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New warframe idea

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So I was looking threw lots of warframes and there might be a couple warframes similer to this new idea of a warframe I had.I call him Navajo, This warframe would be a mimic warframe and we dont have this yet a warframe that can mimic enemies and or sounds to draw fire or maybe as a distraction.

Now I dont know what i would call these abilitys but if you guys like this idea id love to here what you would call these abilitys.

1st ability: The warframe will mimic sounds of enemy fire or noise and draw nearby enemies atention or to draw fire 

2nd ability: The warframe will duplicate it self up to 6 ghost like replicates and they will go in different directions drawing enemy fire and then exploding after a certain time or they dont have to explode and they can continue to draw enemies confusing them and making lots of noise and making them see things witch will make all enemies start to run around and or stand still and go crazy with a chance of shooting a t a different enemy or allowing you to finish them off.

3rd ability: The warframe will literally take on the form of an enemy and go unnoticed allowing you to clean out a room without actually going in or taking out enemy's more easy then you can detonate your controlled enemy and jump to a different enemy and continue but ofc at the cost if energy consumption.

4th ability: you will duplicate any enemy you have looked at or controlled and replicate up to 10 enemies and they will fire at other enemies also drawing fire from you and when they kill or touch another enemy they will also be controlled and and fire at other enimies as well.

So yes there's a couple warframe that kind of the same idea but ofc you can change this around and play around with the abilites i feel like this has potential so please met me know your ideas hopefully this reaches De for a future warframe.

Edited by (PS4)mexican_titan111
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3 minutes ago, (XB1)LordZonut said:

But why the name?

He would need to have a Native American look considering the name, but then the look would not compliment the abilities.

Well like I said you guys can come up with other ideas and opinions ita totally cool for him to have a different name I only suggested what i would call him

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I saw this idea many times already and all of them have something in common: taking the form of an enemy to go undercover. Every time there is the exact same reaction to this ability: it doesn't sound fun because I have no reason to mimic an unreling. The enemy is so weak compared to me that I better off just killing him.
With that note, I'm not a fan of the third ability.

With that out of the way, here is my feedback:

  • Name.
    At first I read it as "Navigo", expecting a hacker or somthing related to navigation. Probubly CC frame. Only after someone else said it in a comment here I figured I was reading it wrong. I wander what made you choose this name. Not complaning, just wandering.
  • General idea and role:
    You introduced your idea as a deception warframe. One that his job is to control enemies by fooling them. "Bamboozleframe" :). We have Loki that this is his job and I think he's doing it poorly. What I'm looking for here is how this warframe not only doesnt' step into Loki's shoes, but how he also how he won't overshadow him too much.
    Please use more dots, commas and new lines. It's hard to read your post.
  • Ability 1:
    • I like the idea of drawing enemy fire to protect your team, but in a solo mission this is useless. If an enemy notice you, using this ability will do nothing as enemies are already targeting you. If you try to be stealty, you break your own cover so this ability works against you.
    • Here is my fix:
      • Navago makes a sound. Enemies in range of the sound will draw thier attention to the sound's direction for 1 second reguardless of what they did before.
      • After maing a sound, Navago will go invisible for 3-5 seconds (at max rank).
      • Enemeis who were not alerted before will go investigate the sound (like Ivara's Noise Arrow).
    • This way, you keep the same function as you suggested of drawing enemy fire, but there is also a function for solo players. The invisibility is not there to be exploited as an invisibility ability, but as a get away so the enemies will target where the player was and not the warframe himself. Similar to Saryn's Molt ability, the speed boost is there to help you run away more then for the sake of having a speed buff.
  • Ability 2:
    • You made it sound way more complicated then it should. I think this is all this ability need.
      1 hour ago, (PS4)mexican_titan111 said:

      The warframe will duplicate it self up to 6 ghost like replicates and they will go in different directions drawing enemy fire and then exploding after a certain time

