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The Golem: Why 3 Max Level Players Can't Take It Down (Nerfing Needed)


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So "SPOILERS" for the next few statements as I explain that The Golem needs to be nerfed down a tad. After fighting through wave upon wave of enemies, we finally get to an open, circular room which is obviously the Golem boss room. One giant infected head sprouts from the ground and spawns other infected while creating spore clouds. Then two more show up, one that shoots a line of mines that explodes, and a melee scythe-headed infected. Seems simple enough, kill the spawning head, then the mine head, then the melee.

     So my team and I get halfway through killing the spawning head and one teammate dies, no more revives. Since there are enemies being spawned, reviving him isn't an option and as we run around there are spore clouds everywhere dropping our health. So my other friend and I take out the spawning head, and get some rest from the constant spawning. We then take out the mine head and finally the melee head after about an hour of straight boss fighting. 

     The floor then drops out from underneath you and the Golem turns out to be a chimera with the 3 heads attached to this huge-bodied beast in the same size room as before. However, now the water puddles in the ground deal electricity damage, the enemy continuously spawns enemies regardless of the spawning head, and acid clouds sprout up so frequently they would pop up on top of my character, regardless of the head that creates them. This means no matter how much I ran around the room, I was going to get hit with an acid cloud some of the time.

     My friend and I kill the spawning head and enemies spawn still, but less frequently. That's fine because we need the ammo drops and other item drops like health and energy. My friend is getting hit by acid, I'm getting hit by acid clouds, and I go down. He runs to revive me and he goes down from the mine shooting head. I have 2 revives left, my friend burned through all 4 of his. I spend the last 30 minutes of a 2 hour boss battle, fighting through the boss, killing the mine head and then to top it off, with the constant enemy spawns and acid clouds, the melee head won't turn so I can kill it. I die and about 2 hours are wasted with only minor XP rewards to show for it and wiping out the entire party's revives. I declare that this boss be nerfed.

Starting with: 


1. Remove the constant acid clouds that spawn randomly in the 2nd stage of the boss fight with the Golem chimera. Players should focus down the spawning head because it spawns acid clouds, and their reward is the lack of acid clouds after it's dead. 


2. There is an issue with the layout of the 2nd stage map. The main issue is item drops will get stuck under the stairways and become unobtainable. There were at least 5 health drops in one section of the map I could not grab. 


I believe that these two main ideas would really improve the boss battle. I really enjoyed the 1st stage of the boss fight. It was hectic, but doable and quite a lot of fun. The 2nd stage however, with the constant acid clouds dropping on top of a player, provide an unfair balance to the Golem. My hand became numb at one point for the sheer amount of time I was moving the mouse around, running around that room and all in all I would still get hit with acid clouds because they would land on top of me. You can't avoid them. 

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What is a "max level player"


From my experience all you have to do is 1: Keep moving 2: Be aware of your surroundings 3: Use the high ground to your advantage.


Using those pretty common sense tactics, the Golem is both enjoyable and do-able. This again makes me ask what is a max level player? Clearly, there are many beyond this "max level" you have obtained.

Edited by Jamescell
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Hmm, thats amusing. I've never had trouble killing golem even with two people. -shrug- Guess this is where i should insert the engineers "Son you just aint doin it right" statement from tf2. I've run him solo, with 2 and 3 people. Never once had a problem.

Edited by itsJustThomasHD
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I have done this multiple times with pugs...its hard but not nearly as hard as you make it seem. Especially if you bring the right frames. I mean if you have rhino, loki, nyx, vabaun, ash, or frost you should be able to revive without to much trouble

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I'd say


1. remove the DPS cap


and that's all. If you have to bend the rules of your game, that's bad game design. Come up with a better of way of keeping players from killing your bosses "too quickly", like, oh, I don't know, balancing your weapons and putting an end to power creep.


