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I Find Myself Becoming More And More Bitter As The Days Progress


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Here's some fuel for the fire: Boltor Prime is the first pure DPS rifle upgrade that can only be gotten through money or RNG.


P2W has arrived.

Ehh, it's always been indirectly pay-to-win because you could buy the resources to make clan-tech without actually playing the game- it just cost a fortune

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OP always does this with their posts, I've seen them before. Last time I saw one of them, they contradicted themself pretty much throughout the entire thing. I didn't even bother reading it this time.

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OP always does this with their posts, I've seen them before. Last time I saw one of them, they contradicted themself pretty much throughout the entire thing. I didn't even bother reading it this time.


"This is a beta!" is a tired old soundbyte because it doesn't take into account what a beta is intended to do.


First off, I believe Scott has said this game is no longer a beta, but is now a minimum viable product: 




Which, in its simplest terms, can be used as a means to use customers as guinea pigs for changing content while still being able to charge them for it. I think he said this on one of the livestreams, I can't remember.


Second, a beta is an arena for making mistakes. Making mistakes is crucial to a creative process. Nobody makes a finished work right out the gate. But part of that process is also learning from those mistakes, as stated by Th3Dean above me. DE isn't doing this. They throw more and more content out in the hopes that something will stick, all the while sucking the anyamount.png out of the poor saps who buy their $80-$100 packs of ephemeral virtual goods. Good grief, that crap should not even be allowed. That's more what most games are worth, and it's definitely more than what this game is worth.


There is a saying that goes "crossing the river by feeling the stones with your feet." This is what a beta (or mvp, I guess) is for. You are expected to fall down, figure out why you fell down, then pick yourself back up and attempt to avoid falling down again in that same fashion. DE seems to not understand why they are falling down, and they also seem to have brought a bunch of stones with them to throw in the water and trip themselves up. If this pattern continues, they will fall down on too many stones and will likely not be able to get back up.


In short, this game will probably die. And this is what we care about. Sure, this is a speaking bitterness thread, but it feels good to vent here every once in a while, if anything.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Have to agree with everything you have said & like you myself & just about everyone I talk to is disappointed in how things are going with WF                                                                                                                                       

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My game time with Warframe has reduced from around 40 hours a week about three months ago to about 7 hours a week. 1 per day, and only with friends. Never alone.


I want a break, but I can't leave either lol.


It is kind of heartbreaking to see my own interests die down. I love this game, and I still don't know why. For all of you who use the Beta excuse, do us a favour and stay out of this thread. If you like your game, go play it instead of popping on the forums and telling people with issues that the game is all fine and dandy.

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It's the art and stuffs that keep me playing the game :| It's hardly a challenging game when Tenno are just so damn overpowered that 99% of my non-solo games consist of people zorencoptering all the way to the target . It's still nice to use no potato weapons to do missions but i can only do that alone , and soloing everything becomes boring after awhile .


Not to mention the grinding fest and rng factor ( hornorable mention to the epic drop table )


There are not much to do except grinding new contents

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My game time with Warframe has reduced from around 40 hours a week about three months ago to about 7 hours a week. 1 per day, and only with friends. Never alone.


I want a break, but I can't leave either lol.


It is kind of heartbreaking to see my own interests die down. I love this game, and I still don't know why. For all of you who use the Beta excuse, do us a favour and stay out of this thread. If you like your game, go play it instead of popping on the forums and telling people with issues that the game is all fine and dandy.

So the forums should only be full of *@##$ing that the devs get to read? Yeah, that makes sense...maybe people that are happy with it (and understand and believe in the beta statement) want to be heard by DE as well. Seriously, if you were able to play this 40 hours a week for more than about a month, you got a lot out of a free game. This is not WoW, it's not meant to be a full time job. It's an action game. You spend $60 on a normal AAA title and usually get maybe 40-80 total out of it. I'm amazed this game still brings me back after all the hours I have in it, and they still have a lot they are planning to do with this game.


So no, I will speak in this thread if I wish, DE needs to know there are people who appreciate their work as well as seeing people complaining. Could things be better? Of course. But they are working on it, and sorry you hate hearing it but it IS still in beta, it doesn't have story and end game in it yet. They can still overhaul the game as needed. Once it's pulled out of beta, they can't make the bigger changes so easily, that they still need to do.

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OP always does this with their posts, I've seen them before. Last time I saw one of them, they contradicted themself pretty much throughout the entire thing. I didn't even bother reading it this time.

lol, did you even read his post?


I'd appreciate it if you quoted the post where I contradicted myself, so I can laugh when it's painfully obvious that you didn't read it.

Oh wait, it's you. Nevermind, I know that engaging you never leads anywhere.

Edited by Nugget_
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So no, I will speak in this thread if I wish, DE needs to know there are people who appreciate their work as well as seeing people complaining. Could things be better? Of course. But they are working on it, and sorry you hate hearing it but it IS still in beta, it doesn't have story and end game in it yet. They can still overhaul the game as needed. Once it's pulled out of beta, they can't make the bigger changes so easily, that they still need to do.

