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DE, please reconsider the repair drones thing


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4 hours ago, DtHouse said:

So, if i'm willing to pay where is the problem? I don't have a lot of time because i work a lot and i do personal stuff, so yes, for me drone are a life safer. Thx to them i have the railjack with full MK3 and i don't have anyproblem to give money to DE since they made a lot of new things every time. Drone are good for me, if you don't like them you can allways farm the material, it's up to you. DE didn't force you to use the drone ot other market items, you can still play the game with no restrictions if the farm and the grind it's your way

I understand your point, trust me.

But with resource drones 2 things happen:

1) The resource grind becomes irrelevant. All those rare resources I'm collecting doing railjack missions? I have no use for them.

2) Players willing to spend the plat ( and most people are doing it as far as I can tell ) will blow through the content in no time

A week from now we will start seeing plenty of players that have "finished" Railjack and will start crying "content drought". Sure, there is the Intrinsics to grind for, but that's like grinding focus.

IMHO, this was a bad decision by DE in regards to the life time of the content they just released.

There is of course a valid argument, which I agree with, that the repair cost is too steep. They do need to tone that down.


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Im at 6/6/8/6, 6060HP on my railjack, maxed avionics, decked in T3 except shields which i dont care about that much, maybe for the dmg bonus on depleted shields, all there is left for me is farming for Vidar core and hope its better than my +48 Avi Zetki one so i can slap more avionics on. And im waiting for the fancy stuff we researching in dojo right now (nothing must have).

Thats it, like 4 days of farming in good group AND few repair bots. Still having FUN tho also love how ppl are going :surprised: when they use my ship. So yeah im pretty much done with Empyrean but i will keep grinding and helping others to get MK3 easy.

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31 minutes ago, Benour said:

love how ppl are going :surprised: when they use my ship

You get this response because it's not possible for a ship like yours to exist without shelling out the money. Repair drones need to be cheaper, as do the resource requirements for the repairs themselves.

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