EDIT: this is what I'm talking about, just in case anyone gets confused (patch notes, 10.0.4 iirc)

- Lephantis (Golem) now has an increased damage radius of grenade and gun attacks as well as reduced max incoming damage per second with a slight bump to health.
Edited by kgb_cyborg
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You mean Lephantis? That guys is actually pretty easy, though EXTREMELY monotonous. Only thing that would need to be nerfed are the random poison clouds that get spit out from the walls without warning (you'll notice that even after you beat the Corpus head, toxic clouds still seem to appear at random). Possibly a slight reduction in the RADIUS of the Infested head's spore bombs, NOT the damage, and everything else is perfectly fine.


To counter-balance this "nerf", make Lephantis MUCH more resistant to Rhino Stomp's effect (seriously, Stomp facerolls Lephantis phase 1).

Edited by Madotsuki
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I have done this multiple times with pugs...its hard but not nearly as hard as you make it seem. Especially if you bring the right frames. I mean if you have rhino, loki, nyx, vabaun, ash, or frost you should be able to revive without to much trouble

Max Level: Level 30 Volt Warframe. My character is also equipped with 2, 30 level weapons, (Latron) and (Lex). They have higher level mods on them without getting too specific. Also I don't see how having the right frame is viable at all. Why does somebody need this exact thing to make a boss easier. I did pay attention to strategy, the strategy is simple. Move constantly, dodge enemy attacks. However, when acid clouds spawn on top of a player you cannot avoid them and therefore when I'm moving constantly and these acid clouds drop, you die...constantly. 

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I have personally soloed Lephantis, and while it can be a bit frustrating, it is doable.  There's no excuse for having over 10 deaths (approximately).  And the fight shouldn't have taken 2 hours; I soloed him within 45 minutes (and I wasn't using top-tier mods and weapons). 


If you were complaining about difficulty while soloing, I might understand (that poison will slowly wear down health if you aren't careful).  But in a group of 3 people, Lephantis isn't that hard.  My advice is:


A. Keep moving

B. Immediately shoot the spawning pods when they appear

C. Bring a Rhino, Nova, or Trinity (or all three) if you want an easier fight

D. Resurrect teammates (this should apply everywhere, not just for this fight)

E. Make sure you actually have good enough weapons, mods, and general skill to participate

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I'd say


1. remove the DPS cap


and that's all. If you have to bend the rules of your game, that's bad game design. Come up with a better of way of keeping players from killing your bosses "too quickly", like, oh, I don't know, balancing your weapons and putting an end to power creep.


EDIT: this is what I'm talking about, just in case anyone gets confused (patch notes, 10.0.4 iirc)


This. I'm honestly somewhat bemused by the OP, but the best advice I can give here is that DPS doesn't matter on Lephantis currently due to the cap, just... Don't F*** up and die. That said, I really don't understand how the situation described occurred, so I'm uncertain what to suggest past that.


The damage cap however is an abomination, it took Lephantis from my favorite boss to one of my most hated. I despise the very idea of removing player interactivity, but this is a particularly foul method of it.

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I have personally soloed Lephantis, and while it can be a bit frustrating, it is doable.  There's no excuse for having over 10 deaths (approximately).  And the fight shouldn't have taken 2 hours; I soloed him within 45 minutes (and I wasn't using top-tier mods and weapons). 


If you were complaining about difficulty while soloing, I might understand (that poison will slowly wear down health if you aren't careful).  But in a group of 3 people, Lephantis isn't that hard.  My advice is:


A. Keep moving

B. Immediately shoot the spawning pods when they appear

C. Bring a Rhino, Nova, or Trinity (or all three) if you want an easier fight

D. Resurrect teammates (this should apply everywhere, not just for this fight)

E. Make sure you actually have good enough weapons, mods, and general skill to participate

Define (Good enough Weapons) and also I don't think bringing specific warframes should matter. Why does someone have to get something specific just to move forward in a game. It limits selection, just like the problem with armor-ignoring weapons right now. What's the point of having warframes if only a few are viable. Btw, I do have lots of player skill. In that battle I understood that movement was key. In normal games I always revive teammates as well but there's no down time to revive teammates in that battle.Apparently I'm "rigging" the game wrong though. I suppose if I just went with what worked instead of what I want to play I'd win more, but games are made for fun. 

