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Sword And Gun.


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So. Longswords suck. And the non-dual versions of weapons with dual versions (bolto, lato, etc) are generally not used. Possible solution? When using your weilding a single pistol and have a longsword equiped, you'll weild your sword in your offhand, giving you zero weapon switch time, and giving you a chance to block melee attacks. Also, you'll be weilding a sword and gun at the same time, which is awesome.

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Could add damage multipliers to make it more effective and or allow for a sword guard stance meaning, you would be blocking like the whole time while shooting you pistol one handed (same as op's idea just autoblocking). It would still have to consume some stamina but with the new mods you could get some really exciting setups. It would also allow for some very interesting weapon combos (Kraken in one hand and machete in other). The finisher moves could be cool, stab em in the chest and shoot em in the head at the same time.

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Could add damage multipliers to make it more effective and or allow for a sword guard stance meaning, you would be blocking like the whole time while shooting you pistol one handed (same as op's idea just autoblocking). It would still have to consume some stamina but with the new mods you could get some really exciting setups. It would also allow for some very interesting weapon combos (Kraken in one hand and machete in other). The finisher moves could be cool, stab em in the chest and shoot em in the head at the same time.

That would be one idea; if an enemy is in reach, you'll make sword attacks in combo with pistol shots when the enemy is close enough. Maybe give longswords some good stagger (like the dual ether has) so you can stunlock an enemy with your sword while you blow away with your pistol.

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Not like ninjas used guns in the first place.

Yeah, but we're already plundering ships, killing political bigots and recruiting(rescue,defense) new members, all in broad daylight.

We may just as well slap on a striped tank top, bandana, eye patch and get a parrot for a sentinel.

I've got nothing against intuitive ways of using weapons, but this one'd make a rather big shift away from ninjas.


Naaaah, just messin with ya. This would actually give me a reason to keep rank 30 single versions of sidearms.

Edited by DeadlyNerd
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