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Matrix: The Glitch Frame.


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Hello again, Tenno. I'm back with the 2nd of my dumb Warframe concepts. This time we have Matrix! A frame build on breaking the game, hopefully without actually breaking the game. Full disclosure before we begin, I know this idea is way too farfetched to actually make it near the game, I just figured I'd share it anyway, cause I like how it turned out so far. As with my last frame concept, do let me know how it can be improved.

Without further ado: 

Base health: 125, shields: 80, armor: 100, sprint speed: 1.10x, energy: 90.  

Passive: Stability - Matrix passively loses stability over time. If he hits 0% stability, he starts losing energy. Using abilities gives 15% stability. 

A1: Glitch (30 energy) - Matrix breaks his form to enter a state that can pass through solid objects, like walls and columns. He cannot attack or be attacked in this form, and cannot jump.  

AB Duration affects how fast he drains energy while in Glitch mode. 

A2: Disrupt (40 energy) - Matrix targets an area and disrupts the stability within it. Enemies in that area are damaged and frozen in place for 6s. You and allies can step into a disrupted area to gain a 30% damage boost. 

AB Duration affects how long enemies are frozen. 

AB Strength affects the damage inflicted on enemies. 

A3: Corruption (60 energy) - Matrix corrupts the stability of the area around him in a 10m radius.  Enemies in this area are damaged continuously and afflicted with a 50% movement speed reduction for 5s. Use Disrupt on enemies within the corrupted area for a large burst of damage. 

AB Duration affects the time the area stays corrupted

AB Strength affects the damage over time inflicted on enemies. 

AB Range  affects the radius of the corruption area.

A4: Reset (100 energy) - Matrix resets the health, shields, and ammo for himself and allies to their highest values from the last 5s ago. 

AB Range affects the time that Matrix can go back to find the highest values. 

Possible augments for him include: 

Fragmentation (glitch augment): Exiting gltich sends out a shockwave that stuns nearby enemies. 

Script Error (Disrupt augment): Enemies are no longer frozen in place, but take 150% more damage. 

File Corrupted (Corruption augment): Enemies in the corrupted field lose 40% armor.

Hard Reset (Reset augment): Reset also affects companions and will resurrect them if they died within the period Reset goes back through.

Edited by (PS4)SpartanLegend_27
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9 hours ago, (PS4)SpartanLegend_27 said:

Passive: Stability - Matrix passively loses stability over time. If he hits 0% stability, he starts losing energy. Using abilities gives 15% stability. 

What is stability ? Did not see stability anywhere else kr any explanation of what stability does.

9 hours ago, (PS4)SpartanLegend_27 said:

A1: Glitch (30 energy) - Matrix breaks his form to enter a state that can pass through solid objects, like walls and columns. He cannot attack or be attacked in this form, and cannot jump.  

AB Duration affects how fast he drains energy while in Glitch mode. 

Quite useless because the tilesets werent made to suport this. More often than not of you cross a wall you can't find another room so the wall part does not work. You are bettwr of using this a passive.

Immaterial - Matrix ignores collision with objects and enemies. ( meaning you can walk trought them without any problems )

9 hours ago, (PS4)SpartanLegend_27 said:

: Disrupt (40 energy) - Matrix targets an area and disrupts the stability within it. Enemies in that area are damaged and frozen in place for 6s. You and allies can step into a disrupted area to gain a 30% damage boost. 

AB Duration affects how long enemies are frozen. 

AB Strength affects the damage inflicted on enemies. 

A3: Corruption (60 energy) - Matrix corrupts the stability of the area around him in a 10m radius.  Enemies in this area are damaged continuously and afflicted with a 50% movement speed reduction for 5s. Use Disrupt on enemies within the corrupted area for a large burst of damage. 

AB Duration affects the time the area stays corrupted

AB Strength affects the damage over time inflicted on enemies. 

AB Range  affects the radius of the corruption area.

Fine. Not particularly amazing but not bad either.

9 hours ago, (PS4)SpartanLegend_27 said:

4: Reset (100 energy) - Matrix resets the health, shields, and ammo for himself and allies to their highest values from the last 5s ago. 

AB Range affects the time that Matrix can go back to find the highest values. 

