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Mastery Level Exp Keeps disappearing

(XBOX)Sarkasm R Us

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For 4 days now I have been experiencing lost mastery level experience. It only happens when I Iog before I've gotten a level. the first time I logged in, when it happened, I thought I was imagining things so played again and had ML exp again when I had to log.  Logging back in that was all gone again. I cleared the cache and worked on leveling again, logged and whala... lost exp again.  SO I have now reset the entire xbox one to make sure it is not my equipment and logged in today (after resetting and playing yesterday) to no ML experience again. Whatever happened not only ate my ml experience, but also the 3 day booster I got for log in the first day.  It's a bit frustrating.  Definitely need some help here. I think I have lost at least 2 to 3 levels of ml experience here over the last few days. I did manage one level because I was afraid to log lmao. But what I got after still disappeared.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Sarkasm R Us said:

pretty well explained I would think.

Quite the contratry. That's why I am asking. Maybe it's just a language barrier.

4 minutes ago, (XB1)Sarkasm R Us said:

I will have mastery experience when I log

What do you understand about "mastery experience"? And what do you mean by "when I log"? Log out? Log in?

Do you just log out while on missions? There is so much information missing and your explanation is so confuse...

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2 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

What do you understand about "mastery experience"?

That everything I level, frames, companions, weapons; each contributes a certain amount towards Mastery Level experience.  You can see what you have achieved, mastery level experience wise, at any given time by scrolling over your glyph and the amount you have obtained is highlighted in a bar just under your name and before show profile. 


4 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

And what do you mean by "when I log"? Log out? Log in?

Do you just log out while on missions?

When I log/ log out I mean by logging off of the game and then the xbox1.  I NEVER log out while on missions, only from the liset. Of course, exceptions being if I got disconnected somehow, but this has not happened at all.

So what I am saying is that, I check my mastery level experience, as stated above, to see how much I've gained and need and then I log off the game. When I log back on the game and look at the mastery level experience to remind myself how much I need to go for the next level, the experience shows nothing as if I had none when I logged off, even if it had showed I was half way through the experience level when I had logged off.

Definitely a frustrating experience. Any ideas on how to correct this?

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5 hours ago, (XB1)Sarkasm R Us said:

the amount you have obtained is highlighted in a bar just under your name

Let's ignore that bar for a moment (there've been a bunch of reports about that visually bugging out on consoles in the past),
if you go to Show Profile, there's an actual number of how much total Mastery you've gained, does that increase normally?

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On 2019-08-17 at 2:02 PM, (XB1)Sarkasm R Us said:

Will definitely do that and thanks bunches for the response :).  I DO appreciate it


I would suggest the following:

Take screenshots of your profile showing MR XP values.  Also take a screenshot showing your profile with a weapon that is not maxed out.  Take that weapon into a mission.  Take a screenshot before the mission to show that it's not max rank and what rank it is.  Rank it up in mission.  Take a post mission screenshot showing what rank it is now.  Go back into your profile and check your MR XP - take a screenshot of that.  Check that weapon in your profile and take a screenshot of that as well.  If you are concerned that you are losing progress after a reset, then restart the game and check your profile for MR XP and the weapon you used and take screenshots again.  If anything isn't correct, send all those screenshots to support.  Also, detail what you did.  Be explicit and careful to explain every step you took and what each screenshot shows.

My guess is that you're just looking at the visual bar, which does glitch from time to time, not at the actual numbers.  The numbers are what matters.

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10 hours ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

I would suggest the following:

Take screenshots of your profile showing MR XP values.  Also take a screenshot showing your profile with a weapon that is not maxed out.  Take that weapon into a mission.  Take a screenshot before the mission to show that it's not max rank and what rank it is.  Rank it up in mission.  Take a post mission screenshot showing what rank it is now.  Go back into your profile and check your MR XP - take a screenshot of that.  Check that weapon in your profile and take a screenshot of that as well.  If you are concerned that you are losing progress after a reset, then restart the game and check your profile for MR XP and the weapon you used and take screenshots again.  If anything isn't correct, send all those screenshots to support.  Also, detail what you did.  Be explicit and careful to explain every step you took and what each screenshot shows.

My guess is that you're just looking at the visual bar, which does glitch from time to time, not at the actual numbers.  The numbers are what matters.

I will definitely do that in the morning and double check it also with the total mastery I've gained that Ninja mentioned. Thanks for the responses and even more so for the ideas to check on it.

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On 2019-08-17 at 7:06 PM, NinjaZeku said:

Let's ignore that bar for a moment (there've been a bunch of reports about that visually bugging out on consoles in the past),
if you go to Show Profile, there's an actual number of how much total Mastery you've gained, does that increase normally?

Ninja you hit it right on the head.  I was unaware of the glitch with the one bar.  For now on I will check the profile. Funny though, the bar seemed to correct itself AFTER I checked the amount on the profile. So problem solved... it is definitely a visual glitch.

Thanks guys  your all awesome!

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