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Increase photor's cleave!


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The same, ever-persisting difference between projectiles and hitscan is amplified much more in 3d combat with crappy reticle control, wide engagement area and capped camera turn speed:

Projectiles aren't delayed lasers: They have cleave to make up for travel time so being able to hit something isn't actually too annoying and difficult

Hitscans are lasers: Where you point is where you hit.

Turns out, being a laser (literally) is terrible for actually hitting anything in railjack when it's so dependent on where your reticle is: running around like a madman trying to compensate for the camera controls. Not to mention the insanely large play field means enemies >3km away are literal pixels you have to put your reticle on.

Photor has its use in gunner but for piloting its just annoying to be able to hit anything unless given better cleave around the reticle (a thicker laser)


Also, the contrast of the reticle itself sucks. Its just lost on your screen when in heavy combat. Please just make it thicker or let us change its color

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5 minutes ago, Lewdcifer said:

Photor has its use in gunner but for piloting its just annoying to be able to hit anything

I'm convinced that Pilot and Side-gun should be separate weapon categories. With pilot focusing on slow-firing weapons that hit hard, like Cryophon, or possibly have homing capability (check out the original Tennocon 2018 reveal of Empyrean, what Rebecca was firing from the pilot seat). While side-gunners have weapons more like... well, most of the guns we have now.

If Photor worked more like Larkspur to sort of curve towards the nearest target, it would be easier to aim.

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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