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(XBX) The Old Blood Update Feedback


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I'm not going to comment in depth on everything regarding this update. I have yet to participate in the Lich system but I have some comments on it from what I have deduced so far. I'm mainly going to focus on the melee techniques and what I think would've been a better way to introduce the Lich system.


For the most part this is a great improvement to the melee system and mechanics for MOST weapons. It brings a fresh, more interactive method of play for sure but there are some issues with some of the techniques. For example, some of the stances like bleeding willow require an (Lt + forward)+B to use the stance technique but this attack is a jumping slash attack and most often propels you past your target in an attempt to attack. This new stance mechanic also doesn't allow for any change in direction of attack (like was once such an awesome display of angry Yoda lightsaber prowess) which means that you either can only use the basic technique or can only attack in a forward direction, which is not a viable means for any mission as most enemies scatter into circles or are too spread out for any effect. 


Change the button combo to Lt+B with no direction involved for stances like this one

Besides that issue there are only minor break downs in attack flow mechanics. This part of the update is the most successful and appreciated in my opinion so far. Thanks DE.


I really appreciate the lighting changes in missions. I was shocked by the quality and how much more realistic the game looked. Good job. I also liked the changes on the arsenal. It's much more easy to navigate and more organized. The kuva missions being added to the nav bar is great but it would have been nice if nightmare missions had also been added. 


I'm disappointed in this warframe and with the general direction of warframe productions. First, the design of this frame is awful and depicts an aspect of lazy, half-hearted repurposing of old designs. The first thing I noticed about this frame was the Excalibur-like horn, then the grotesque jack-o-lantern belly, then the rhino (animal) like accents on the shoulders and thighs. Second, animation style... where to begin... so now we have a world-eating-pumpkin-sumo wrestler-rhino- thats piggybacking and cluster@$%÷ing the actual grendel myth and sumo lifestyle. The whole design of the frame leads to the crappy sumo animations.... and dont get me started on the ability sounds.... I could deal with this frame better if the Grendel myth hadn't been hijacked by this sumo wrestler. I'm mostly staying my opinion here and it should be taken as such rather than as a constructive feedback. Moving on to general warframe productions... I think you (DE) need to stop on frame production, or at least slow down significantly. I understand that new frames bring a lot of revenue and what not so I'm not limited in the business perspective at all but I think that frame production is too shortsighted if your goal is revenue, which comes from an active player base. Rather than frame production, focus on lore production. Look at Marvel, their franchise is based on lore. Millions of people geek out over it. Myself included. I do the same thing with this game too but there are a lot of things that need to be answered and need to progress in the warframe universe. Which brings me to the Lich system.


I haven't participated in this Lich system in order to acquire my villain and what not. I'm not commenting on the mechanics of this system at all. The introduction of this system... well, frankly stinks. This system should have been introduced via a new quest (which is how all new content of this magnitude should be introduced) not some cheap opening theme after the update. This is how I think the system should have been introduced that would produce more lore junkies and could still be administered. 

The Old Blood becomes a quest: this quest begins with the opening skit that was shown after acquiring the update. This quest goes through the process of acquiring and killing the player's first Lich, essentially acting as a tutorial on how the system works but also explores more in depth of how the Liches came to be developed, the purpose of the queens in creating the liches (which could play into the new war and also the other warframe concept of operating spaceships?) and explores the origin of the parazon (which hopefully has some orokin-grineer origin) and kuva and why it's so important to the queens and also rewards the player with the means of defeating a lich, along with another reward only obtainable through the quest (not a weapon). 

I saw a post regarding the kuva Lich system that requested a means of opting out of this system so as to avoid the supposed RNG rabbit hole. Having this turned into a quest makes this a sufficient opt out for players, and for players who have acquired a Lich ally, weapon, requiem mod, and the standard parazon get an incentive to compete the quest in order to either access their current Lich and kuva weapons acquired before the quest along with the additional reward or to just learn more about the lore itself and build up for future lore. 

That's my feedback on this new update. I will post more feedback in a different feed on the Lich system mechanics once I have gone through the process.

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