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I Find Myself Becoming More And More Bitter As The Days Progress


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AFAIK, it's ok to post the stuff on the forums, but don't quote me on that.


Looking it over yeah it DOES look like it'll revamp the damage system pretty well (and I like it), but still, the AI needs some work, while it might make the combat better it doesn't fix the problem of the lack of skill involved in the fights really (what I mean is, the AI is pretty dumb), but this is definitely a good start to making the combat better.

True but its a step forward :D also as a side note I can't say for sure but I'm pretty positive the asymptotic armor scaling will affect us as well which means we'll be getting hit harder as well. 

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True but its a step forward :D also as a side note I can't say for sure but I'm pretty positive the asymptotic armor scaling will affect us as well which means we'll be getting hit harder as well. 

Oh yeah, no question, if it works as intended it'll be a much better system for fighting enemies, and I like the look of the new element, which if I've read it correctly means that if you stack heat (fire) and electricity you instead get a "radiation" effect which makes the enemies more or less confused (if I understand it correctly)

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1. It would renew my faith in humanity if our community did something like this for new players regularly.

2. Steve has his head down working on improving the tutorial in time for PS4 launch day. Expect not to hear from him much over the next few weeks (except maybe next week's Livestream).

Great to hear that there's going to be an improved tutorial for the PS4 launch. Hopefully over time, the tutorials end up becoming quite in-depth. Though, I believe I covered that in one of my edits.


It's 100% necessary, imo.

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Tutorial? WHAT?


You know how I learned how to play Warframe? By going into the options and reading the keybind settings.




If anything, they need to hurry up and finish unifying the UI elements so we aren't stuck visiting almost 8 different screen layouts. Oh, and to move the party health bars to a corner not containing the squad chat window...

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The reason people find RNG broken is because it works very well right now (being fairly random), which means when hunting for BPs (before the recent change) from bosses you could get no BP, the wrong BP, or the right BP, and unless you got the third option there, the run was a 100% waste of time in regards to getting the new frame you wanted, and there was no backstop to this RNG (with some people having to farm 100+ times for the last BP they wanted)


The other problem is that almost everything in this game only needs to be obtained once. You hope the Stalker comes in every mission so you can have a low chance of getting those precious BPs, but once you have what you want, you never want to see him again. New bosses are all well and good, but when you have the Frame or whatever, there's no reason to kill him/her anymore. I grinded Corpus Defense for hours and hours to get Master Thief. I finally got it. Now I don't do Corpus Defense anymore.

Edited by BadAimbot
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Tutorial? WHAT?


You know how I learned how to play Warframe? By going into the options and reading the keybind settings.




If anything, they need to hurry up and finish unifying the UI elements so we aren't stuck visiting almost 8 different screen layouts. Oh, and to move the party health bars to a corner not containing the squad chat window...

I agree that UI elements need to be worked on as well, but, the tutorial is much more important than you may think.


Sure, you or I could figure out the game with just the options menu, but, like I outlined in my OP, not everyone can do the same.

Not due to lacking the "intelligence" to do so, but some people just don't want to learn, they want the game to be explained to them.


Do I agree with this? No. But, at the end of the day, DE is a company.

If plenty of ps4 players quit because of no tutorial (and I guarantee, plenty of players would), that's revenue for DE gone.

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...some people just don't want to learn, they want the game to be explained to them.

Bolded for emphasize.


And for those who can't see why we need better tutorials, let me say some things..

Most players, especially casuals and/or those who NEVER played this kind of games before (in which, by number, WILL INCREASE when PS4 release is a go) don't really have any reason or idea to read the options, some other small body of texts or even subtle hints even though it's crucial for their own sake.


Oh no...


They want everything to be explained, shown, and  fed to them.

No, they won't care to read the key-bindings, or even read written tutorial in this forum/wiki.

They want someone, anyone, to hold their hands and explain every single detail.


Hey, I learned this game the hard way, you know.


Dying 4 times on M.Prime, solely because I were too caught up in the awesomeness of SCALING WALLS. Yeah, I was THAT bad. But I got better.


Now? Well, I help those who, for now, suck like I were. And, I say, I'm doing my job really damn good in holding newbies hands and fed them their porridge of wisdom.

But what about others? Who NEVER played this game, too embarrassed to ask, or too cocky to listen to other players?

They need someone on the higher level of authority to teach them, in which, of course, the devs.

How? By putting tutorials in the game in logically acceptable rate of course!

