if the player on his own is capable of overcoming obstacles.

These missions and it's conditions are posted in the forums. Screenshots will be required to check mission completion and it's rules (specific warframes, weapons, mission objectives)

Completion of these challenges will determine rank in the clan, lack of effort will make you remain in the clan, but with a lower rank, very few challenges and the player will be removed.

Dojo: (may not represent accuratly the dojo)



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