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MR/ Difficulty Additions/ Changes + Mod Changes


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I don´t want to delete the following words but... I have to basically take everything back i mentioned here because after thinking about it again due to well thought through replies these changes would more so ruin the game than help it to be better. I apologize myself




MR/ Difficulty Additions/ Changes + Mod Changes




Enemy Level adjusted to players MR to increase difficulty overall

Mod additions with rarities of mods to increase replay ability of missions and increased feeling of being rewarded



Difficulty adjustments:

As Warframe is currently struggling with keeping up the difficulty bar with our immense search for power creep and old tile sets, whether they are getting visually reworked or not, are forgotten by old players because there is no reason to go back there, I came up with an idea that might change that.



As DE is already planning or thinking about a similar thing, I believe that my idea isn´t to far off in regards of fitting the game mechanics, game overall and speed of the game.



Our current MR System has (to be really honest here) no use whatsoever. So I thought of why don´t adjust the enemy level on each planet according to the players jumping into that mission.

To give an example:

A MR 0 Player is basically facing the Enemies with the levels as they are now.

But if a MR 27 Player would go to earth, he would start off with Enemies at level 40.

So some kind of formula that takes in consideration the MR of a player and adjusts the enemy level.



With multiple people in a group there should be the average of their two, three or four MR´s.

So that a MR 0 and a MR 27 would face level 20 enemies on earth.



You might argue that this isn´t new player friendly in terms of getting help by their high MR friend. However, a level 20 Enemy isn´t a thread for that MR or shouldn´t. So he basically would kill of everything he sees before his friend recognizes that there were enemies anyway.





Mod changes:

Still there is this big issue of replay ability of old missions.

And if we would consider the above topic to be in game right now, there still would be no real reason to go back to earth, plains (not including eidolons here), etc besides doing some kind of shenanigans.



The system that I would like to present is somehow already existing in the game.

If you remember the broken mods, then you might have an idea of what I am talking about.



As it stands now Warframe has 5 different Mod value categories.


Broken; Brown; Blue-Silver-ish, Gold and prism (to keep it short, basically Primed and Umbral Mods combined) in terms of colour.

What if we would have a similar system to upcoming empyrean with mods that have different rarities (uncommon, common, rare, UUUUULLTRA rare etc.).



So basically, the same mods that can be levelled up as they are right now, but with a brown serration, gold serration, primed serration as well as for all the mods.



The droptables would stay the same however for getting a certain mod there is another percentage of which rarity you are getting this mod.

Obviously high-level enemies (obviously can be pushed by MR etc) have a way higher chance of dropping gold or prism rarity then low-level enemies with a high chance of dropping broken or brown mods



With that being said there are probably a couple of issues that you might think of.

(If I don´t mention something please let me know)



What about Power Creep, aren´t we already too powerful:

Yes we are, however with the MR or Difficulty adjustments facing of Level 100 enemies right at the start or even going into 150 Level territory is somehow difficult with some of our current mod setups (no Meta weapons, strategies included here as they will always exist no matter what you are trying to do against them). Therefore, I believe that something like that would help getting rid of the word power creep in general as then we would have something to shoot at with a good chunk of difficulty.



Isn´t that really Forma-Heavy if you want a full loadout with rivens and primed version mods…:

Yes, it is, and the ratio of getting forma should be increased for that matter (because of the number of Frames, weapons, companies etc.). But think about it. Shouldn´t difficult content requires a high tier build??



You know that this does increase the grind of this already to grindy game?
I am aware of this and there are two sides to take into consideration here. This is for high tier plays… this should take time to accomplish and for all those completists… I´m sorry.

Now if you have bad luck and want a better version of a mod then I do understand why this could be seen as something terrible. But I would have a solution for this as well.

As Warframe already has multiple “mobile” features why not include some kind of smeltery where you need 4 broken mods to get a brown version and so on and so for.

It probably would be more time expensive to get a mod to prism rarity with just broken mods instead of hoping for a prism drop but at least you would have the opportunity to get a better version otherwise so players don´t feel forced to do that too much.

Still there should be a high resource cost involved (credit endo kuva idk) so that low MR players don´t rely on that too much and actually play the game.



Why those changes?
This is pretty easy to answer. First of all, Warframe is a great game. But it has so much more potential and it keeps struggling with content drowns and burnouts of players. Sadly ,these ideas aren´t going to fix the burnout issues but could solve the content drown problems. Because of challenging enemies and in the end a feeling of being rewarded properly.

And with that DE has less struggles with keeping up somehow busy while actually working on something big.



