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Soma Sounds Too Normal, Doesn't It?


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funny you should say that as I thought the same thing when I first started using it.

what we need is sound skins, yeah I know that sounds weird but this game is in the future, spaceships and all, surely they could alter the sound of a weapon, doesn't need to alter the weapon in anyway, just alter the sound.

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funny you should say that as I thought the same thing when I first started using it.

what we need is sound skins, yeah I know that sounds weird but this game is in the future, spaceships and all, surely they could alter the sound of a weapon, doesn't need to alter the weapon in anyway, just alter the sound.


I think that's a bit far with the customization, especially considering how many weapons this game has and will still have.

Besides it's good to recognize a weapon by its sound so you know if there's an enemy or friend shooting. Seriously, try playing with sound off, it's more important than you think ;)

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I would have to say it's audio contends with Halo 4's Assault Rifle


No complaints here.

god I love the sounds in Halo 4


again, I have no complaints (and I'm not hearing any pops) but it uses bullets, you'd expect it to sound like what it does, not too sure how you can turn a gun that uses bullets sci-fi

Edited by Ninjaboy00
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Soo?... What do you suggest? Should it be flerp flerp flerp? I mean honestly... Some of these sound change threads are kinda derp, "Soma sounds to ordinary cause it sounds like a proper gun" Whelp lets make it make cow noises and occasionally squeek. Problem solved, it's no longer ordinary but extremely special, right?...

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I think that's a bit far with the customization, especially considering how many weapons this game has and will still have.

Besides it's good to recognize a weapon by its sound so you know if there's an enemy or friend shooting. Seriously, try playing with sound off, it's more important than you think ;)

I only play games like this with sound off, I think the last time I had sound on in a game was when I was playing FO3 and New Vegas, other then that I just listen to music in the background or watch a movie on my second monitor as I half-way pay attention to the game. Never really bothered me or caused any problems... not like I'm listening to foot steps in Warframe... I mean are there even noises for foot steps?...

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Then you need to invest in some better speakers, because that's all the Soma does :P




actually, my headphones may be old, but they're better than some of the newer ones I've seen (for example, my friend got an Afterglow gaming headset earlier this year, yet my headphones are A) more comfortable and B) have equal sounds quality)


this is my headset (an image I found from google images, not an actual picture of my exact headphones)


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Ordinary to an


that's almost half as much smoke and other crap Battlefield and CODfishy have to make the game more 'realistic'!




on topic:

if Soma sounds too much like a low caliber machine gun (even though that's exactly what it is), what do you suggest?

if you want every gun to be pew pew, i think you have the wrong universe. lasers are just simple to create with CG and are very dramatic. they aren't so amazing that every weapon to ever exist needs to operate based on them o.0

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funny you should say that as I thought the same thing when I first started using it.

what we need is sound skins, yeah I know that sounds weird but this game is in the future, spaceships and all, surely they could alter the sound of a weapon, doesn't need to alter the weapon in anyway, just alter the sound.


I agree, sound customization is the wave of the future and probably the next big step in in-game modifications.  It would fit in well with the other customizations in this game.  Hell you can even "skin" your movement and standing animations.  It'd give this game a leg up over the competition and give it some positive press as well for being innovative.

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funny you should say that as I thought the same thing when I first started using it.

what we need is sound skins, yeah I know that sounds weird but this game is in the future, spaceships and all, surely they could alter the sound of a weapon, doesn't need to alter the weapon in anyway, just alter the sound.

*Scratches head* Sound skins? This game already introduces weapon and helmet skins, with maybe warframe skins coming up, but now sound skins? In my opinion, this kinda addition would take too much time and slow down the games updating.

I personally love how the Soma sounds. Its brutal, but tightly controlled. If it starts sounding like Dera, then I wouldnt use it as much. I dont want an bad &#! bringer of death to sound like an wuss.


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