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If warframe wants to appeal to "casual players" then the game should be dumbed down(SEVERE SARCASTIC RANT INBOUND)


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But the game is dumbed down and does appeal to casual players...most the things on your checklist are already true with slight variation considered to their description, or is that the sarcasm bit?

1. Remove any complex modding mechanics, crit, status, status chance, etc. These are not nessessary because actually having to prepare a build would require thinking and effort which people dont like to do (plus these mechanics are pointless when 95% of the content on the starchart can be cleared with only a few mods). Getting rid of these things would draw more people into the game and let them experience the " power fantasy" appeal of the game without effort. no thinking Would be required and new players could get into the game easier. Rivens. Status. crit builds. corrosive builds. corrosive projection. Complex? Really?

2. Remove 99% of the mods, to defeat any enemy on the star chart, all you should need for rifles is serration split chamber and a few elemental mods, there fore the rest of the mods should be disposed of because they only confuse new players. There are a ton of mods that are useless and there are often times fewer more predominate mods that are used many times over and over again. This nulls variety and complex modding. 

3. Make it impossible to fail a mission, there is already no challenge to this game, so failing a mission might as well not be possible. Failing is nearly impossible. You get several revives and that's only if a teammate doesn't pick you up. How often on the star chart are you threatened to go down?

4. Eliminate any difficult game modes such as eidolons, arbitrations, elite sanctuary onslaught, and sorties, these game modes are too difficult and nobody likes to fail a mission. These are hard? I find them repetitive and boring.

5. Just to  Make sure that nobody is confused make  a long tutorial at the beginning of the game so that nobody will have to think and they can just mindlessly slaughter everything without needing to put any effort in. There is a long tutorial, and often you don't need to put any effort into slaughtering mindlessly through most the star chart.

Someone else also added "You forgot a "claim reward" button instead of playing the mission for peoples who dont have time to play or dont like the mission" You mean like Login Rewards?

I'm starting to think I'm the idiot sandwich here, the joke went that far over my head, really? am I being trolled? Wait...that is the joke, right? That this stuff is already true. Right....riiiiiiiggghhhhttt....right? Right!!?!? I don't get it.


Edited by ikkabotz
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You are right, lets not bend to casuals.

Before any spy console can be hacked must be done you must solve a complex algebraic theorem such as Hadamard conjecture

If you incorrectly calculate the input before the hack your MR is reset to 0

If you fail a 2nd time you will suffer 50% xp gain penalty for 1 year

Fail 3 times and you suffer 99% xp gain penalty for 5 years.

That will show them casuals that hardcore players are willing to do what it takes and won't cry!

Edited by xxswatelitexx
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3 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

Just curious what makes "hardcore" players have such contempt for casual players. Is it some misplaced feeling of superiority that you can't get IRL?


Because I wouldn't consider myself casual at all, and I don't feel this unbridled hatred for people that don't want to live on the game.

For me less on casual players as it is on devs.

It's because devs can make a game so god awful easy and boring to play that what used to be fun is disassembled into like having instructions on a poptart to remove the poptart from the packaging before you eat it or place it in a toaster. Eyeballs packaging of poptart in print on the side: Step One, remove poptart. 

The short version of it is they take what was fun in game play and make it incredibly boring...especially when it feels like all you have to do to understand a game play situation is add one dimensional element to solve it or push a button to respond to it...a literal easy button. Even then some games do that masterfully, like Detroit: Becoming Human. But on other games...It really has less to do with any feeling of superiority, it has to do with just being bored out of your mind and possibly really disappointed in a game that was once incredible getting stripped of its best or most entertaining qualities. It's not that I necessarily want a game that is so hard to play that it's just difficult to be difficult either...it's more when the fun factor gets completely sapped

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