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What Do You Want Digital Extremes To Fix? A Community-Driven Honey Do List


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hey guys DE_kary is now aware of this thread they are trying to rework things as soon as they have some one available but unfortunately they are working on content of weapons and things like that at the moment.

"Instead of fixing the game we will instead add in more stuff to fix later"

Did I get this right?

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They would if they could but they can't for their myopic vision of money down the line.

I'm sure the non management workers would want to do their job properly and focus on fixing the stuff wrong with the game but the management forces them to churn out "content" which they would again want to fix and polish.

Sad thing is when/if this thing bombs it will be the low level coders who will get the boot.

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redid mine

Looking for direct fixes that you want to see made.  An example might be "Make it so when we play with stealth I have an indicator showing how much noise is being detected by the nearest enemy unit to where I'm at."  Specifics are key because the developers can't read our minds to know why we think stealth doesn't work right.  Just an example.

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Someone (yesterday I think) started a similar thread but was going through all the Livestreams trying to determine what DE has been "on record" with having said in terms of taking in suggestions and claims of fixes.  They were trying to make some kind of collaborative list of all the things DE is or has been "working on".


I can't find that thread, dammit, but was going to say to the OP that if you come across it perhaps you and that OP should work together.  At least you take items on your list and make a note that DE is on record with having acknowledged the problem as of (insert date) here.


Perhaps between the two of you, you could get a thread stickied where people could refer to it to see if their complaints have been previously addressed before spamming the forums more - then again, that probably takes most of the fun out of it for a lot of those people :P


Also - I truly wish it wasn't up to people like the OP to give us lists like this, or like the other guy to give us lists of acknowledged problems and claims of what is being looked into.  Was there not a Dev Log at one point?


EDIT - here is the link, thought the OP has changed the format since I last saw it - not quite sure if it would as helpful as originally thought but if the guy is putting in the time to go back through all the Streams maybe you can still collaborate.



Edited by KARMA2605
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Don't you think it's better to get the stuff they have planned first out so they can also get THAT fixed without forgetting about it?


Use your head.

No, it wouldn't be better. Right now we are in a cycle of adding new content, fixing new content and then add new content again.

There is no general bug fixes in between. There are multiple unresolved issues that have been in the "We are working on it" department for months.

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Streamlining and de-glitching of Lech Kril so that he doesn't decide to be invincible for 5 to 10 minutes after you destroy a tube.


Streamlining of Vor fight so that there is less downtime between his stages.


Revamping the placeholder bosses to have unique fights.

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Someone (yesterday I think) started a similar thread but was going through all the Livestreams trying to determine what DE has been "on record" with having said in terms of taking in suggestions and claims of fixes.  They were trying to make some kind of collaborative list of all the things DE is or has been "working on".


I can't find that thread, dammit, but was going to say to the OP that if you come across it perhaps you and that OP should work together.  At least you take items on your list and make a note that DE is on record with having acknowledged the problem as of (insert date) here.


Perhaps between the two of you, you could get a thread stickied where people could refer to it to see if their complaints have been previously addressed before spamming the forums more - then again, that probably takes most of the fun out of it for a lot of those people :P


Also - I truly wish it wasn't up to people like the OP to give us lists like this, or like the other guy to give us lists of acknowledged problems and claims of what is being looked into.  Was there not a Dev Log at one point?


EDIT - here is the link, thought the OP has changed the format since I last saw it - not quite sure if it would as helpful as originally thought but if the guy is putting in the time to go back through all the Streams maybe you can still collaborate.



Yeah, this is basically an MMO Community BBB sort of deal here.  I'm of course open to collaboration with the OP of the other thread.


Don't you think it's better to get the stuff they have planned first out so they can also get THAT fixed without forgetting about it?


Use your head.


No, it wouldn't be better. Right now we are in a cycle of adding new content, fixing new content and then add new content again.

There is no general bug fixes in between. There are multiple unresolved issues that have been in the "We are working on it" department for months.

 Exactly.  There are a multitude of issues that have been reported well before I even joined this community and the only response that has been given is the "We are working on it" or "Your issue has been forwarded to the developers", followed by the closing of the trouble ticket with a "Resolved" status.

