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Zaws and Kitguns should be able to be Disassembled before guilding


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Numbers can mean nothing to a lot of people, you have to feel the weapon out, and if guilding the weapon is giving it the final assembly and spit shine, locking everything in tight and allowing for increased efficiency and effectiveness and all that, then before that happens i should be able to disassemble the parts and swap a piece out. I shouldn't be punished for trying combinations, ESPECIALLY since you need to guild the weapon to earn standing, so you can't abuse this to easily get the standing. It would be much more fair. ESPECIALLY if, when you preview a zaw or kitgun to look at the stats, you could click a button to take that to the simulacrum where that kitgun would be simulated and you could test it, guilded or not, as long as you can test it. Either one of these i feel is a necessary addition to the zaw/kitgun systems.

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You already can view the stats of a gilded modular weapon. It is the fact that you need to calculate the effect of your mods to see the end-result that makes modular weapons so though to make properly. Especially for those who are less used to doing their own builds.

Having a simularicum like setting to test the different types/combinations would be a god blessing especially for new players. I bet this has been suggested before though. You get my blessing for the latter suggestion, the former simply looks to me like to much coding and to much bugfixing to be worth investing in for DE.

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Actually being a coder it wouldn't be that difficult to just keep a 3 digit code attached to unguilded kitguns and zaws (hidden from the player), each digit corresponding to a different piece from each catigory that said weapon is composed of, and if the player decides to deconstruct the kitgun or zaw, it removes the kitgun from your inventory and gives you a built version of the pieces that the 3 digits of the code correspond to. I feel like if they decided to make that system, if one or two coders were dedicated to it, it could be done the next day. I know nothing about Warframe's framework but unless they were REALLY sloppy with their Zaw and Kitgun code that should be a pretty easy thing to implement. 

Edited by TennoHack
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4 hours ago, Quimoth said:

the former simply looks to me like to much coding and to much bugfixing to be worth investing in for DE.

Implementing a system where players can swap out parts of an ungilded zaw might be a bit hard to do, considering DE's spaghetti code. BUT, the game already keeps track of what parts each player's Zaw is made out of-- so it should be exceedingly simple to implement a "Disassemble" option (i.e. delete an un-gilded zaw/kitgun, and add its three components to the player's inventory) as a workaround.


Bonus points if this "delete weapon and refund parts" workaround is disguised as a proper "Swap Parts" UI. Example implementation:

  • Player clicks on hypothetical "Swap Parts" button from Hok's menu, and selects the un-gilded Zaw that they would like to modify. The game opens up the already-existing build-a-zaw interface, but with the current parts set to those of their selected weapon.
  • When the player hits "Save customized Zaw", the game deletes the Zaw from their inventory and gives them a brand-new one from the selected parts (adding/removing parts from their inventory as necessary). This gives the impression that the player's Zaw is having parts swapped out while resetting its rank to 0.

Considering that un-gilded Zaws can't be coloured/potato'd/forma'd/named/etc (i.e. the player won't have any customizations that they'll notice disappearing), it should be virtually indistinguishable from a true part-swapping system. From the player's perspective, at least.

Edited by SortaRandom
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1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

Then speculating on it is, at best, questionable.

I assume it's written in a mannor that is at least somewhat readable seeing as how an ever expanding team needs to work on the same code. It HAS to be readable for anything to get done

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4 minutes ago, TennoHack said:

I assume it's written in a mannor that is at least somewhat readable seeing as how an ever expanding team needs to work on the same code. It HAS to be readable for anything to get done

How does that connect back to saying, with no knowledge of the code, that X system should take Y amount of time to plan, code, test, etc.?

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18 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

How does that connect back to saying, with no knowledge of the code, that X system should take Y amount of time to plan, code, test, etc.?

Because even if you don't know X Y and Z about something, you can make certain assumptions within a safe margin with known information to form an estimation. It's called an estimated guess. Didn't say i was right. Just guessing. But can we please get back on topic please?

Edited by TennoHack
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