Please support this Idea if you like it and share thoughts on it.

Edited by LOD07
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MR isn't the same as player levels in other games. It does nothing to determine a player's skill, just how much time they've invested farming and making items (which is a terrible metric). As such, it's frankly ridiculous to tie any meaningful gameplay changes to it. Not to mention that making enemy levels scale based on MR would essentially discourage going up in MR.

Also, if the system was implemented as you describe, you would run into the situation where players would try to "balance out" enemy levels in endurance runs by throwing in a MR0 alt account with 3 MR 27s, thereby decreasing average enemy level by 5-10 by simply having a laptop open and making an account. It simply wouldn't work. Warframe needs a power ranking separate from MR before it can think about improving the progression system in any way.

Edited by Yuri_Doujinshi
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... Did you play Skyforge? Because that exactly describes what Skyforge actually is....

... A bottomless, repetitive, dumbed down, game where difference in power does not exist whatsoever...


Things are fine the way they are. If change has to happen, then I want the old difficulty choice that existed back in U7, and [DE] removed it because of you all... And I want 20x full spawns back, otherwise there's no challenge.

Edited by Uhkretor
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Alright alright. I have to admit that i havn´t thought of these problems 

vor einer Stunde schrieb Yuri_Doujinshi:

MR isn't the same as player levels in other games. It does nothing to determine a player's skill, just how much time they've invested farming and making items (which is a terrible metric). As such, it's frankly ridiculous to tie any meaningful gameplay changes to it. Not to mention that making enemy levels scale based on MR would essentially discourage going up in MR.

Also, if the system was implemented as you describe, you would run into the situation where players would try to "balance out" enemy levels in endurance runs by throwing in a MR0 alt account with 3 MR 27s, thereby decreasing average enemy level by 5-10 by simply having a laptop open and making an account. It simply wouldn't work. Warframe needs a power ranking separate from MR before it can think about improving the progression system in any way.


and thinking about it again it probably makes more sense the way they are planning on doing because of the problems that were mentioned that would occur. 

vor 5 Minuten schrieb (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII:

DE said theyre still working on ways for us to choose difficulty which i like more than having it selected for me. A lot more freedom to play the game at my speed


so some kind of regulation system that defines easy, normal, hard extreme mode so to say with each difficulty having there own dropchances of rarities. Would that fix this? Then I would change that. Thanks for the replies. 


vor 33 Minuten schrieb Uhkretor:

... Did you play Skyforge? Because that exactly describes what Skyforge actually is....

... A bottomless, repetitive, dumbed down, game where difference in power does not exist whatsoever...


Things are fine the way they are. If change has to happen, then I want the old difficulty choice that existed back in U7, and [DE] removed it because of you all... And I want 20x full spawns back, otherwise there's no challenge.

btw i havn´t played that game. difference in power? so you are saying the way warframe has evolved into this Meta bs is better than modding the way you want? 

I did mention that I sadly can´t provide any idea to solve repetition and boring gamemodes. this is basically something for another thread. And I admit that with changes like that the repetition would increase drastically. But with interesting and interchanging gameplay this wouldn´t be that big of a deal. 

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TL;DR: No, no, and no. This system doesn't even come close to meeting and of the needs of this game, and will actively hurt public lobbies, increase power creep, and ruin more of the game than it even has a hope of fixing. 


First and foremost: Holy hell your formatting is atrocious and makes it laborious just to read it since I spend more time scrolling than I do reading the words. Please stop double line-breaking. 

1 hour ago, LOD07 said:

You might argue that this isn´t new player friendly in terms of getting help by their high MR friend. However, a level 20 Enemy isn´t a thread for that MR or shouldn´t. So he basically would kill of everything he sees before his friend recognizes that there were enemies anyway.

So you've never helped a low MR player, or been carried by a higher MR player, or are simply one of those people who consider "helping" as running through the mission as normal with someone specifically in your lobby. Understandably, yes that can be a case.

In regards to that entire argument, it's simply untenable for a myriad of reasons, namely the contradictions in your post: 

Somehow MR doesn't matter, yet you feel it appropriate to raise enemy levels globally.

  1. If MR doesn't matter, why is it being used solely as the threshold for the bar to be raised?
  2. There are many people who are completely terrible at the game, yet have been playing for a long time and leveled many things. We're now discriminating against completionists who don't or can't play the game seriously. 
  3. This system imposes a completely unnecessary difficulty curve for players of lower level who are randomly queued with higher MR players, even in sorties and arbitrations. 
  4. This system suddenly incentivizes not leveling MR because it comes at the consequence of having more difficult content.

