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Purchased railjack armament slots are not working, lost platinum?



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Same thing here. Bought a lot of these slots to alleviate the horrible wreckage micromanagement, and got scammed in the process, since wreckage and built parts appear in the same list in the UI, and there was no indication (or even any limit numbers anywhere) that they are actually separate things and the marketplace item doesn't work for the wreckage part. Now I have a lighter wallet and tons of useless slots.

Edited by darsain
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I made several purchases of “Components & Armaments slots” on the ingame market (each 12platinum) to extend railjack armaments capacity. I made first purchases in December and few today also, however I still see in drydock message 'wreckage capacity: 19/30',
So do I still have  the limit of 30. Is this only message problem or my purchases were usless?

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3 hours ago, darsain said:

Same thing here. Bought a lot of these slots to alleviate the horrible wreckage micromanagement, and got scammed in the process, since wreckage and built parts appear in the same list in the UI, and there was no indication (or even any limit numbers anywhere) that they are actually separate things and the marketplace item doesn't work for the wreckage part. Now I have a lighter wallet and tons of useless slots.

You didn't get scammed... You misunderstood. Just as I did until reading that this was happening. 

I think it's an easy mistake that should be looked at to clarify WHAT that purchase is for, but you haven't been scammed when they're not called "wreckage slots."

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On 2019-12-30 at 3:50 PM, allenallenallen333 said:

Could it be that Component and Armament Slots are the number of slots of active non-wreckage items? Making it separate from the 30 wreckage slots that cannot be expanded.

That was my guess.  I bought 1 to see if it upped the max wreckage items and assumed it was by design that you cannot up wreckage slots.

Edited by (PS4)Loki1211
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2 hours ago, EDM774 said:

Wreckage slots  are set to 30 and non expandable. Once you build a wreckage it uses a component/armament slot, those are finite and expandable trough plat purchases.

That's the point of my post... I bought like 22 slots with plat and I still get the 30 wreckage limit warning and have parts auto-scrapped.

I think the wreckage slot expansion pack u can buy in the market is bugged.

On ps4 anyway

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)oxbowdvcorleone said:

That's the point of my post... I bought like 22 slots with plat and I still get the 30 wreckage limit warning and have parts auto-scrapped.

I think the wreckage slot expansion pack u can buy in the market is bugged.

On ps4 anyway

read what I said again... carefully.  Before you repair something it's considered as wreckage and that has 30 slots which YOU CAN NOT INCREASE
After you repair it it uses SEPARATE slots, THOSE are the ones you CAN buy. Nothing is bugged it works as intended. Only thing wrong is you don't see the repaired slots count anywhere at the moment and I think the default is like 4 or 5, cuz when I repaired an engine a shield array and one gun on the second gun it said I was out of slots.

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no I get it... it's stupid... getting a vidar mkiii reactor auto-scrapped because of 30 item limit is really bad...

And I'm not alone in assuming a "component and armament slot" would help alleviate that ridiculous scenario

We can speculate whether it's intended or not... but hardly anyone would disagree that there's a big problem here

Edited by (PS4)oxbowdvcorleone
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here's a wild idea: maybe scrap all the useless wreckage for dirac? you can't willingly want to save all 30 of them right? Max you need is like 6  + maybe 4 for some extra gun choices or something, but everything else should be trash you can just scrap.

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We do. You're trolling

Like a normal person we save 1 or 2 of each and scrap as we get a better wreckage items with better stats. So we have at least 1 or 2 of everything. Many reasons, but a great one is we expect updates to railjack as a whole, so at some point the meta will change. Also like normal people we aren't rushing to repair/build every piece, we wait till we are pretty sure it's a good idea... but mainly nobody has that much asterite and titanium to repair it all.

Then we farm the crap out of missions... but you never know how much wreckage you get in a mission. Many of us would like to chain 10 or more missions together but nobody dares do more than 3 or 4... because you just might hit your wreckage limit and that unicorn 2% vidar mkiii reactor might get awarded at the end of the mission... which means that most important component will be the first thing to get autoscrapped.

This in of itself is bad design. Server database limitations? OK, fine... but the solution shouldn't be screwing a player out of the very thing they spend weeks grinding for.

Then we see the "component and armament slots" available in market... we go "oh, alright, ok, gotta monetize things a little, fine... I'll buy them" and then find out that they don't solve the one problem that they should.

We are reasonable. This is a problem.

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