"Beta" only works for things that are not yet implemented, minor tweaks, and unintended flaws.

Their attitude and their general repeated practices are in no way reflective by whatever stage the game is in. 

The way they go about Ability design, their thought process behind solving fundamental flaws, their notions of balance, their repeated acknowledgement of an issue that they never actually progress towards fixing, their lack of acknowledgement over issues that have been around way too long for 'beta' to cover.

These are not problems that are accounted for under the term 'beta'. These are problems that are directly related with their thought process, how they see this game, how they treat it and manage its development. Problems that will persist long after beta, and bog the game down to take forever before it finally feels completed, even when all the content is added. 

This is not a thread for "Hey nice job, looking good, don't worry about those nicks and scratches." This is a thread specifically for long standing and fundamental issues, and feedback on why, when and how they triumphed over these problems(Rare though these triumphs are) so they know how to do it again.

If you want to give them the thumbs up for their great work, go ahead and post that in a thread that is about giving them the thumbs up for their great work. 

Edited by LukeAura
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@Eagle this is a forum for discussion. If we don't agree with a thread, we have every right to go in that thread and disagree with it. If I make a 'thumbs up' thread, guess what - it will quickly fill up with people whining. It's the internet, get used to it. People will disagree with you, and have the freedom to say so :)

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@Eagle this is a forum for discussion. If we don't agree with a thread, we have every right to go in that thread and disagree with it. If I make a 'thumbs up' thread, guess what - it will quickly fill up with people whining. It's the internet, get used to it. People will disagree with you, and have the freedom to say so :)

I'm assuming by eagle you mean me. Caw Caw. 

Mhmm, for a discussion of the topics addressed in this thread. Saying "It's beta" Is not a discussion, giving a point where they succeeded in one of the problems brought up is.  

And just because you can, doesn't mean you should, you have the right, not the obligation.

If you disagree, show an example of where they didn't fall prey to the problem, that's how you discuss in a thread like this.

People whining in your thumbs up thread doesn't validate any one coming in here and doing the same. 

Edited by LukeAura
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It is the only realistic short term solution.

Ok. All the players that are not satisfied with the current state of Warframe should leave? Don't you think they will spread the word about it's problems? That it's going for "Grind or/and pay"? The game could be better than this. They (Nugget_ and lots of others) put their hopes in it, I think they deserve the right to express their opinion. If DE can't handle criticism (not just some whining but pointing out mistakes) they should just quit. "It is the only realistic short term solution."

Edited by CBAROG
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Ok. All the players that are not satisfied with the current state of Warframe should leave? Don't you think they will spread the word about it's problems? That it's going for "Grind or/and pay"? The game could be better than this. They (Nugget_ and lots of others) put their hopes in it, I think they deserve the right to express their opinion. If DE can't handle criticism (not just some whining but pointing out mistakes) they should just quit. "It is the only realistic short term solution."

Not enough upvote buttons in the world for me to express the amount of +1 I am feeling.

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I just wish RNG wasn't such a tortuous ordeal with the void. I'd be glad to run 50 missions for each prime if I was guaranteed the parts. But when it's RNG, it's just a mess. That's why I'm glad I got the Brakk in the Gradivus and don't have to worry about the Three Stooges. (I'm also glad it was released to the general public so to speak.) RNG is in such a horrible state right now with the void. I ran like 7 T3 Mobile Defenses and got 4 forma BP's (Which in general, isn't bad per se, but getting 4 is kind of... out there.) and I think 2 Reaper Prime blades and 1 of something else I didn't need. Survival is just an exercise in tedium. Here, have the same thing you got before. Here, have another one. It's just... wonky and infuriating. 

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I have got not much of any words to say here, other than Resurrection, since every point you have said, are all important, and also shares the same feeling as the majority of the community here, including me as well. Although i will state a little bit.


This needs to be alive and immortal like Derf anyo, well too bad that thread went to fan concepts, but either way, that's cool too and it obviously does belong to that part of sub-forum anyways xd.


I am pretty much sure, Someone from DE is pretty much reading this whenever, this threads alive according to my assumptions. But the reading isn't just enough, they need to make changes, and they should live up with their words. I am sure they can, that's the only positive feeling i have for them.


Everyone's relaying their feedback/suggestions, most of them who have been replying and making threads 90% of time in forums in there, are far more knowledgeable and better than GD jabbers. All they need is to read whatever threads has been recently over there before reading the GD, just because many ppl are flooded over here, and it's important here than in Feedback forums, just doesn't make sense at all.



My only last words, is...we need DE to act than just spoken words, and they surely can do it. I just hope that problems like RNG, grinding, drop rates, End-game, lore expansion, and so on..are hopefully listed on their paper, and probably decide to see over those, after melee 2.0 is done officially. So yeah that's all i have to say here. And also....





Oh right, about my name change.....it's been delayed, just can say it's little far than soon

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