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Didn't carefully read thread, so forgive me for any overlaps... Here's a semi-quick list off the top of my head:

1.) Fix so falling through levels respawns people rather than falling for 5-10+ min and dying or just outright dying quickly.
-potential suggested fix: Unstuck command that requires a bug report to complete. (unstuck + more bug reports = 2 birds 1 stone)

2.) Weapon Balance. This is a trickier one and something already being addressed; but it's kinda silly to have entire groups of weapons be completely outclassed and made irrelevant by other weapons (and also cheapens the quality of the dev's work).

3.) Matchmaking issues - Not really sure how they can fix this, but everything from not being able to host to random droppings / host migration problems. One suggestion is expanded matchmaking tools (letting us see matches, see pings, maybe even see who is playing and then choosing to join that game)

4.) UI quirks - Most namely, currently, the habit of the UI to disappear in various situations, a repeatable one I know of is being zoomed in on a system and swapping from one of the various joinable game-types and swapping to solo (removing you from game session).

5.) Nekros ulti jamming (either units never despawning or never being counted as despawning = forever locked in "power in use")

6.) Ember's skills. I feel like her skills are conceptually broken at this point. 1 and 3 are ok, maybe damage tweaks (possibly extending the range of 3's AoE inwardly but giving it fall-off so enemies inside the ring take damage just not *much* damage) 2 and 4 overlap and feel clumbsy... I would remove 2 in it's current state and give ember some sort of straight CC (like an explosion of fire that does light damage but has an effect similar to blind).

7.) Toggled weapon elemental effects. one element and sometimes two can look pretty nice... 3 look $&*&*#(%&. I can change all manner of other customization options but why can't I turn off effects indiviually or just an all or nothing deal? I often end up running with mods that have no visual effect despite them being less effective for cosmetic reasons.

8.) Depth of melee combat. Really, you don't need to do crazy combo linking or anything, but at very least PSO like attack routines would go soooooo far in just making melee combat more interesting; adding a reason to use different weapon types would be huge (mostly an issue on long-swords). It would also be three different kinds of awesome if each weapon had a special variant attack for weapon types that are loosely combo based "i.e. attack-attack-charge-charge (2nd charge is unique attack) this could either be for weapon types or for individual weapons (or a mix of the two)

9.) Seriously... don't fix blocking being useless via mods. That just feels like you're punishing me for block not being remotely viable by itself.

10.) Toggle mount (flipping up the side of things at the end of wall jumps). Some of us can't stand it, and it eliminates a lot of fun advanced movement. R.I.P. rocket volt.

11.) Weapon... SKINS. Please. We have a huge pool of variety already... Recent weapons have been fairly same-samey; if you're not introducing a signficant new style of a weapon *and* that type of weapon already has multiple varients please make it a skin. Keep the skins cosmetic, keep them out of the drop pools, you'll get a lot of love and money for it.

12.) have a second rule for alerts up that *always* spawns a resource alert.

13.) Give us the ability to buy and sell multiples.

14.) Let us queue foundry items; it's bad enough we have to wait 12 hours to build; let us order 2 or 3 in a row please. If it takes 1 min to build, let us queue 5 please.

15.) Conclaive rating doesn't need to be showing for matchmaking.

16.) Sentenal stats as part of UI

17.) Expanded weapon utility. Give me a bolo gun with a slow rate of fire that rag-dolls and blows up. Give me a goo launcher that coats the floor and slows enemy units who walk over it. It's great to always have guns that kill things, but seriously... explore CC weapons

18.) Universal power sets. Not "every power can be used by any frame" but rather specific powers that every frame can use.

19.) Alternative power sets. Kind of like before, only continued themes. Both can be introduced slowly.

20.) Chat connectivity.

And bunches of more stuff... but that's a good start.

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Didn't carefully read thread, so forgive me for any overlaps... Here's a semi-quick list off the top of my head:

1.) In list already+Scott said absolutely no way to unstuck command in livestream already.

2.) In list of needing narrower focus.  "Details"

3.) In list already.

4.) In list already.

5.) Nekros ulti jamming (either units never despawning or never being counted as despawning = forever locked in "power in use")

6.) This is perception. Please provide hard factual issues.

7.) This is perception. Please provide hard factual issues.

8.) This is perception. Please provide hard factual issues.

9.) This is perception. Please provide hard factual issues.

