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I Find Myself Becoming More And More Bitter As The Days Progress


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As much as I'd like to amuse you both, please end the derailing here.

Thanks. I needed that.

I am getting to this point where the game is frustrating, even though I still love playing it. Recently started trying to get certain Prime items, and this RNG is killing me more than ever. There's some really good stuff here.

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After posting in another thread here, I decided to look up a review of Dark Sector, which I remembered as being dreadfully dull:





It's kind of disturbing how easily you could substitute "Warframe" for "Dark Sector" in this article and have it still make complete sense.


And this pretty much sums up the Dark Sector experience. Everything seems designed for the initial impression, with little attention given to anything below the surface. The graphics look lovely at first, but soon lose their lustre as you realise what a rigid, fake world they represent.


I'm sad to admit that this is exactly how I feel about WF :/

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Another relevant quote from the Eurogamer Dark Sector review:


And so Dark Sector ends up as the sort of game I find most disheartening. Games that are crap from the start are easy to dissect and dismiss. Games that start off with promise but then wind up paddling round and round in the shallow end of the game design pool are incredibly frustrating.


Warframe has a lot of potential, but right now all it amounts to is grind through enemies for new items so you can grind through more enemies. I wish they would bring in some innovative gameplay or some accessible story to make us care why we're playing. Less linear maps would help somewhat to make the levels more fun instead of just running from A to B or standing in one spot for enemies to come to you. I'll keep playing, but I hope the game gets better instead of just more.

Edited by Bitoichi
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Okay, so what is the story behind the delay? From what I gather, something unforseen came up that forced them to delay the update until next week . Depending on what that unforseen event was, I can't say feeling bitter about it is justified. In fact, if this actually means they're putting more polish on the update, I'm fine with that.

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I'm not mad at DE at all really.  If they want to tweak their baby let them tweak it.


People set their self up for destruction.   




This is no where near as bad as Capcom's "We are announcing an announcement at the next announcement" in regards to Ultra Street Fighter 4,  When ultimately was a Cammy swap.  But that's another topic.  At the end of the day.....lighten up.........also  I don't think we'll get any type of update today.....ONLY IF U13 was suppose to before today..I doubt they have a backup "update"

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Thanks. I needed that.

I am getting to this point where the game is frustrating, even though I still love playing it. Recently started trying to get certain Prime items, and this RNG is killing me more than ever. There's some really good stuff here.


That's why I buy my Prime stuff. Sure, I know, some people will say it's P2W, whatever. I can't deal with this RNG. All my Prime stuff I've bought because of it. I've got some money to spend, I like this game, so I'm gonna pay for the things I want in this game because, IMO, my money that I earn from doing meaningful stuff is worth more than time I spend grinding in this game. So if I can skip the grinding and get to actually playing just to play it, then that's better for me. Because I don't play the game to get mods or weapons. I play it so that I can jump in, shoot some virtual guns, swing some virtual melee weapons, and take down some virtual bad guys.


With this latest delay (yet another one), I really wish they'd just stick to what works (new frames, new bosses, new weapons, new tilesets, new lore) and none of this overly ambitious stuff. Because it's not worth it. I get more bitter about that than anything else. Isn't the first game that I've played where a dev team was too ambitious and ended up failing because of it. I've played Arma, and that dev team did the same thing. Ended up cutting a large portion of the stuff they were planning on releasing because of it. At least this game is in more of a release state than that game was, so the core stuff isn't being cut.

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People set their self up for destruction.   


DE did with their Grineer Systems page that hyped up the update with one teaser up to Wednesday (today).

But U13 is today anyways. DE isn't stupid enough to do that and then piss on everything.

It's just April Fools' one day late.

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I think overall if they wanted another week they should have made an announcement rather than trying to disguise it with a timer. It would've cooled the masses. 


Live and learn I suppose. 

Yeah I do agree with this. In the end I'm cool with it being another week but I think it could have been openly stated very quickly early about what was happening...it was over an hour at least before any dev responded.  

Someone did mention Rebecca's unusually cold response and the possibility that it's April Fool's 2.0. If that's really true, then DE has balls, that is all. That, and I would just scream in relieved laughter for an hour straight :D But I doubt that's the case. Live and learn indeed. (inb4 this thread turns into angry U13 delay posts) 


Whenever the update comes out, I hope some lore also comes along with it. I feel that's something dire for the game currently...tbh much of the OP's original post still holds true.  

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Whenever the update comes out, I hope some lore also comes along with it. I feel that's something dire for the game currently...tbh much of the OP's original post still holds true.  

I'm hoping we get the galactic 'public' space hubs but it's likely just a clan room update in prep for badlands this time around. I want to jump around with everyone else. Better not turn into a Global Agenda hub though.

Edited by Naith
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Now, what is irritating is that the alerts weren't giving out their rewards. I hope those people who did the alerts get them at some point.


I'm not mad at DE at all really.  If they want to tweak their baby let them tweak it.


People set their self up for destruction.   




This is no where near as bad as Capcom's "We are announcing an announcement at the next announcement" in regards to Ultra Street Fighter 4,  When ultimately was a Cammy swap.  But that's another topic.  At the end of the day.....lighten up.........also  I don't think we'll get any type of update today.....ONLY IF U13 was suppose to before today..I doubt they have a backup "update"


Calling Capcom's PR abysmal would be a compliment. They hyped up Decapre for nearly a year and then revealed her with a slap to the face. What tells them that this is effective marketing?

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DE did with their Grineer Systems page that hyped up the update with one teaser up to Wednesday (today).

But U13 is today anyways. DE isn't stupid enough to do that and then &!$$ on everything.

