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Wolf sledge unique moves gone?


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The wolf sledge used to have the wolf's unique move set, for example, his spin attack.

Now, it's moving exactly like a regular hammer, aside from the throw option.

Has anyone else experienced this?

It cant have been the intention to partially remove the weapon's uniqueness?

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That's just the standard crushing ruin spin, also available to all other hammers.

The wolf sledge used to have a completely unique move set, for example, it's spin dash was longer, moved you around 3x the distance forward.

I'm pretty sure the quick melee attacks were also different, but I cant exactly go back and check the old version to compare, I'm using the long spin dash as an example, as it's the most obvious move that's vanished.


Basically, the wolf sledge used to ignore whatever stance mod you put on it, and have it's own moveset, that was exactly like the combat pattern you see the wolf using when you fought him.

Now I cant find a way to access the wolf combat moves.

I suspect they updated ALL stances as a group, and forgot that this weapon used to be unique in more ways than it's extra throw attack.

Edited by enizer
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