I'm against your system entirely, but even so there's a simple way to implement the idea you were trying to peddle. Individual damage and accuracy multipliers. That way, you can have a high MR player in the game taking the skill equivalent damage a low MR player would be taking in the same game. But, again, I'm entirely against this system because: Being a high MR player has no gameplay relevant bonuses. Having a lot of mods, endo, and credits can be done at MR 1 and there's not many weapons in this game that can not honestly take down a sortie besides MK-1 Furis and Stug(and no, there is no riven involved with this statement), and now they have a massive advantage due to simply... Ignoring the level button? In their own games, they have an easier time regardless of being highly skilled. I've played through multiple accounts, now I'm on this one who isn't max MR. Exactly why should it be easier for me to play the same exact mission even though I have the same weapons and mods? We're not in a game with a stat-bound leveling system; as I get closer to MR 30, I'm not suddenly also gaining Armor, vitality, power strength/duration/efficiency/range, or becoming faster except through what effects my knowledge and skill have made me. You can ignore endo, credits, and mods entirely and just sit in hydron with all of your weapons with absolutely no deficit to your MR. 

Onto the Mod Changes

1 hour ago, LOD07 said:

What about Power Creep, aren´t we already too powerful:

Yes we are, however with the MR or Difficulty adjustments facing of Level 100 enemies right at the start or even going into 150 Level territory is somehow difficult with some of our current mod setups (no Meta weapons, strategies included here as they will always exist no matter what you are trying to do against them). Therefore, I believe that something like that would help getting rid of the word power creep in general as then we would have something to shoot at with a good chunk of difficulty.

Not. Even. Close. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of what power creep means, and the system you propose would in no way change what it is. Power Creep is defined as releasing content stronger than previous content, which includes -- but is not limited to -- Warframe, Weapons, Mods, and Enemies. Not including the "meta" is part of what makes your idea completely counter-intuitive of intention. The way to fix power creep is not increasing the power of mods, that adds to it. 

You system fundamentally misunderstands how the game works at its very core. The lack of game difficulty comes mostly in the form of lacking enemy AI and abilities, and you don't add that difficulty by making enemies take more damage, do more damage, and never miss. I do endurance runs religiously, and even I can understand that the challenge isn't the game itself, it's how long I can manage not to make mistakes because this game is unable to counter me unless I put myself in a position to be countered. Raising enemy levels isn't going to make the game harder, and I even argue that it's just going to expose even more of the problem that DE has with their level scaling, damage, health and armor systems for enemies. 


Edited by ShichiseitenYasha
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1 minute ago, LOD07 said:

difference in power? so you are saying the way warframe has evolved into this Meta bs is better than modding the way you want? 

I did mention that I sadly can´t provide any idea to solve repetition and boring gamemodes. this is basically something for another thread. And I admit that with changes like that the repetition would increase drastically. But with interesting and interchanging gameplay this wouldn´t be that big of a deal. 

You see "Meta bs", I see morons.


I don't use meta builds. I recognize the cheesing effect they give, which unlike "popular" belief, it does not prove any kind of player skill and it actually subtracts it, but I don't use meta builds.

I mod the stuff I have, the way I want, and I can go with my stuff pretty much at enemy lvl400, 500, give or take a few levels... No rivens.


You should try out Skyforge. See the system, not the graphics, study it and then you'll see what I meant.

Difficulty choice is the key here. For the "special" ones, choosing the easiest or the hardest difficulty is irrelevant, they'll just fly by with bullet jumping. Bur for those that really want a challenge, they will choose harder difficulties. When we had a difficulty choice, people were saying that "choosing higher than the easiest is useless", and I was soloing the starmap on the hardest difficulty, with full spawns. Having such a choice again will definitely be refreshing.

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vor 5 Minuten schrieb ShichiseitenYasha:

TL;DR: No, no, and no. This system doesn't even come close to meeting and of the needs of this game, and will actively hurt public lobbies, increase power creep, and ruin more of the game than it even has a hope of fixing. 


First and foremost: Holy hell your formatting is atrocious and makes it laborious just to read it since I spend more time scrolling than I do reading the words. Please stop double line-breaking. 

So you've never helped a low MR player, or been carried by a higher MR player, or are simply one of those people who consider "helping" as running through the mission as normal with someone specifically in your lobby. Understandably, yes that can be a case.

