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Galatine Op Y/n?


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I'm with Blatantfool, it's all personal preference really. Anyway, I like the new heavy sword, base attack may not be equal to the Gram, but the Charged attack is worth it. Also matches my Excalibur with the Pendragon Helmet and my Uru Syandanas :D The fact the weapon's charge attack takes longer is reasonable for the damage it can do, which I always get 800 damage on charged. Every weapon has it's faults.

Edited by Zenn
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Its good. We need more weapons like it. People often say "oh well, level 100 enemies are only a small portion of the game" in defense of weak weapons.Guess what. Its still part of the game. I could argue low levels are just a small part of the game, does that mean we should not add any content for it?

If Galatine is the first weapon of a new breed then its good. Devs better churn out a few more fast though. This way the population knows.

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No, because did you ever try it?


HUGE &#!.


Even with all charge speed mods on max.


Did you try it? 1,3s is not that much.


But still not OP, first barely viable melee weapon imo.

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I haven't maxed a lot of melee weapons but I'm going to have to say no. If anything the other melee weapons are underpowered.

We're tenno, supposed to be masters of the gun and blade and be just as effective with both. We should be able to go pure melee if we want to and be just as effective.

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Just because this is one of the first few melee weapons that can actually be used, doesn't mean it's OP.

 So true.



If any nerf is incoming i want my Platinum back... This weapon is good enough for high Lv enemies, balance with slow charge speed and the damage is quite okay...

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this. it´s not that the gelatine sword is OP, it´s that all other melee weapons are very, very bad. even at low levels. get a skana and try using it to kill enemies on the first mission. very weak, isn´t it?

I have to agree. Galatine is still inferior to the majority of Ranged weapons for high end gameplay. But simply increasing the damage of melee weapons is not a good way to improve Melee combat. See my suggestion in this forum for further details.




But skana one hits ranged mobs on the first missions with charge attack.


(btw, I am not one of those anti nerf people. I am one of the "Nerf Nova, Strun Wraith etc" people.)

Edited by Frendh
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Just because this is one of the first few melee weapons that can actually be used, doesn't mean it's OP.


Youre right.

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It's a result of power creep and DE refusing to balance older weapons because "they believe in tiers" (which is just a lazy cop-out).

you do realize hour many underpowered things have been added, right? DE just isn't good at initial balance it seems. Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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As long as nova can turn mass waves of mobs into mist I don't see how anything else can possibly be "over powered."


Melee weapons are due for an update anyways, might get it by default depending on how this armor thing works out that's supposed to happen.

Edited by Carcharias
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You could have a melee that deals 9001 damage, but it would still be outclassed by guns, because guns mean you can hit from a distance.

(hue) Galatine already deals more than 9001 damage. 

~14k without any bonuses, ~28k with the most popular ones.


Galatine is certainly OP, but it's OP in comparison to an underpowered weapon group.

Edited by taiiat
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The Galatine has a 0.15 attack speed increase from the Gram, making it better with the Fury mod. Although the charged attack takes longer than the gram, it actually helps. For instance, if there's a large number of baddies, start running, charge your attack as soon as you come around the corner, and hopefully once you reach them and in range, release and watch the blood and guts fly :3 It does help relieve since it also has more reach than the Gram, a distant crowd control melee weapon.

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I think the really long charge time and lower base damage makes it slightly better.. although 400 is a lot. But still, we need end-game weapons.

i agree, i mean i would like my glaive to actually be useful in t3 void runs. *cross fingers for op glaive prime*

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Orthos/Prime is still better.  Galatine may have double the charge damage but the charge time is a major setback.  Even with a maximum Reflex Coil and Focus Energy it's slow.  Orthos on the other hand fires off near instantly.  Galatine brings a high risk playstyle to the game, something we should applaud DE on.



Yep, and if Galatine was a prime void drop that took 30 runs to grind and had a mastery 5 rank, it would be perfect!


Except - it was a credit buyable weapon that nearly every single player now uses, which has basically made all other melee deprecated.

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