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But I suppose it seems I'm not Power Gaming so I'm not good at the game. I suppose if I used all the "correct" weapons and all the "correct" warframes and my friends also Power Gamed, we would wipe that thing out in 2 minutes. But that's kinda not the point of the game. Also, damage caps are poor game design in general. Basically, that means that the creators made a boss that was too easy to kill, so they had to reduce player damage instead of finding a better way of prolonging the battle. 

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lol do you all use maxed out skaka as, Latos and mk-1 Bratons? I npbeat it with 2 players, me and my clanmate. If you use decent weapons like the twin gremlins and soma, it's a piece of cake. And please, don't call yourselves maxed out players if you can't beat the golem.

Edited by legionprobatio
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During the second phase of Lephantis, I happened to notice that once you kill the heads spores start flying out of them which is what makes the random acid clouds but they don't seem to land on the platforms very often. That might be just me though since I've only soloed him like 6 times.

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I played and beat the Lephantis with two of my friends and we did just fine. We really only had troble on the very first run, having no idea what it was going to do so we had to learn it. The last two games against him were hard, but fun and we only died a couple times and were able to be revived by teammates, rahter than spending revive points.


I first played on my level 30 potato'ed Ember with a Level 20ish Strun Wraith and a Level 20ish Duel Afuris, both potato'ed, never Forma'd. I switched my weapons in the next game to my level 18 potato'ed and once Forma'd Gorgan and a Level 30 potato'ed Lex. On the third mission I switched to my Level 30 potato'ed and once Forma'd Rhino and switched my Lex back to my Duel Afuris.


My two firends played on their Level 30 potato'ed Volt (don't know if he Forma'd it, it's likely at least once) and my other friend played first on his level 30 potato'ed Nova and switched to his Level 30 potato'ed Frost.



A few Level 30 Warframes without all level 30 weapons and some basic running and shooting did just fine, three times in a row, with only some hccups on the first time.

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1. Remove the constant acid clouds that spawn randomly in the 2nd stage of the boss fight with the Golem chimera. Players should focus down the spawning head because it spawns acid clouds, and their reward is the lack of acid clouds after it's dead. 


2. There is an issue with the layout of the 2nd stage map. The main issue is item drops will get stuck under the stairways and become unobtainable. There were at least

First of all, DE makes it so you can do everything solo so don't fret, i have had no issues with Lephantis.

You will need ammo or ammo mutation mods cause you will burn through it and you can watch a video on how to best take him on as it does have certain weak points to em.

Answer 1.There is always a counter for every danger, as for the acid clouds the mod "anti toxin" is your need.

Answer 2. For drops being stuck you can use the carrier sentinel with the vacuum mod and that will help you.

Edited by 911nsidejob
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Define (Good enough Weapons) and also I don't think bringing specific warframes should matter. Why does someone have to get something specific just to move forward in a game. It limits selection, just like the problem with armor-ignoring weapons right now. What's the point of having warframes if only a few are viable. Btw, I do have lots of player skill. In that battle I understood that movement was key. In normal games I always revive teammates as well but there's no down time to revive teammates in that battle.Apparently I'm "rigging" the game wrong though. I suppose if I just went with what worked instead of what I want to play I'd win more, but games are made for fun. 

Im pretty sure when someone says good enough weapons they mean you don't need to be bringing unranked or low ranked with crappy mods to a boss fine. And i dunno what the heck you mean by power gaming in your other post. But, when people are suggesting using other frames, that just means their trying to tell you what will help you have a easier time ability-wise. their not saying that to kill the boss you have to switch frames.


And just saying you have a lv30 frame and weapon with some 'higher level mods' doesn't really explain anything. if you have a lv30 frame that you used all(or most) of your mod points on the mods in it. same with weapons, if you have a weapon that all 60(or 30 if un-patatoed), is used on the mods. that is a maxxed out weapon/frame. not having 20 unused points because everything was only leveled up once or twice.

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