In regards to that entire argument, it's simply untenable for a myriad of reasons, namely the contradictions in your post: 

Somehow MR doesn't matter, yet you feel it appropriate to raise enemy levels globally.

  1. If MR doesn't matter, why is it being used solely as the threshold for the bar to be raised?
  2. There are many people who are completely terrible at the game, yet have been playing for a long time and leveled many things. We're now discriminating against completionists who don't or can't pay the game seriously. 
  3. This system imposes a completely unnecessary difficulty curve for players of lower level who are randomly queued with higher MR players, even in sorties and arbitrations. 
  4. This system suddenly incentivizes not leveling MR because it comes at the consequence of having more difficult content.

I'm against your system entirely, but even so there's a simple way to implement the idea you were trying to pedal. Individual damage and accuracy multipliers. That way, you can have a high MR player in the game taking the skill equivalent damage a low MR player would be taking in the same game. But, again, I'm entirely against this system because: Being a high MR player has no gameplay relevant bonuses. Having a lot of mods, endo, and credits can be done at MR 1 and there's not many weapons in this game that can not honestly take down a sortie besides MK-1 Furis and Stug(and no, there is no riven involved with this statement), and now they have a massive advantage due to simply... Ignoring the level button? In their own games, they have an easier time regardless of being highly skilled. I've played through multiple accounts, now I'm on this one who isn't max MR. Exactly why should it be easier for me to play the same exact mission even though I have the same weapons and mods? We're not in a game with a stat-bound leveling system; as I get closer to MR 30, I'm not suddenly also gaining Armor, vitality, power strength/duration/efficiency/range, or becoming faster except through what effects my knowledge and skill have made me. You can ignore endo, credits, and mods entirely and just sit in hydron with all of your weapons with absolutely no deficit to your MR. 

Onto the Mod Changes

Not. Even. Close. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of what power creep means, and the system you propose would in no way change what it is. Power Creep is defined as releasing content stronger than previous content, which includes -- but is not limited to -- Warframe, Weapons, Mods, and Enemies. Not including the "meta" is part of what makes your idea completely counter-intuitive of intention. The way to fix power creep is not increasing the power of mods, that adds to it. 

You system fundamentally misunderstands how the game works at its very core. The lack of game difficulty comes mostly in the form of lacking enemy AI and abilities, and you don't add that difficulty by making enemies take more damage, do more damage, and never miss. I do endurance runs religiously, and even I can understand that the challenge isn't the game itself, it's how long I can manage not to make mistakes because this game is unable to counter me unless I put myself in a position to be countered. Raising enemy levels isn't going to make the game harder, and I even argue that it's just going to expose even more of the problem that DE has with their level scaling, damage, health and armor systems for enemies. 


damn… reading through this actually opened my eyes in terms of this entire topic. In my main thread I did put in enemy tactics (new enemies with abilites) as I do think that this is what the enemies are lacking of the most besides AI, variety within getting passed them or rid of them. 


btw thanks for explaining power creep t me. It seems like I really had no idea. oops 

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb Uhkretor:

You see "Meta bs", I see morons.


I don't use meta builds. I recognize the cheesing effect they give, which unlike "popular" belief, it does not prove any kind of player skill and it actually subtracts it, but I don't use meta builds.

I mod the stuff I have, the way I want, and I can go with my stuff pretty much at enemy lvl400, 500, give or take a few levels... No rivens.


You should try out Skyforge. See the system, not the graphics, study it and then you'll see what I meant.

Difficulty choice is the key here. For the "special" ones, choosing the easiest or the hardest difficulty is irrelevant, they'll just fly by with bullet jumping. Bur for those that really want a challenge, they will choose harder difficulties. When we had a difficulty choice, people were saying that "choosing higher than the easiest is useless", and I was soloing the starmap on the hardest difficulty, with full spawns. Having such a choice again will definitely be refreshing.

I might will. 

I mean i haven´t been here for U7 so i can´t argue about that but it seems weird to me why DE would threw this away or didn´t put it back in somehow….??

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8 minutes ago, LOD07 said:

I might will. 

I mean i haven´t been here for U7 so i can´t argue about that but it seems weird to me why DE would threw this away or didn´t put it back in somehow….??

Long story short...?

... People squealed against it to the point where anything about it ended into a neverending toxicity. My guess is that if they are bringing it back, its going to be something that will avoid such squealing.


When you try Skyforge, keep in mind everything you mentioned on your first post... And while you're seeing its system, find the differences...

