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Galatine Op Y/n?


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Stop judging something Overpowered or not with your noob &#! inexperience weaklings!

Yes those had to be said!!!


I'm tired of you guys discussing something is OP or not, and moving onto saying nerf this nerf that.


If that item/Frame/Weapon is OP in your opinion, bring it to a higher tier, kill some high level enemies, solo a T3 survival and come back and tell me that S#&$ is OP!


Jesus freakin christ, can't catch a break here.


Melee was never a preferred weapon for any Tennos out there. Anyone with a rifle would rather pull the trigger than run after some Grineer to chop 'em up. The Melee system NEEDS a buff. If somehow Galatine got nerf because some stupid &#! on the forum whines about it, I'm tracking each and everyone of your IP address down and come over and *@##$ slap you till you're sober.

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So most of the players here are complaining or flaming that the Galatine is too strong and other  weapons like the Gram are getting useless...


Thats not true!


Galatine has the slowest charge speed and if you compare the charges you can do in several minutes you will see that the damage is the same.


For example:


Gram does 50 charges per minute and each deals 600 Damage = a total of 30.000 Damage

Galatine does 37 charges per minute and each deals 800 Damage = a total of 29.600


So what exactly do you want? :) Stop flaming about the Galatine its balanced in my opinion.



Better buff the Stalker weapons which actually cost arround 50€...

Hate is crap compared to Orthos, Gram and Galatine.

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So most of the players here are complaining or flaming that the Galatine is too strong and other  weapons like the Gram are getting useless...


Thats not true!


Galatine has the slowest charge speed and if you compare the charges you can do in several minutes you will see that the damage is the same.


For example:


Gram does 50 charges per minute and each deals 600 Damage = a total of 30.000 Damage

Galatine does 37 charges per minute and each deals 800 Damage = a total of 29.600


So what exactly do you want? :) Stop flaming about the Galatine its balanced in my opinion.



Better buff the Stalker weapons which actually cost arround 50€...

Hate is crap compared to Orthos, Gram and Galatine.


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Stop judging something Overpowered or not with your noob &#! inexperience weaklings!

Yes those had to be said!!!


I'm tired of you guys discussing something is OP or not, and moving onto saying nerf this nerf that.


If that item/Frame/Weapon is OP in your opinion, bring it to a higher tier, kill some high level enemies, solo a T3 survival and come back and tell me that S#&$ is OP!


Jesus freakin christ, can't catch a break here.


Melee was never a preferred weapon for any Tennos out there. Anyone with a rifle would rather pull the trigger than run after some Grineer to chop 'em up. The Melee system NEEDS a buff. If somehow Galatine got nerf because some stupid &#! on the forum whines about it, I'm tracking each and everyone of your IP address down and come over and $#*(@ slap you till you're sober.



THIS * 10000000000000000000...............

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So most of the players here are complaining or flaming that the Galatine is too strong and other  weapons like the Gram are getting useless...


Thats not true!


Galatine has the slowest charge speed and if you compare the charges you can do in several minutes you will see that the damage is the same.


For example:


Gram does 50 charges per minute and each deals 600 Damage = a total of 30.000 Damage

Galatine does 37 charges per minute and each deals 800 Damage = a total of 29.600


So what exactly do you want? :) Stop flaming about the Galatine its balanced in my opinion.



Better buff the Stalker weapons which actually cost arround 50€...

Hate is crap compared to Orthos, Gram and Galatine.

Your numbers are wrong.  Very wrong.  The following graphs don't even account for the fact that Galatine can hit twice with a swing.




I don't even have a stance on the balance of it yet.  It's so far out in left field compared to all the other melee weapons and they're all junk when compared to guns, so who knows what the target for melee balance should be.


That said, you should really strikethrough anything in your post about numbers or backed up by numbers because you are utterly wrong.

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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Quick question, how many situations does the game require you to fight something over level 100? If you said "Only in rare alerts,T3 Defense and T3 Survival missions", you were correct, and even in those cases the maximum level enemy that the game ever expects you to face is only about level 130. Its so rare to fight something over level 100, that I think we can safely consider it an outlier in terms of game balance. Although the Soma still outperforms every other primary in that case anyway.


I didn't say anything contrary to the existence of weapon tiers so I don't see why you feel the need to bring that up in response to a post that already mentioned "endgame" weapons. The problem is that Soma outperforms even other high mastery requirement weapons like the Supra, Lanka, and Flux Rifle, and it doesn't require clan research or days of building clan components to make like other "high tier" weapons. Giving it a high mastery requirement without changing anything else is kind of ignoring the issue. Unless damage 2.0 comes with a lot of weapon rebalances, I'll still say Soma offers a bit too much power for something that requires very little effort to obtain.

Please use spacing next time it is harder to read clumps.


I just used the T3 keys as the example because it is the number one things that people ask for groups in clan chat.



1. Supra should not be a rank 7 weapon; at most it's stats would make it rank 4.

2. There are only 4 good rifle :Soma, Hind, synapse, and Flux rifle. The others are not at a level that would give them a higher than rank 4 requirement.

3. Soma can not match lanka, ogris or any good shotgun in single hit damage.

4. Soma can not beat a flux rifle under any situation on light infested.

5. Soma can not beat a synapse on corpus.

6. Many weapons are grossly underpowered for the difficulty in acquiring them(looking at you braton prime).

Edited by LazyKnight
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Please use spacing next time it is harder to read clumps.


I just used the T3 keys as the example because it is the number one things that people ask for groups in clan chat.



1. Supra should not be a rank 7 weapon; at most it's stats would make it rank 4.

2. There are only 4 good rifle :Soma, Hind, synapse, and Flux rifle. The others are not at a level that would give them a higher than rank 4 requirement.

3. Soma can not match lanka, ogris or any good shotgun in single hit damage.

4. Soma can not beat a flux rifle under any situation on light infested.

5. Soma can not beat a synapse on corpus.

6. Many weapons are grossly underpowered for the difficulty in acquiring them(looking at you braton prime).

I'm going to have correct one part, Hind is not good. It's not, Boltor is better and that's saying something.

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