Warframe does not have much of a respectable resource economy but this is too much. Since the skill always refunds itself you can have Infinity energy and ammunition. Surprisingly it is not game breaking. It is also better than Proteas 4. Because protea requires ser up.


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Stability itself doesn't do anything, it's just a mechanic there to incentivize using your abilities so you don't lose energy. And, yeah, the tilesets don't really support Glitch, I just made that ability to be a fun gimmick, more usable for avoiding damage than anything else. And the ammo reset on his 4 is probably too much, you're right. I just didn't know if health and shields alone would be good enough. Overall, very thankful for your input.   

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Really liked this, but I feel like it could be improved in a way thatll allow it to actually be possible. First off, having a negative passive will easily make people not want to play it. Instead, make him start at 0% stability and gradually build up over time, with abilities lowering it. When stability is below a certain point (10% for example), parts of martix's body will glow your emmisive color, and will look invisible (like Loki or shade). Bullets hitting these parts will simply phase through his body and won't deal damage. Another thing I would add is an ability called "broken shards", which creates big shards of glass around matrix. Enemy bullets passing through the shards will either bounce back, split in half or explode on impact, while friendly projectiles will get increased damage, and enemies passing through them will teleport between them, confusing them. That's all I have to add, not bad apart from that 

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13 minutes ago, C0ldSpirit said:

First off, having a negative passive will easily make people not want to play it. Instead, make him start at 0% stability and gradually build up over time, with abilities lowering it.

I get where you're coming from. The idea behind the passive for me was to incentivize the use of his abilities. And for me, the concept of aiming for a higher stability made more sense to me, that's why I decided to start it there instead of at 0% going up. I do like your alternate passive though. Thanks for the feedback!

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vor 22 Stunden schrieb (PS4)SpartanLegend_27:

I get where you're coming from. The idea behind the passive for me was to incentivize the use of his abilities. And for me, the concept of aiming for a higher stability made more sense to me, that's why I decided to start it there instead of at 0% going up. I do like your alternate passive though. Thanks for the feedback!


vor 23 Stunden schrieb C0ldSpirit:

Really liked this, but I feel like it could be improved in a way thatll allow it to actually be possible. First off, having a negative passive will easily make people not want to play it. Instead, make him start at 0% stability and gradually build up over time, with abilities lowering it. When stability is below a certain point (10% for example), parts of martix's body will glow your emmisive color, and will look invisible (like Loki or shade). Bullets hitting these parts will simply phase through his body and won't deal damage. Another thing I would add is an ability called "broken shards", which creates big shards of glass around matrix. Enemy bullets passing through the shards will either bounce back, split in half or explode on impact, while friendly projectiles will get increased damage, and enemies passing through them will teleport between them, confusing them. That's all I have to add, not bad apart from that 

Hmmm...i get where you are both coming from...

How about a compromise?

Matrix starts out with 50% stability in mission. One use of an abillity gives say...5% or so. Nonuse of skill while energy avaible will cause to drain stabillity at 1% per 10s.

The effects Cold spirit spoke of are being gradually added. Like at 60% bullet reflection, at 70% multishot of the refected bullets and so on.

However, not using skills/falling below 50% will start to drain ammo, shields, armor, life. Again in ettappes. at 40% Ammo, 30% Shield and so on.

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Idk why you want to penalize not using abilities too much. This is warframe, where most players just spam abilities coz there's no cooldown and have easy access to infinite, regenerating energy. So any mechanic that revolves around "not using abilities" is just a wasted mechanic because people will always use abilities anyway 😕

The passive definitely needs to be changed, it needs to give an advantage for the warframe.

I cannot think of any suggestion right now tho, I just wanted to comment regarding "incentivize use of abilities". If any, maybe add a mechanic where people will have to manage their use of abilities rather than encourage more (mindless) ability spamming. IDK 🤷‍♀️

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30 minutes ago, Yxivi said:

Idk why you want to penalize not using abilities too much. This is warframe, where most players just spam abilities coz there's no cooldown and have easy access to infinite, regenerating energy. So any mechanic that revolves around "not using abilities" is just a wasted mechanic because people will always use abilities anyway 😕

Fair, I guess. I just thought it' be more fun to incentivize ability use. Bit of an oversight on my part. Thanks for the suggestion.

Edited by (PS4)SpartanLegend_27
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