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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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23 minutes ago, (XB1)Th3BelovedSaint said:

Dont really care if you "buy it" or not. I use it because it is fun. Also. I run with squads from my clan, so, nochance of "stealing" your fun. Have no fear, DE will eventually puke on something you do like. 

Nice chatting. Have fun.

so good on you you are playing with cheesy with mainly/only clan mates

but for sure this game is more about online for everyone, not only premade groups of friends/clanmates

and so here we are where something for you is fun, ok, but because it is fun it doesnt matter it should be on top of literally everything while at same time stealing fun of other player who dont use it because of how it works

btw we can have nice, fun things and not to be op af and because for some players something is fun it doesnt means it should stay in op state at all

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On 2019-11-02 at 12:26 AM, Naeroth said:

As an avid Catchmoon user i'm going to throw my own two cents in here over the recent nerf. First of, it was a long time coming. You knew it, and i knew it. The fact that they only nerfed the effective range was actually a very gentle nerf from their side. It is still VERY effective at medium to short range, which is true to the description of it firing an unstable plasma ball. I used it almost exclusively during a 60 minute solo Survival Arbitration against the infested, and it only stopped being effective at around 45 minutes. So really the only nerf here is that people can no longer use it as a hallway clearing pocket sniper.

Also, putting projectile velocity Exilus mods on brings the effective range back up somewhat on top of this.

It's still crazy strong, people need to stop acting like the sky is falling. The nerf hasn't even managed to make me stop using it as my main primary...

Edited by SolarDwagon
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