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Very subtle QoL tweaks that would make Gauss Mach Rush a LOT more smoother and satisfying


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 Ok so first I will make some points about Mach Rush to better fundament my suggestions, so you can understand better what I am aiming for: 

"Gauss is one of the fastest Warframes in the game, as long he is running in a straight line and doesn't jump"

 When I first used Gauss I went straight to the PoE, I knew he would excel there and I already have Mach Rush and a rank 0 efficiency build. I went running. First thing I noticed the hold mechanic of Mach Rush was actually a "sticky hold", if you let go the button he would still be in Mach Rush (counterintuitive for what hold abilities usually are). Then I noticed you can't steer, well Gauss DOES turn but its so slow that it could as well not be there, not affected by any mods also. And finally I realized you cant even keep the momentum, so if you jump you will lose all speed and cancel the Mach Rush. 
 I know is not fair to keep comparing Volt and Gauss at this point, they are both fast but in different ways, but I couldn't help to realize all of the points above are directly better in Volt. He can turn as fast as you can aim, skilled Volt players can traverse boxes, walls and empty spaces in the blink of an eye, all without losing momentum. And instinctively you know if you are going very fast and you jump, you will jump a long distance, I love that about Volt in PoE.

"Gauss is much more than Mach Rush" 

 After ranking him up I started doing classic tileset missions and his hold Mach Rush went out of the window, only an option when there is huge corridors (Kuva Fortress, Void, Jupiter) and you kinda know the procedural limitations of said tileset. But when I started unlocking new abilities I discovered the true potential of his kit. With a mild DPS mitigation as his Kinetic Plating, a strong and adaptable AoE CC in his Thermal Sunder and a 2x speed mode for your whole arsenal with Redline, which includes buffs for your other 3 abilities Gauss shines as a swift and agile DPS machine, quickly dashing from group to group of enemies applying CC, and then shredding them before they can even react. Only becoming faster and stronger the more he moves. 
 He is a BEAST, and probably the new main for a lot of veterans, as he requires knowledge of enemies, tilesets and builds, and his Redline being a 2x speed mode virtually halves your timing, making him the top pick for quick regular missions.

"Gauss has the stigma to fail at what he was advertised for"

 Even with the amazing time I'm having with this frame I can't take the flaws of his Mach Rush out of my head, I knew there was something little that could make it incredible better, and it clicked, this is the 
 TL;DR and some words I scribbled down in the bus going to work. 

 Gauss Mach Rush QOL
- Hold doesn't stick the ability
- Keeps momentum / doesn't cancel with jump
- Directional WASD Dash 

"Gauss can't tap an ability and become very fast like Volt, but he can Dash in a direction and choose to keep running that way or stand and fight"

 Mach Rush after QoL
 HOLD: If he was able to tap an ability and simply become very fast he would be just like Volt. I respect the build up speed, the "accelerate" idea behind Gauss kit. But Id like ways to circumvent his flaws. If Mach Rush wasn't sticky and it keep momentum, I could let go the button, aim a different direction, and recast the ability. That's a very satisfying way of "steering" and with momentum you could put drift mods in to actually make a drifter frame!!! 
 DASH: Dashing through enemies, casting Thermal Sunder aiming your Acceltra and shredding lvl 150 Grineer is god tier satisfaction and represents what Warframe means for me: A lighting fast and bloody shooter slasher. Now, Gauss already can Mach Rush while aiming, why dont change his dash to be WASD directional? Like Operator's? That way you can aim and start dashing forwards and backwards, left and right, adjusting your position in the blink of an eye without losing your aim. This would also be useful to better intuitively change your direction and follow it up with the holded mechanic for a smoother "steering" of Mach Rush. 

 So, wadayathink? I put a lot of effort in this post as English is not my native tongue. I don't seek updoots but I want to know what you have to say about this, maybe some of you have thought even better ideas. Id love to hear what Xandy Pants has to say about this, his DriftFrame series always include very comprehensive analysis of "racing" mechanics in Warframe. that would be hella cool. 

Anyways, thanks for reading!!! Hope yall are having a great day!!! 😄


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If only he was released with all those changes. I agree with your proposed changes. A bit more control would do him well and keeping it in Mach Rush dashing and such would still set him apart from Volt. I like his entire kit except for some of the quirks of Mach Rush, and maybe how long it takes for the Redline overdrive meter to charge depending on your power strength (more strength = longer to charge to 100% it seems).

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