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ignore function


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i have a great idea about the ignore button. if you start texting someone you never met before, you just cant text him and ignore him 5 seconds later. at least there should be a 5 min ignore block to give the people the chance to answer. someone just told me im toxic via pm and imediatly ignored me. i just said one thing in group chat and it was just a joke. not even a hard one. happend to me a couple of times during the last 3 years. at least one answer should be allowed. i cant see why someone should be allowed to tell me im toxic and ignore me. i demand the right to answer at least once. besides that people who start a conversation just to tell other people how they are not behaving correctly and ignore them right after, seem to be real weak in charakter. we shouldnt support this behavior. so i would realy like to see that change coming

Edited by JohnnyTsunami1337
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Players are free to say things without giving the chance for others to reply back. that's how it is. If the player you met trully believes you were toxic in a way it's not allowed ingame, they will submit a report.

If they submit a report and there's no evidence of you being offensive, nothing will happen to you and the reporter essentially risks the account.

If you have nothing to fear, don't worry.

I also note that while you wanted to reply back, if you get that chance in the future, always stay calm and never flame, because if you do, that's the proof they need to screw you over.

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I'm sure if the feature you wanted to be added to the game would actually be added, it could be misused. For example: Someone is trying to spoil, scam you or threaten you. You send one last message and then block him, that same guy now has the ability to send one last message to you, this could be a threat or a spoiler you woulnd't want to read. This would probably lead to more problems then before.

I know its annoying to have some tard tell you something and then just block you, but there's really not a single thing you can do about it, just block him back so he can't repeat the process and then end the conversation.

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Am 5.11.2019 um 12:35 schrieb (XB1)R3d P01nt:

People are under no obligation to allow you to have the "right to answer at least once" as you don't actually have that right.

if someone starts a conversation, i think there is no other right way than allow to answer. the ingame button even says "talk"

if thats not possible i should be asked if i want to take a massage from a stranger.

i totaly dont undestand why its possible to start talking and block someone at the same time. realy makes no sense to me.

Edited by JohnnyTsunami1337
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5 minutes ago, JohnnyTsunami1337 said:

if someone starts a conversation, i think there is no other right way than allow to answer. the ingame button even says "talk"

if thats not possible i should be asked if i want to take a massage from a stranger.

i totaly dont undestand why its possible to start talking and block someone at the same time. realy makes no sense to me.

Nope, you have no right to have the last word.

The other person found what you said to be offensive, they let you know, then they shielded themselves from further retaliation from you.  Seems legit to me.  You cannot force others to be subjected to your words.  If it bothers you that much, I suggest you act polite and reasonable and not give people reason to block you.

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the way you argue still doesnt make sense to me. why do they have the right to spoil me with their opinion, but i cant defend? dont get that logic. in that case shouldn´t I at least be asked if i would like to take a massage from someone? but i guess i stand alone with my point of view. still think its a weak behavior to act that way. if i could choose not to have a chat at all, definetly would choose that option.

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