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l can't trade or see other people/tennos in my dojo or maroos bazarr


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So lt started around sunday the 30th september 2019. l was gonna trade a nyx prime neuroptics with a guy that offerd me 20p and l said sure.

So l invited him and we went to my dojo and l loaded in first so l was waiting on him, but he never showed up.. after a minute l asked where he was and he said  "in your dojo where you invited me..but l can't see you" and l said cant see you either.. so l restarted the game and invited him again and did the same thing. and the same thing happend when l couldn't see him.. So l was like thats weired... it will hopefully fix itself tomorrow....  its the 2 october now and is still not fixed... please fix please please please :love: PS From a lovely tenno


edit: l now know what the problem is... it is that l dont have the two-step-verification on..... l tried to enable it but.. lt didn't work.

l go on the warframe website and go to my account mangement but the two-step-verification thing doesn't show up.

l have looked up on youtube but doesn't work aswell so please messenge DE about this 


Edited by (XB1)Noobanjoplayer2
l figured out what the problem is
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Do you meet the requirements to trade?

  • 2FA enabled.
  • Current XB Live subscription.
  • MR2+

Not seeing people in relays/dojos could be an issue with your connection to the servers. If possible, change the ports or setup port forwarding. Either might help, but only if you meet the requirements.

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