It's just April Fools' one day late.

Nope its actualy one week... :/ we have to wait another week... whoop dee doo

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(inb4 this thread turns into angry U13 delay posts) 


Whenever the update comes out, I hope some lore also comes along with it. I feel that's something dire for the game currently...tbh much of the OP's original post still holds true.  

Well U13 was supposed to solve some problems. But...

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DE did with their Grineer Systems page that hyped up the update with one teaser up to Wednesday (today).

But U13 is today anyways. DE isn't stupid enough to do that and then &!$$ on everything.

It's just April Fools' one day late.


No. Rebecca confirmed it's next week.

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DE did with their Grineer Systems page that hyped up the update with one teaser up to Wednesday (today).

But U13 is today anyways. DE isn't stupid enough to do that and then &!$$ on everything.

It's just April Fools' one day late.


If they are genuine with their statements then they did not set their self up for failure.  If they really had no control on whatever caused a delay then you can't blame them.  You can only wish for the better and hope we can get it sooner than next Wednesday.  What DE has done can not be as bad as almost the entire player base making up their own false truths to only have them shattered.  Shattered by the reality of this game.  No one said Update 13 was coming today from DE.  But then again, at the same thing the Grineer website basically says it all.   Meh.  But still the player base self destructs at a faster pace than DE honestly.   I mean you just said "DE isn't stupid enough to do that and S#&$ on everything."


Ok so what if they are in this particular situation?   Your setting yourself up in that comment.

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Well, I expected that something would go wrong but now DE really angered lots of people. "Countdown to countdown". Watching people rage is funny.

Is anyone able to fill me in on what's going on?


Seems to be some drama on the Forums that I'm completely unaware of. Since being put on the mod queue, I don't really visit much.


I'll keep looking, but if somebody could fill me in, that'd be great.

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I think you miss one big point."Exclusive" stuff.I think thats a big deal in Warframe and splits the community.Some are for it some are against it.Something went very very wrong in the past.Frost Prime and so on.

I think DE have to think about that very in deep and have to check how to handle that in the future and give a clear and not misunderstanding statement to that theme.Best is to make all coming event weapons not exclusive and bring the events back 1 time in a year.So no stress,anger,hate,elitist S#&$ in the forums anymore.This game is in beta and has more exclusives than most games at full release after couple years.

Then all are happy.

Edited by K0bra
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Didnt read everything, but finally someone say something about dilution. 


Dilution is happening because the devs are being lazy with level design. They release weapons, frames, itens, everyday, but tilesets are rare. 


I had stopped playing Warframe at the start of the Cicero crisis in december last year, and didnt got the rewards from that event. I came back in february, hoping they had released some two or three new tilesets. But they didnt released any, whereas there was a lot of new weapons, new frames, etc. I even build a dual revolver, the Akmagnus, since before it, I didnt want to waste my catalysed and forma'ed Vasto to build a dual version. 


Warframe is becoming old. It needs new graphic scenery to keep pace with other games. It needs more scenario variety, new map extensions, and hard nodes to new tilesets so that veterans can enjoy them. The game have a good action, which is very fun and addictive, and its core problems were resolved with damage 2.0 (which, in my opinion, was the best fix they had done). But now came a moment where there are so many frames, so many weapons, so many itens, that theres no space in RNG tables to drop them.


I didn't complained so much about RNG in the past, because there were few itens, but now the tables are crammed of so many itens and also the ridiculous ner%&^e credit caches, that is even more frustrating then before, to be rewarded with a item you want. This happens because there are too many itens and few tilesets. 


The void, for example, should have already two types of keys, lets say a golden void key (with the current yellowish tileset) and a silver void key (colored like the dojo, in silver and steel colors), each one with its T1, T2, T3 varieties. But hey, no, to do another tileset is too much work, here's a new wing for your sentinel, only 25 plats. Then comes the burnout, caused by the repetitiveness, and you leave the game again hoping it will be different next time you came back. 


Even frames are affected by it. See Zephyr, for example, now its clan-tech. You can't obtain it from a boss, because theres not a new boss to drop it. The devs dont even need to add new planets, since you can have two bosses in one single planet, each with its own node. Even the old bosses are still needing revamps to not appear the same. So, too many weapons, frames, itens released, and too few done in the scenery, the enemies, that is, the environment where we play. We have a grenade launcher, that we never see the corpus using, and we have dozens of infested weapons, that we never see the infested using. We have the Grinlock, the Marelok and the Jet Kitag, grineer weapons that the grineer dont use. Thats the main problem. Not the RNG. The RNG issue is a consequence from this. Its crammed with itens because theres no alternative maps. Its always those same flat maps, which are becoming old. 

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So true.Alot of my friends stopped playing and hate Warframe till now because of the always the same tileset,no story,not much variation.

They always ask me how i can play that game.I personally like it but i need always some month break through my playtime because of always the same looking and NO STORY:

And when i play rarely with my friends that game they quit after a match  and say this game is like a sleeping pill :/

Damn this game cries for a story and variation..A real big story but nope.

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DE started grineersystems.com where they teased U13. There are six screens. It started about six days ago. So one screen opened per day. Which lead people to think (and they were right) that U13 will be today. But after the sixth screen was revealed another timer was added. For about one and a half hour there were some wild speculations and then DERebecca confirmed that U13 is delayed.

Lack of response from DE angered people. "They (DE) didn't warn us beforehand". "If it wil be delayed next wednesday I will lead a crusade to burn the forums to the ground" (That's direct quote from The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread). "Give us something now (Reinforcements, Melee 2.0, Badlands anything). That's how people reacted.

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