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Alchemy. My new bonus-mechanic idea.


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If you have played warfrme for a long time, you have notice something about resources: the most of them are used only for a mission or a syndicate, and then forgotten.

If you check the wiki page about resources, you'll notice how much there are and you'll also notice how the little of them has really a use. You can also find some resources, that are now in the game, but you probably have never heard about.

My idea consist of give a use to all of this resources (that are already in the game) and some new (logical-connected with the idea).


What's the base of this idea? Easy: like every other object in game, you find some blueprint. Construct the blueprint with the resource will grant you an object.

What are the object you build? The object are temporary short-time various bonus (for the duration of a mission, 2 mission, 3 mission.... 5 minutes, 2 minutes, instantly, etc... etc....) or some temporary  medium-time bonus (1 hour, 2 hous, a day, etc.. etc....). [bonus or enemy malus].

Where i find the blueprint? What's theyr purpose? You can find the blueprint (the name insead of blueprint, could be "recipe part") in every map or game mode, dropped by locker and crates and divided in 4 tier of object. Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic. When you drop a "recipe part", you unlock the use of a resource inside a Mixer (see next question for more info), so you have just to drop X number of this part, where X is the actual number of in-game resources.

This objects are constructed in the foundry? In my idea NO. If DE want this to be banal, the bp could be costructed in the foundry, but to my idea, you have somethig like a new machinery, a sort of Mixer, (alchemical table? Chemical process unit? Elisir sintetizer? Molagdeduba table? Tennonomicron?) ubicated inside the actual "infested room" of your orbiter, where the resources could be mixed to discover potential bonus.

The process is instantly? No it could take a different time, depending wich kind of resources you are trying to mix (mix 2 rare take longer than 1 rare and 1 common, etc....) but of course, not too long. 

I can found only bonus? No. You can also discover some new resources to use in the process. A side note of this question: the actual "mining" foundry part could also be transferred in this new "alchemical table" in form of already discovered resources.

I'v discovered a new bonus; what's now? Ok, you have mixed 2 resources, and you have found a bonus. Now you can costruct an object that give you that bonus. And you can craft it all the time you want, using te same ammount of the same resources. 

Are those bonus sellable? No, the bonus are not sellable, cause all the people will start to spam the market with various "object with bonus" and the market will be broken. But i think the "recipe part" could be sellable. 

How i use my bonus? I've built an object with my discovered  "+15% dmg for 1 mission duration bonus", now? Now you have to equip inside your new gear whell before start the mission (1 is the standard gear whell, 2 is for emote, 3 is the new one for this bonus elixir). In mission you can use it when and where you want.

Something of the actual object could be part of this process? YES. As i say, the alloy/gems blueprint now also unlock for you that resources [it means it unlock "axidrol alloy" to be used but not "axidite"]. Other object that could be transferred from the foundry to the new "mixer" could be the various restore, unlocked buying the bp insted of researching them, or the old, but stil present "ammo box" or "personal health restore". And also fish bait, animals phromones, etc... etc..

New resources for this mechanic? YES, really a lot of new resources. A lot of new scansionable vegetation in different tyleset. New set-connected resources, faction-connected resources, new alloys and gems and fish, new resources dorpped in regular map or particoular game mode, and of course, the new esources you unlock in the Mixer, not found in map, but only craftable. Also put back some old resources and event resources that are not used yet or really low used, but still present in the game (corpus datamass, trembera essence, alpha corruptor, orokin ciphr, somatic fibers, javlok capacitor, etc... etc...) cause we alteady have those resources, so why don't use them?

Nice idea, but ther's a mathematic problem: the possible combination of all the resources with all the other, are more than quaziugabugoliard! How to resolve? Well... my idea is this: not all the combination exist. Maybe there are thousand of different combination that could be implemented and you can only make an existing combination. Unexistent one are not shown and you can't try them. Example: you have unlocked the gallium, the ferrite and the nano spores. You enter inside the mixer and you choose the starting resource. Ferrite. Now where you have to choose the second resource you'll have only the resources that grant you to discover a bonus or a new resources. Gallium and nanospore don't grant anything, so you can't find new elixir. Now you can start with Gallium and you see with second, you can select nano spores. Mix them and discover what they create!
You have also to be provided for an easy way to ceck wich resources could be mixed or not. Using the example just before, when you select Ferrite, it could be written in Red, so yuo don't have to prss it and ceck, but already know that you have no combination. Else the gallium could be in green, so you know that if you press "gallium" as starting resources, you'll find at least 1 combination uresearched.

 Wich Bonus could we find? About this i don't know. There could be infinite, for every aspect. of course i think, for market reason, that must be excluded the one buyable with platinus (so no double resource, cred or exp for you)  but bonus on shield, damage done and taken, healt, speed, apply a particular status on attack, energy bonus, movement bonus, bullet jump bonus, radar for particular object (show on map rare resource with different icon), end infinite more, with different "%" or quantities [for example a bounus could give +20% shield for 30 minutes and another bonus +300 shield for 30 minutes]  

EDIT: I forgot an important not-obvious thing: The new machinery, will be divided in 2 different part:
-) The research part, where you mix 2 (or more?) resources to find a bonus or a new resource.
-) The crafting part, where you can access to already discovered bonus and resources, and craft them  

SRY for long post, i hope you read all, and sry for my bad english.


Edited by MollAgdeduba
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2 hours ago, Nesodos said:

It would be cool to have that along with a bigger orbiter "motherbase" to host it.


If you check my post in the following-posted thread: 

(in the middle of the page) i have also proposed something about the orbiter.  Was an idea to make it more dojo-like builded and 8faint ironically tell about agriculture, well.. i've also thinked about that.

Checking my profile, everyone could see how i love the building / crafting / decorating part of this game 😃 😃 😃 Warframecraft ❤️ 

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