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Once again I find myself responding to, and supporting, Nugget's thread. Thankfully, this time the previous one was locked via Nugget's request.


I shall make myself clear, the last week of effort done by the devs has been fantastic! Bug fixes, UI updates, QOL issues are drastically improving. I sunk an extra 45€ in confidence that this standard will remain.


That said, there are still grinding issues that could use addressing (Vaults were a softer blow due to not burning the key afterwards, but they still had valid issues as addressed by OP.) That and the Damage issues that SHOULD be fixed with DMG 2.0 (SHOULD, some people have valid concerns with these changes and addressing them would be appreciated.)


A LOT of progress has been made by DE since the creation of the original thread, and I LOVE it! However, I am not a fan of being burned twice (Which Halo has done to me and I wont touch the series with a ten foot pole now), so please, keep that steady climb up the steep mountain of customer satisfaction and make the fantastic game that you set out to make!

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well, if i had to describe warframe with one word, the BEST would be FARMING


all you ever do in this game is farming. farming stuff to be able farm other stuff that enables you to farm stuff needed to farm stuff. it's so ridiculous that it's not even funny anymore.


i stopped playing warframe because of this and i demand that warframe is being renamed to one of its more popular names:




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well, if i had to describe warframe with one word, the BEST would be FARMING


all you ever do in this game is farming. farming stuff to be able farm other stuff that enables you to farm stuff needed to farm stuff. it's so ridiculous that it's not even funny anymore.


i stopped playing warframe because of this and i demand that warframe is being renamed to one of its more popular names:




With all this farming ( we are poor farming  peasants ), DE is even shaming Korean MMO developers.

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Bolded for emphasize.


And for those who can't see why we need better tutorials, let me say some things..

Most players, especially casuals and/or those who NEVER played this kind of games before (in which, by number, WILL INCREASE when PS4 release is a go) don't really have any reason or idea to read the options, some other small body of texts or even subtle hints even though it's crucial for their own sake.


Oh no...


They want everything to be explained, shown, and  fed to them.

No, they won't care to read the key-bindings, or even read written tutorial in this forum/wiki.

They want someone, anyone, to hold their hands and explain every single detail.


Hey, I learned this game the hard way, you know.


Dying 4 times on M.Prime, solely because I were too caught up in the awesomeness of SCALING WALLS. Yeah, I was THAT bad. But I got better.


Now? Well, I help those who, for now, suck like I were. And, I say, I'm doing my job really damn good in holding newbies hands and fed them their porridge of wisdom.

But what about others? Who NEVER played this game, too embarrassed to ask, or too cocky to listen to other players?

They need someone on the higher level of authority to teach them, in which, of course, the devs.

How? By putting tutorials in the game in logically acceptable rate of course!


This x1000.

Many people underestimate the need for proper tutorials/explanation.


"They want everything to be explained, shown and fed to them.

No, they won't care to read the key-bindings, or even read written tutorial in this forum/wiki.

They want someone, anyone, to hold their hands and explain every single detail."



It's not an insult or anything, but this is how some people's minds work.

They don't want to discover things. They want it fed to them.


And, while these people make up such a large percentage of gamers, tutorials will be needed.

Edited by Nugget_
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On your most recent edit, I've always thought that the best way to balance mods would be to make all of them go to Rank 10 and balance them appropriately, then modify Fusion Core drop rates so that higher level enemies drop higher level Cores. This would create an actual power curve instead of obtain mod = congratulations you trivialize all current content. Of course, this was before weapons being upgrades and Corrupted Mods which power up weapons differently, and I've lost all hope to ever see this game be balanced.


While future proofing is all well and good, I've become extremely apathetic to the whole balance situation until the future gets here. The mods as they are now are in shambles and I don't expect a proper balance to be reached. We will just have to do things the hard way; nerfing whatever's OP at the time.

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You are probably already writing about this, but what do you think of livestream 16?

I've watched it once, but I forgot to take notes, and I've forgotten half of it. -.-


I'll re-watch it, take down notes and add an edit or 2 with my in-depth thoughts.

Overall, it was very good. A massive step up from the mess that Livestream 14 was.

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Nekrosing this thread.

New edit has been added.


I'm pulling an all nighter tonight, so I'll watch the livestream again (taking notes this time -.-).

I'll do a full summary, and I'll put in all my thoughts.


Expect a very long edit for the livestream edit tomorrow sometime.


Also, is anyone else seeing everything underlined on the first page? Or is that just me?