10.) Toggle mount (flipping up the side of things at the end of wall jumps). Some of us can't stand it, and it eliminates a lot of fun advanced movement. R.I.P. rocket volt.

11.) This is perception. Please provide hard factual issues.

12.) have a second rule for alerts up that *always* spawns a resource alert.

13.) Give us the ability to buy and sell multiples.

14.) Let us queue foundry items; it's bad enough we have to wait 12 hours to build; let us order 2 or 3 in a row please. If it takes 1 min to build, let us queue 5 please.

15.) Answered in livestream already.  Devs are removing it from player list UI window.

16.) Sentenal stats as part of UI

17.) Expanded weapon utility. Give me a bolo gun with a slow rate of fire that rag-dolls and blows up. Give me a goo launcher that coats the floor and slows enemy units who walk over it. It's great to always have guns that kill things, but seriously... explore CC weapons

18.) Universal power sets. Not "every power can be used by any frame" but rather specific powers that every frame can use.

19.) In list of needing narrower focus.  "Details"

20.) In list already.

I'll go back over the other ones when I get home today.

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I hope DE would bother.

Let's get on with it, then...

- Add extra planetary system, with new mods/contents moved from the old system to there. Should decrease RNG tomfollery.

- Focus more fun-PvE, less on PvP.

-- Grinding is not fun.

- Make better objective pointer. It's still confusing for new players even today.

- More focus on Lores. Maybe each frame's lore. Reading is fun.

- Make more Nekros-esque login screen, but with other frames. Saryn decapitating someone with a Mire would be nice.

- Fix the persistent UI freeze.

- Make sentinels cloaks with Loki when he goes invisible, and such.

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I know it will amount to nothing but here it goes.


Do this S#&$ now when you have a low player count and less people will taste the poison, but it'll make new(er) players feel a lot better in the long run. Game is dying anyway, its not like you can make it worse.




1. Event only rewards being strictly cosmetic. This allows one to better $&*^wave their exclusive cosmetic as it will always be available and visible. The second part is that for whatever reason, event exclusives tend to be hideously overpowered. Blacklight Retribution handled this well, with rewards either consisting of pre-made guns, variant vanity helmets, and badges. You could see them, but they provided no power over another player that was unobtainable.


2. PvP is now a thing, even though nobody wanted it and you said you wouldn't support it. Either make it semi-functional or cut it off.


3. Cut the stats off helmets. Cosmetics shouldn't affect gameplay.


4. Get that new UI person to make functional UI, don't be afraid to overhaul if possible. Its terribly buggy right now.


5. Start lumping useless mods together, or remove them. Some mods have no right to take up a whole mod slot, see Warm Coat.


6. Treat the game like a true beta and change S#&$. You have your EULA to abuse and protect yourself.

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 I don't know if we should bother, it's like when I posted in other games, like Planetside 2 for example(I was in Closed Beta), about MAXes having shoulder mounted cannons and abilities activated by specifics backpacks (EMP, Shield Generator, Etc), gigantic mobile bases with arachnid like legs, etc(I saw a lot of potential in this game). Almost a year later, they changed almost nothing, they focused in stupids (and bad designed) weapons, horrible camos, etc.

 I played this game approximately 450 Hours ( I have reset the account when it was around 300 Hours), and I don't get bored a lot but then I realised I just play it because I hope they add the stuff I see in the forums, but it looks like it's not going to happen. It's like we are daydreaming about how the game could be, I'm just a bit tired of this (-_-).

 Anyway, if this game wants to survive, it needs to do something fast, because there are a lot of other online games coming 10x times better. (Star Citizen, Black Desert, The Division, Destiny, GTA V Online, Battlefield 4, ETC)

Edited by Xymos
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Gonna try to keep this list as small as I can:

-buffs for a few weapons that are easily overshadowed(grakata, latron, both tenno model shotguns, burston and a large number of sidearms)

-longsword buffs

-less speed, more parkour and stealth.Ninjas weren't known for running like idiots and then sliding in order to "rest" or spinning with dual weapons like helicopters

-Smarter AI

-level scaling for missions.Too many low level not enough high level missions.

-give weapons an actual recoil.Right now most weapons in the game are sprayable.

-moar lore

-as a bonus, improved bullet tracer effects plx

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