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Hydroid. Switch up Barrage and Tentacles


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I main Hydroid, and these are my thoughts to improve on his design.

       Swap out tempest barrage, Kill the screen shake
Rain Storm:
       Many small projectiles rain down, causing enemies random knockdowns.
   If charged:
       Increase duration and range of storm.
       Silence gunfire of allies within range by 75% and visibility by 50%.
   If cast from Undertow:
       Chance to jam enemy guns.
       Reduce enemy damage and speed by 20%

Tidal Surge:
      Give function of augment to wash off status.
   If cast from Undertow:
      Remain in place, and wash enemies away with up to 15m from outside of puddle.
      This allows you to keep eximus out of your puddle.
     Is great! ...I would love to have Currative Undertow as a constant function of it,
     but I can live with that being an augment.
     Swap out Tentacle Swarm.
Rip Current: (Channel)
     Creates a swirling pool of water where cast, that traps enemies, and negates enemy AoE status.
   If cast from 3:
     Increases range of pool by 30%, as you become the vortex.
Abilities improved during this state.
   1 leaves puddles for enemies to slip on.
   2 now Pulls enemies in (like tentacles but over an area)

Edited by kapn655321
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1 hour ago, kapn655321 said:

Rip Current: (Channel)
     Creates a swirling pool of water where cast, that traps enemies

I have suggested something similar as an addition to Tentacle Swarm. His tentacles should still exist, but they should throw enemies grabbed into a central location where the head is, so allies can shoot that area to damage all of them instead of shooting at individual flailing tentacles. 

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32 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

His tentacles should still exist

I don't think they necessarily need to or should.
If his augment is converted to work with a different ult,
and enemies can still be both trapped and pulled into the pools..

We would lose all the noodly wiggle enemy animations and hard to aim stuff,
the obvious lewd anime memes about the tentacles,
and the visuals of tentacles coming out of solid metal floors with just watery sparkles to make it make sense.

Passive could be replaced with leaving puddles for slip, or tiny black rainclouds for one person to hide in..
Maybe the augment have the kraken come out of the whirlpool and yank people to shake loot out of them.

The noodling around has always been derpy. Not so bad I don't play him, just derpy.

I will admit, I do love yanking people into the puddle.
But I don't suggest we lose that type of function any time soon.

Edited by kapn655321
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I also main Hydroid. Honestly, you kept two things I absolutely hate about him.

The first is the charge mechanic for his 1. Warframe is too fast of a game for charge moves. The delay cast for his 1 is already bad enough without having to charge it even if it is a new ability

The second thing is his 2. This move NEVER gets used by me other than just to mess around after mission is complete. It is hard to steer, not good for damage, and enemies somehow dodge it even when I hit them point blank. It's only good for movement while in undertow and in that case, there should be a solution for fast movement while in undertow that doesn't need this ability.

The real issue with Hydroid is that he is all CC (and mediocre CC unfortunately) in a game that no longer cares for CC. I like his kit as is (minus his 2 and the charging mechanics) they just need to be tweaked in someway to increase damage. They also need to dramatically decrease delay between casting his 1 and 4 and their effects taking place. I've always thought that his 1 and 3 augments should just be built in as well.

Unfortunately, Hydroid is basically a mediocre frame meaning he isn't bad enough for DE to look at him as they seem to only focus on one frame at a time. It will be a long time before they pay him any attention. Maybe earlier if they actually bother to give him a deluxe skin.

Screen shake, while annoying, is definitely not his biggest problem by a long shot.

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