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What Happened To Glaive?


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I got tired of my Dual Zoren and decided to go back to leveling my Glaive, since I recently got a few Killing Blow mods.



Its charge damage is 75. The wiki says 150? I took KB off, still 75. 

Then I tested it out on the first mission in Mercury. I'm pretty sure I saw either a 72 or a 75 pop up every time I got a kill.


Stealth nerfed? For what reason?

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It's already harder to use the Glaive to get kills and they nerfed it?

I don't think they nerfed it. I'm getting damage far higher than 75.


Also, the Arsenal UI is bugged for some people at the moment. While it may say 75 for the Charged Attack, in reality it does far greater.

Edited by PsychedelicSnake
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just visual bug. You could test it instead of come to the forum complain.


Sorry if it sounded like I was complaining.

Also sorry if my post bored you halfway through, because I clearly said that I tried it out and got damages that are lower than 150.

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Then I tested it out on the first mission in Mercury. I'm pretty sure I saw either a 72 or a 75 pop up every time I got a kill.

try it on higher level enemies. if enemies have too little health, i've often noticed the inability to deal full damage. 

ex. - when using weapons such as a Sniper Rifle, the Crits will hit a 'cap' at a certain enemy level if the damage is more than the enemies have in health. 

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