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Do you agree if warframe abilities require line of sight? (and another thing))


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49 minutes ago, Tyreaus said:

They also need to look at each nuke frame's kit to figure out what kind of problem each nuke ability has, because it isn't always just vanilla spammability. Saryn's spores don't really have a recast problem, as far as I can see, as much as they just spread very, very, very well, especially with Miasma. I see her clearing rooms but the amount of times she has to cast to clear rooms is quite low, all things considered. Compared to Ember, a meter doesn't seem like it'd make as much of a difference on Saryn. But my observations might be inaccurate, too.

Equinox, on the other hand, already effectively has a meter in her 4 with the kills it needs to charge. It's just that the meter maxes out very easily. That could still be leveraged, e.g. by ramping up  the percentage of enemy health and shields stored for every kill she makes, from 1% to 50%, so there's more of a ramp-up in her meter that requires her to contribute directly.

One important consideration is that we wouldn't want to have the Gauss problem of "spam ability just to get charge". I don't think many people liked that. There should be some kind of enemy interaction in there, like how Nidus does it.

Game design is difficult at times :C

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2 minutes ago, Raqiya said:

Game design is difficult at times :C

It really can be.

I mean, in some respects, it seems simple. As a developer, play the game yourself. Here's a problem, here's a solution. Does it work? Yes? Cool.

And then you release that solution to the general public, thinking it'll work in way X, and then people take it along route Y instead. See, for example, the recent melee update. They were touting, and likely expecting, people to interweave light and heavy attacks all over the place. They ended up with the precise inverse. Just about everyone does or talks about one or the other.

And that's just in a single update. The nuking problem has been ongoing for years. When things have been around that long, you don't even get to the technical issues and questions before you run into other problems. Namely: when you try to fix it, just how many players are going to quit, and what kind of impact will that have on your revenue? Not exactly easy to address that by playing the game more often.

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15 hours ago, 844448 said:

Here's a question, can you spam all abilities as you wish or is there an ability that can wipe an area no matter if enemies are behind cover or not with no cooldown at all?

There are multiple abilities that can do so, yet the AI still matters because they can detect grenades that do so, or an supering guardian coming towards them and don't simply stand there. They'll move to avoid the grenade, the rocket launcher, the super that's heading towards the cover. At the very least, they do logical things like not walking towards each other when they're hit with Shadowshot, but rather walking away from the anchor so that they don't all die at the same time. Something like that would be nice against Saryn's spores, where all the enemies affected don't run towards unaffected enemies, they instead spread out and not stand there. Instead of making everything weaker, or adding immunities to everything like in Arbitrations, there's a lot more value in improving base enemies to do things more than walk, shoot, and maybe knock you down. Maybe after we make enemies have actual presence do we start nerfing everything. 

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2 hours ago, ShichiseitenYasha said:

There are multiple abilities that can do so, yet the AI still matters because they can detect grenades that do so, or an supering guardian coming towards them and don't simply stand there. They'll move to avoid the grenade, the rocket launcher, the super that's heading towards the cover. At the very least, they do logical things like not walking towards each other when they're hit with Shadowshot, but rather walking away from the anchor so that they don't all die at the same time. Something like that would be nice against Saryn's spores, where all the enemies affected don't run towards unaffected enemies, they instead spread out and not stand there. Instead of making everything weaker, or adding immunities to everything like in Arbitrations, there's a lot more value in improving base enemies to do things more than walk, shoot, and maybe knock you down. Maybe after we make enemies have actual presence do we start nerfing everything. 

And what are those abilities? So far my experience as sentinel titan doesn't give it at all. You can only throw a grenade once in roughly a minute, put barrier or use melee ability in a timed interval and super has even longer. I don't see any skill that I can spam here

AI doesn't even move to avoid the grenade, they only bow and cover their head when they're near the grenade and doesn't move away when I use the arc version so are you sure you're playing the same version as mine? They hardly move away from your shots and more often just stand there taking hits or walk slowly without finding a cover while I can see the grineer walk around shooting while moving to nearest cover

And how we can make enemies have actual presence if we keep wiping it out? Not even military elites as AI will survive against warframes when cover doesn't protect them from things like maim, spore or miasma

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