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I Find Myself Becoming More And More Bitter As The Days Progress


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I agree with pretty much everything, save market prices but that's just a personal stance. 


My own view of warframe as of now is really quite simple: I think it's not a great game but a great idea. And I'm forced to believe that DE is lacking the resources necessary to making it what it could be.


That said, warframe is still fun for me. While the obnoxious amount of wasted potential is frustrating to say the least, I still like the game, and play it, and enjoy it. 

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First of all, I feel bad that I had nothing better to do then scan forums for long posts like this. Second: A lot of what you complain about is perfectly reasonable. If it were $1 a weapon, or $5 for a frame, then what would be the purpose of making them drop from bosses? I have 90 hours sinked into this game, Haven't finished half the stellar map, and am constantly in void missions. The reason things like RNG and Grindwalls exist is because it's the only way to place value on items other then the market. Things like primes and rare mods deserve to be rare. Transmutation is not supposed to be a good rare mod for 36,000 credits. Also, its completely optional. And &#! for things like clan tech and resources, I am literally the only regular player in my clan. And I don't have plat to buy things. I wanted the Nikana. So I shut up and farmed oxium and argon until I could research and get it. I wanted Helios, so I farmed and waited. You have to realize: grinding is part of every game, and it's the difference between Free to play and Pay to win. The game is not easy. The game has unfair RNGesus. But that's the reason I have 90 hours into the thing. Thats the reason I literally jumped when I finally got my Frost Prime. The accomplishment is what its all about. Thats why it costs so much in the market. Thats why there  are weapons there. Because DE wants the market to be like a last resort for resources. If they made it to be cheap, who would farm? who would play, when only moneybags have soma, or phage, or the dragon nikana, or prime? If you don't like the game, don't play it. But don't say its at fault because its not easy. 

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I respect your stance.


But, let us all be honest, DE could never become as bad as Piranah Games Ind with Mechwarrior Online. At this point they are a case study on how not to make a FTP game.

At least DE can't be as bad as SOE with their games like Planetside 2. Allow me to show you their development process.


1. Release 1/4 completed game, expect people to pay full price per piece of content. (Declared full game and no longer in Beta)

2. Promise to add more content in future dates, when those dates come, delay it further. (Majority of the promised updates are actually 1 year old now)

3. Buff weapons, wait for the players to stop buying the weapon, nerf beyond recognition.

4. Never reads their own official forums, uses Reddit as their main hub of operations. Therefore everyone on thier official forums hates them with a passion

5. Never uses working mechanics in previous games that they have made. I think its a case of "We're the newer developer team therefore the older ones were too old and retro thus we're better"

6. Insult players with mediocre products and lame cut n' paste art designs that would make video game modders cringe.

Edited by Im_a_Turtle
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Locking this thread because of its age and size (makes it tough to stay relevant). 

The feedback and ideas are appreciated. If anyone has additional thoughts, please make a new thread so they can be discussed there. 



Thank you. 

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