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Warframe Concept Sculpt - Work In Progress.


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Hi. So I wanted to have a go at sculpting some warframes of my own, this is the first of many I hope. The idea is a little fuzzy, I envisaged a cage fighter/gladiator class, with high speed but low stamina, perks for close combat weapons and dual wields and ablative armour that as it deteriorates allows faster movement. Basically the middle brother to Excal and Rhino. Hope you like, much to do still, just having fun finding my way with the design.


Edited by Steamtrooper
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First of, wonderful work. The quality is really impressive!


Secondly, I have to agree with Snake. The Warframe looks more like an actual alien/separate faction instead of being a Warframe. I believe it's mostly because of the way his "body" is shown, such as the bones of his joints, ankles, feet shape and toes that suggest naked feet, etc.

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Armour to come - I want him to have ablative armour that fall away - so your right - atm he is more or less naked - :) - some clay will be added some removed but somewhere along the way the Armour should become apparent.  Stick with me guys, Im trying to find my motif for the design, the head is already being pretty much redone and some proportions are being tried out with chest and legs.  The torso is more or less his naked light weight form.


p.s.  I was considering and still am, a more machine/engine based Tenno, a sort of cyber Tenno, whereby certain warframe elements would be more mechanical looking and actually be the wearers own limbs showing through - a war ravaged and badly scarred old Tenno as such - you think it has potential worth exploring?  And possibly a big brother to the Stalker?


Thanks for the comments and encouragement.

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That is actually awesome. If you were to remove the two-eyes look, it'd go a long way to make it fit in with the rest of the wf, since the running theme for official warframe faces seems to be abstract/faceless/multiple-insect-like eyes look.

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Many thanks for the kind words, and special thanks to GTG3000 and Gestalt for explaining the image tags to me.  For some reason it was saying I couldn't post, but going to full mode allowed it.


jpvi 1207 : rear view upto this point should be posted later today - might be usefull for a quick PO if your upto it?  though I think I know where you're coming from and Ill keep it under consideration, depends how things progress of the armour which I hope to move forward today.


Gestalt - eyes - definitely - at this stage I have really been plotting out landmarks and exploring ideas, but the head has been on my to do list, definitely want to capture that more Rhino/Excal like enclosed carapace look, there will be no eye sockets, maybe a hint of eye, well see.


Ive been thinking about unique abilities, my personal preference in game is to target and incapacitate Heavy units, Ancients and Flamer/Mortar types a speciality


- with this in mind I'm thinking that some sort of 'Arena/Cage' type ability to lock either big opponents into a small zone of player buffed death or possibly an AOE zone that could be placed on key pathways/gantries and have the same effect of essentially buffing the Tenno - point defence of cryo pod or corridor for example.


Hard to show that in model, but ability 2 may be easier to show - the ability to suck up flame/poisons from Ancients and the like and use it as Energy/Health or even possibly as a synthesized poison the Tenno can then emit.  Ports to suck up and exude should be fun and I've sort of started that on the chest, so might explore this option some.  


Any ideas about possible abilities are always welcome especially if they have a visual nature.  Keep in mind hes a Close combat specialist and primarily a duelist for taking down heavy units, his role IS NOT killing hordes of infested :) we have Rhino and Excal for that Tenno brothers (and sisters).


Again many thanks for encouragement and hope to get a couple of hours in on this today.

Edited by Steamtrooper
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Steam, this looks truly amazing!


I really like the how it looks quite "heavy" but still "fast" if you get my drift.


It looks like a frame that uses innertia to great advantage as its seems to

have great strength to move fast, even if it might be equally or slightly less

nimble than other frames, at the same time it has more mass to be bale to

move through multiple enemies without hindrance.


A frame that has an innate ability to tackle/push light to medium enemies

out of its way, and maby halt and stagger heavies and minibosses, just by

using regular player movement is an awsome consept I clearly can see

could work well with this frame.


Im looking forward to see more of this!





Edit: The usual typos.

Edited by Stormfinnare
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Hi. So I wanted to have a go at sculpting some warframes of my own, this is the first of many I hope. The idea is a little fuzzy, I envisaged a cage fighter/gladiator class, with high speed but low stamina, perks for close combat weapons and dual wields and ablative armour that as it deteriorates allows faster movement. Basically the middle brother to Excal and Rhino. Hope you like, much to do still, just having fun finding my way with the design.


I think the hands look a little bit to big and it would look less aleinish if there looks like there was more armor on the body and shoulders.

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Gestalt?  wha?!  links?  Still waiting for you to hook up in game mate.   Your not IndieListener are you by chance? we had a complex near miss with him/her last night but apologies were made, suffice to say the new Dragon Keys can erm.. sometimes get left on when trying to run high level surival or def :/


Deaddrain - bang on, not wrong, hands are placeholders on that image, they have been adjusted down, but then went backup again as I liked the general bulk - but they will be finessed a little in the next pass.  Been working on the general motifs and helmet and wanted next update to address the armour problems, to avoid further requests for armour :) - cant do that till Im happy with the helmet and armour ideas.  Will push for update tonight.


I have to ask a general question though - as I see a lot of fanart depicting helmet less Tenno as just well - humans? Is this true?  Ive tried to find info on the Tenno but cant find much - links anyone?  In my mind the Tenno are a mysterious ancient  creation for war - probably bio-mechanical in nature - vat bred from finest stock and augmented to allow better gestalt with the Guyver like bio Frames - ok - thats how I approach things, now shatter my illusions with the facts guys.

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Gestalt?  wha?!  links?  Still waiting for you to hook up in game mate.   Your not IndieListener are you by chance? we had a complex near miss with him/her last night but apologies were made, suffice to say the new Dragon Keys can erm.. sometimes get left on when trying to run high level surival or def :/

Episode #2 of Bex and Megan's new show! Warframe Prime Time! It airs every Thursday at 7pm est on twitch I think.

Let me give you a link to the vod with timestamp... 49:37 http://www.twitch.tv/warframe/b/469098182

You get featured along with SUMA's feral frame :D :D :D

And let me log on and add you right now. Too busy lately. Always forget.

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Thanks Gestalt, found it anyhoo but much appreciated.  Nice to have a mention, must update soon, excuses aside I've been a bit slow on the updates.  No problem I sent you a request and tried to talk to you but you were probably afk in menus?  or totally wrong person baffled by my innane chatter :)

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[update] - many directions attempted but this is the one I prefered - I'm calling this the 'Rooster'.  Had cockerel fights and @#&$ of the roost in mind when doing this, the idea would be the frills on the head would raise while in buff/arena mode, and each would fall back into this relaxed position as the power waned.  Also the frills/crests would emit the poisons and fire etc sucked up in combat and exhaust them out.  Much work to be done on it - but this is my base mesh to goto ZB for some high poly work.


I see this as a 'bought' helmet with certain perks, before I take this much further Ill listen to input and in the meantime go back to my original intended Helm - a more rugged and beat up flat nosed small eared boxer feel.



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Gestalt - Thanks.  


Definitely has a little Native American in there, but also Rooster, I like the basic Idea but I've definitely got to simplify my forms to better match the Warframe feel.  Got so hung up in having a chin and dimple and sort of sunglasses type motif and then over complicated the whole thing without realy hitting the points I wanted.  Im going to go back to Head - 1 - Brawler, and see what I can get, then hopefully apply some of the motifs - like the crest and beak to that model.


I'm on most night GMT 10 - 12 btw.

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