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I love Railjack but after 1.6khrs Nothing in Warframe has ever Infuriated me this much.


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Before I start this is not a rant of "EEEEEE I don't like this change it." The title is just a form of "clickbait" to hopefully garner attention. These are actual bugs that are a #*!%ing chore to deal with. I absolutely love Railjack. It's great fun but it's also really tiring to have to deal with all these things while trying to rush around fixing S#&$ and dealing with boarders.

First thing that is infuriating. The bug where when you enter a gunner seat and the railjack disappears, except it doesn't completely disappear and you end up with this annoying black planes that appear at certain angles. Sometimes completely blocking your view of everything.



Second thing that is infuriating. The doors on the railjack. Please for the love of all that is holy make them bloody client side. Make all doors (except friendship doors which should be deleted anyways) Client side. It's is so #*!%ing annoying when you end up having high ping and you go to run through a door and it opens but it doesn't let you go through until the host says it's ok. (I have satellite internet and I can't fix that so I end up having 700-900 ping. Besides my points here it's quite playable and fine.)

Third thing. Please please please make the guns overheat bar client side as well. Again having high ping while shooting will make the bar fill up then when you stop shooting so it doesn't overheat it'll start going down then it'll suddenly flare up and overheat anyways.

Fourth thing. Please make as many frame abilities client side as you can. I understand there are limits to what you can have be client side but please try. Playing as a majority of frames with high ping is dreadful because it ends up taking time to do anything with them. Vauban for example. It takes me (again I have bad internet that I can't do anything about) several seconds before he'll throw down any of his grenades. It's down right a #*!%ing pain to do.
Same goes for operators. Please making switching to and from our operators client side. Pressing 5 then having my frames slide around the ground for 3+ seconds before my operators decides to pop out is horrible. Then I try to use my zenurik energy bubble only to not have it work unless I void dash 5+ times all over the place until it decides to spawn.

Fifth thing. Sometimes, for clients, the gunner turrets will straight up break for the rest of the mission. The seat will become lodged in the ground for the client and they won't be able to use it anymore making it useless. God forbid they get unlucky and both guns break making them unable to use either of them.

Edited by GentlePuppet
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This stuff is small potatoes, friend.  In addition to all of the things you've mentioned, I've seen some truly momentous game-breaking bugs.  Here's a small sampling:

1)  The screen turns black during scene transitions and doesn't turn back until the end of the mission or until you die.  If you die, proceed immediately to 5).

2) After hacking the crewship reactor, the camera becomes fixed, so that you can't change the angle.  All you can see is the reactor and an occasional glimpse of your frame moving around it.  If you die, proceed to 5).

3)  When you enter one of the warframe-only mission areas (such as the Anomaly) your archgun overrides your other weapons, and you can't get rid of it.

4)  You  desync from the warping tunnels inside the Anomaly, so that you begin floating above them.  You can sort of move back and forth along the tunnel path, but there is no way to get back down until the end of the mission.

5)  Occasionally, when you die in warframe mode, you stay permanently dead.  It doesn't matter how many revives you had at this point.  There is no way to come back until the start of the next mission.  

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