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13 minutes ago, LOD07 said:

damn… reading through this actually opened my eyes in terms of this entire topic. In my main thread I did put in enemy tactics (new enemies with abilites) as I do think that this is what the enemies are lacking of the most besides AI, variety within getting passed them or rid of them.

I missed that, just the pet peeve of mine really distracted me when I was reading. 

I'd love to see more interesting enemy ideas because that's the number one, above all else, that DE has been missing with their enemy designs. It's either a small enemy that does no damage, or a large enemy that does too much damage. Manics have been the closest to what I find an entertaining enemy, then they ruined it with invulnerability phases and how passive it is. They feel like they spawn a tile away from you and walk, and by that time I kill them by accident. I really recommend you put any and all ideas of enemy designs in the forums in detail (minus damage/health absolute values. Use approximations and relatives instead) and generally try not to take the feedback too harshly, because the one thing I notice I never really see on the forums are enemy ideas. 

Edit: Boss designs have been shaping up, however. But, still, too many invulnerability phases instead of actual mechanics.

Edited by ShichiseitenYasha
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vor 1 Minute schrieb Uhkretor:

Long story short...?

... People squealed against it to the point where anything about it ended into a neverending toxicity. My guess is that if they are bringing it back, its going to be something that will avoid such squealing.


When you try Skyforge, keep in mind everything you mentioned on your first post... And while you're seeing its system, find the differences. If a player is just there to "waste time", then its the perfect game... because everything a player does there is technically a "waste of time" in its true sense.

if it is the way you are describing it right now... then hell naahh. Because then i would have a second passiv game ( warframe cough) I see now why these changes wouldn´t make sense

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb ShichiseitenYasha:


I missed that, just the pet peeve of mine really distracted me when I was reading. 

I'd love to see more interesting enemy ideas because that's the number one, above all else, that DE has been missing with their enemy designs. It's either a small enemy that does no damage, or a large enemy that does too much damage. Manics have been the closest to what I find an entertaining enemy, then they ruined it with invulnerability phases and how passive it is. They feel like they spawn a tile away from you and walk, and by that time I kill them by accident. I really recommend you put any and all ideas of enemy designs in the forums in detail (minus damage/health absolute values. Use approximations and relatives instead) and generally try not to take the feedback too harshly, because the one thing I notice I never really see on the forums are enemy ideas. 

Edit: Boss designs have been shaping up, however. But, still, too many invulnerability phases instead of actual mechanics.

feel free to check out the mesh up idea thread by me where i tried to include three new enemies for the main factions with unique abilites. I would acutally love to hear your opinion on them to improve or change something or leave them

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21 minutes ago, LOD07 said:

if it is the way you are describing it right now... then hell naahh.

The thing about it is this... Skyforge has level cap, and the idea of Skyforge's devs to "add content" is to increase the lvl cap every 3 months, with an addition of a single lvl upgrade for every available equipment.

... But to make sure that players "waste time" in reaching the cap every 3 months is to increase the mob lvls -beyond- the player lvl cap on that 3-month period.

So, technically, players are nerfed every 3 months and they have to claw their way back to the top to regain the power they had on the previous 3-month period.


... I'm pretty sure you can see how... popular that is.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Uhkretor:

The thing about it is this... Skyforge has level cap, and the idea of Skyforge's devs to "add content" is to increase the lvl cap every 3 months, with an addition of a single lvl upgrade for every available equipment.

... But to make sure that players "waste time" in reaching the cap every 3 months is to increase the mob lvls -beyond- the player lvl cap on that 3-month period.

So, technically, players are nerfed every 3 months and they have to claw their way back to the top to regain the power they had on the previous 3-month period.


... I'm pretty sure you can see how... popular that is.


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5 minutes ago, LOD07 said:


I managed to get pretty high and do the high lvl content the first time... then I started to have a weird feeling that after every major update, my character became weaker, but after a few major updates, I started to read the patch notes and noticed that pattern... Trust me, that thing is 50Gbs and I've never felt so happy about seeing it go.

... Never again. Warframe, fortunately, doesn't make me chase after a wall like an idiot. The wall is already on another galaxy, and all I need to do is to get there, giving me plenty of choice on how to do it.

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One thing cool about mr, is its supposed to only show the things you have "mastered"

 So the only bonus that would make sense coming from that is small things like increased weapon accuracy, reload speed, damage of melee weapons (you swing them harder), weapon switching


Some things a *master* of all things (max *mastery* rank) should begin to possess.

Someone suggested something like what i said here, to me once. Still think its a meh idea, aside from weapon switching and melee weapons hitting harder. Makes a lot of sense and is useful

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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