Edited by Nugget_
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Nekrosing this thread.

New edit has been added.


I'm pulling an all nighter tonight, so I'll watch the livestream again (taking notes this time -.-).

I'll do a full summary, and I'll put in all my thoughts.


Expect a very long edit for the livestream edit tomorrow sometime.



Also, is anyone else seeing everything underlined on the first page? Or is that just me?


Everything at Edit 12 and past is Underlined and Bolded for me. 

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*Edit 11*

Mission types and variety


Before I begin with this section. It's known that DE is working on mission types.


This is not really one of the really pressing issues, but will definitely need some work in the future to keep players interested.



Ok, +1 for detailed analysis of the glaring issues.  DE has really perpetuated some flat out ridiculous design decisions and it feels to me like they have zero accountability to the community.  Sheldon's apology didn't do much for me, especially in light of all these perpetual issues.  


What I'm curious about is how could you qualify the insanely repetitive and grindy missions as "not really one of the pressing issues.."  You nailed everything else but this.  The totally lackluster missions and their subsequent polishing failure known as Survival (exactly more of the same) is the pink elephant in the room.  Latest livestream, #16 Steve says missions will throw more enemies at us like in survival.  Ewwwwww, that's going to be different and exciting!! except not at all.  And we are going to pick up a data satchel that will give us a... wait for it... BONUS!! Thats surely going to flip all our lids.  So what I am saying is gameplay, at this rate, IS NEVER GOING TO GET UPDATED, meaningfully.  And as such, this to me is the biggest, ongoing issue, ever, in the history of Warframe. Amen.  And don't even mention fuel rods with timers.  What a tragedy of imagination.


I honestly think this issue is so severe someone at DE should have been fired or demoted over it.  Unfortunately that person probably is Steve which is why Warframes gameplay will always be in arrested development.

Edited by alocrius
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Ok, +1 for detailed analysis of the glaring issues.  DE has really perpetuated some flat out ridiculous design decisions and it feels to me like they have zero accountability to the community.  Sheldon's apology didn't do much for me, especially in light of all these perpetual issues.  


What I'm curious about is how could you qualify the insanely repetitive and grindy missions as "not really one of the pressing issues.."  You nailed everything else but this.  The totally lackluster missions and their subsequent polishing failure known as Survival (exactly more of the same) is the pink elephant in the room.  Latest livestream, #16 Steve says missions will throw more enemies at us like in survival.  Ewwwwww, that's going to be different and exciting!! except not at all.  And we are going to pick up a data satchel that will give us a... wait for it... BONUS!! Thats surely going to flip all our lids.  So what I am saying is gameplay, at this rate, IS NEVER GOING TO GET UPDATED, meaningfully.  And as such, this to me is the biggest, ongoing issue, ever, in the history of Warframe. Amen.  And don't even mention fuel rods with timers.  What a tragedy of imagination.

Fair point.

It's definitely up there on the list. But, honestly, I consider switching over from the S#&$ty RNG, bugfixes etc more pressing.

Mainly, because with current missions, the game would be at least playable.


For me, the RNG etc makes it unplayable.

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Thank you Nugget for those points of view ;)


Lots of very valid ones.


Wont come back on everything that has already been said on those first 5 pages, but on the need of proper tutorial for PS4 players ...

I want to say, that's why i dont want Warframe on PS4. I have no respect nor affinity for a community that is not able to open keybindings, read a wiki, or a guide on a site/forum. Console and console community is the ruin of gameplay and smartness (sorry, can i say smatness? not english :/).

That's why i really want warframe PC and PS4 to be 2 totally different games, with 2 dev teams. Sadly, DE cant "afford" that. They already showed their limits on designing the PC version ...


As it's late, and i'm very interested in this discussion, i will come back tomorrow after a full re-read of all the posts ;)

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@ OP

could you please only highlight important stuff with bold/italics/underlining? i find it somehow hard to read if a lot is bold and underlined at the same time.


other then that, i agree with your post and i really hope your feedback can do something to improve farmframe.

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@ OP

could you please only highlight important stuff with bold/italics/underlining? i find it somehow hard to read if a lot is bold and underlined at the same time.


other then that, i agree with your post and i really hope your feedback can do something to improve farmframe.

That's not my fault.

The forums screwed up and highlighted/bolded most of the first page. :/

My thread broke the forums :P


Unrelated. Livestream/event feedback will be coming tomorrow.

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