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Secondary Fire Toggle


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Yes, I know that this has been said several times, but it needs to be said more times:

We need the ability to toggle all secondary fires.  Some don't really need a toggle, like the Azima, which would require three inputs instead of one, but many do.  When a weapon does significantly different things for its secondary and primary fire, like the Zarr, which has a toggle, and Basmu, which does not, I have noticed that people usually build for one or the other.  Weapons that require an input other than the trigger to fire the secondary waste hand space.  As it is, I have developed a really uncomfortable strategy that gives me 60% effectiveness with weapons like:

Primary: Corinth, Buzlok, Basmu, Battacor, Javlok, Nagantaka, Panthera, Paracyst, Phantasma, Quanta variants, Scourge, Quellor, Tenora

Secondary: Cyanex, Euphona Prime, Fusilai, Kuva Kraken, Pandero, Stug

I only included weapons that require you to aim at something while using secondary fire, stuff like the Penta does not need this.

To be fair, not a whole lot of weapons need this change, but it really is a pain to use my pointer finger for movement while I press the (what I mapped) right button on the D-pad with my thumb, aim with my middle finger, and have my right pointer completely useless.

Also, if anyone has figured out a better control setup, that would be great.  I switched R3 with right on the d-pad, but not sure that's the best option.

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Just gonna quote myself again:


I still want it to be an option on a per-weapon basis how other firing modes work.

Not least, add the option to have your Aim status be what changes the firing mode (see e.g. Kuva Quartakk),
for weapons like Tiberon Prime or Kuva Hind you could (freely) assign the 3 modes to Primary Fire / Secondary Fire / Aim if you so choose,
this could even bring back the option to detonate Penta 'nades etc with Aim, that worked pretty well I thought, shame that was lost.

Also, that silly trend of making weapons where different firing modes use different stats (Crit vs Status focus) ... can that stop, please?

It often just ends with one firing mode being built for exclusively (like, my Corinth Prime is Airburst-focused, no Crit Mods, alas),
which is one of the reasons why I'd love the option to choose what mode is the Primary Fire / the weapon starts with
(the latter also being something I'd very much like for the selector thingies of e.g. Vauban / Ivara / Khora, BTW).

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Alt fire is terrible on a controller. I pretty much ignore any weapon that has it. It's already hard enough to aim with a controller. It's also a strain on your thumb if you try and use R3 for alt fire over a long period of time. Repeatedly using the R3 button wears it out pretty fast too. I've gone through several controllers and it's always the L3/R3 buttons. 

Same goes for heavy attack melee builds. I just don't use them. I can't play them for more than 30 minutes before my thumb starts to cramp up. 

I've looked over the controller configuration multiple times and there is really no good place to put it. OP said they remap their alt fire to the dpad but I already have those mapped for gear wheel items. Having the option to toggle alt fire and hold to heavy attack really seems to be the best option. The only other thing I could think of would be if holding R1 (ability menu) also enabled alt fire on R2. This would not work with heavy attacks though so it's not that great of an idea anyway. 

I'd prefer to use kbm but I injured my keyboard hand and have a retarded ring finger. WASD is no longer an option for me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be nice if the weapons with alt-fire be made static. So if I press R3 on PS4 controller, it stays in the alt-fire.  Take the Tenora and Quellor, alt-fire is already cumbersome, now I have to wait for the charge to finish and auto fire while trying to sprint aim at the target.  Would be nice if it fires on trigger release like the Lenz.

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