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Is It Just Me Or Are Ancient Infested Annoying?


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Damn. All these people... Complaining. 
Ancients are meant to be hard to fight. Ancients are much more fun to fight now. One will honestly come around the corner and charge me and I just have the sudden urge to book it. 


Headshots still 2x damage (y'know the tentacle head thingy of what's supposed to be the head). Sure, thigh does some extra damage, but headshots are always reliable.

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Infested Ancients are broken and have been broken since their first appearance in the game. Proof? Set one on fire while they're running at you. They'll run even faster and will reverse moon-walk towards you while flailing in pain of being burned alive. It's even worse if you set a Toxic Ancient on fire.

^This^. Seriously, I have to say... how has this not been fixed yet? lol I guess it could because its so frightening. Like they're possessed or something 

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pro ancient tips.  1. never get close to them.  2. always keep moving if you do get close. 3. tap shift/ do a forward roll  will help you dodge the "reach out and touch" your energy steal.  


the moving tip is what i have found to avoid getting zapped about 85% of the time when you get near them.  

Edited by Alohoe
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An excuse to dumb the game down? I wasn't suggesting anything, I like the game as it is. This was more of a fun question to ask everyone.

Now you mention it, I do remember setting them on fire when training the Dera with only hellfire on during my training, I wondered why he could keep up with me as I sprinted in the opposite direction!

Also, Is it really only the RIGHT thigh which does weak damage? I noticed that shooting the legs was a weakness, but sometimes my bullets travelled through the target harmlessly. Maybe I didn't realise the right thigh was the sweet spot... I thought both would have been equally damaging!

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My problem with them (and shield lancers) is that they will still whack you with their extendo-tentacle (or shieldbash) even if you're cloaked and run behind them. How the hell can they still see you to target that attack?



They should be called theifs instead of disruptor, I have made it a habit to either keep my back to a wall or have a high place I can reach fast.

Stay close to the walls.

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Most of the tougher enemies have some sort of stun, not just ancients. It's a really irritating mechanic. I find roller trollers the most annoying, they really don't do anything else than stagger you constantly. WF not so subtly walks the line between challenge and artificial difficulty, and often finds itself in the latter camp.

DE enemy design mentality: "OK, we need to make this mob stronger guys...", "give it stuns", "put in more stagger", "put a DPS cap", "give it a crapload of armor except for on its foot, that'll teach headshotters better", "make it a bullet sponge", "make it invulnerable to damage for 80% of the time".......

At the same time everything up to level 150 is a piece of cake nowadays, at that point enemies tend to oneshot you and you need to have a stunlocking plan of your own. Boring.

Edited by NIL0S
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They are the one reason I consider using Knockdown Resist mods. Then I laugh at how much of noob I am, go into solo derelict survival, and promptly get passed around like a peace-pipe among the Ancients.

Queue results screen and a reconsideration of Knockdown Resist mods. Its an awful cycle.

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Fast movement speed, staggers on every attack, causes knockdown and drains 100% of your energy. Yep, a recipe for annoyance. Makes me wanna rush the game more tbh. Get 2-3 of them together and bam! Stunlock. I really hope DE can somehow get rid of dem stunlocks in this game because it just promotes more rushing.

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Infested Ancients are broken and have been broken since their first appearance in the game. Proof? Set one on fire while they're running at you. They'll run even faster and will reverse moon-walk towards you while flailing in pain of being burned alive. It's even worse if you set a Toxic Ancient on fire.

They don't reverse moonwalk. They just frickin electric slide up to your face and the roflstomp you. Thats why I'm forced to stack 4 fireblasts to keep them at bay lol.

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