      That's it.
    • Having the clones already distracting the enemies is one thing. The explosions make the sound to draw more attention and deal damage. There is really nothing more this ability need. With that being said, I think it's an amazing 4th ability and not a 2nd ability.
  • Ability3:
    • Talked about it. Not a fan as enemies are too weak to be worth the effort of mimicing them.
  • Ability4:
    • This is Shadows of the Dead combined with Enthrall. My issue is not the fact it's just two abilities combined, but technical: there is a reason Nekros can't summon more then 7 shadows and Revenant can't have more then 7 thralls - performance. DE figured about 7-10 is the sweet spot for having an army of your won and having enough enemies spawning at the same time without dropping frame rate, now add the possibility of everyone in the squad playing Nekros / Revenant. There is a limit for how many entities can be in a level without getting the game crashed from too many of them running around the level.
      What you suggested has the potential of infecting all of the enemies, but then enemies won't spawn because the game can't keep up. If enemies don't spawn, you can't play the game. Because of that there is a cap for summoning enemies or having mind controlled enemies.
    • With that technical cap in mind, you have a literal copy of Entrall. You need a new ability.

My intention is not to be rude or trash your idea. I want to help you make a good warframe that is fun to play. I'm like that with every warframe idea I see.
Wish you the best.

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Not a bad plan, but we already have several "trickster" type frames. Personally, I see little reason to use this over Loki with a high status chance Radiation weapon. Loki can draw fire with his 1, go completely invisible with his 2, and turn foes against one another with the radiation weapon. 

Plus, using enemies against other enemies faces the same problem Nyx has: Enemies aren't really too good when turned into allies. 

It's a really cool idea, don't get me wrong, but it just isn't strong enough. There are better frames to use for stealth purposes, and it doesn't pack enough extra firepower to make it worth using over other options.

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So I was reading the comments maybe it would be a cool ability to have the took over a enemy ability out here and have control the enemies and make them dance almost like puppets and have any enemy dance eaither on the ground or in the air to make it look like they are truly being controlled while taking dmg over time ofc.


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On 2020-05-04 at 12:42 PM, (PS4)mexican_titan111 said:

So I was looking threw lots of warframes and there might be a couple warframes similer to this new idea of a warframe I had.I call him Navajo, This warframe would be a mimic warframe and we dont have this yet a warframe that can mimic enemies and or sounds to draw fire or maybe as a distraction.

Now I dont know what i would call these abilitys but if you guys like this idea id love to here what you would call these abilitys.

1st ability: The warframe will mimic sounds of enemy fire or noise and draw nearby enemies atention or to draw fire 

2nd ability: The warframe will duplicate it self up to 6 ghost like replicates and they will go in different directions drawing enemy fire and then exploding after a certain time or they dont have to explode and they can continue to draw enemies confusing them and making lots of noise and making them see things witch will make all enemies start to run around and or stand still and go crazy with a chance of shooting a t a different enemy or allowing you to finish them off.

3rd ability: The warframe will literally take on the form of an enemy and go unnoticed allowing you to clean out a room without actually going in or taking out enemy's more easy then you can detonate your controlled enemy and jump to a different enemy and continue but ofc at the cost if energy consumption.

4th ability: you will duplicate any enemy you have looked at or controlled and replicate up to 10 enemies and they will fire at other enemies also drawing fire from you and when they kill or touch another enemy they will also be controlled and and fire at other enimies as well.

So yes there's a couple warframe that kind of the same idea but ofc you can change this around and play around with the abilites i feel like this has potential so please met me know your ideas hopefully this reaches De for a future warframe.

Well for the name DE tend to use Latin or something for names that reflect the warframe. Like Persequor, which is Latin for imitate. Also the spelling of names would be slightly different. Like Saryn vs Sarin. 

Now this link is my idea of a shapeshifter which focuses on copying enemies and tricking others into attacking each other. The whole mimic concept could share somethings in common. Like it could take on the form of something and trick enemies into walking pass you, but you would have to move very slowly to not draw suspicion. 

Not a lot of people actually try discussing such ideas. They either argued or criticized. I for one like to discuss concepts. Believe it or not, the last 4 frames plus the new one coming were concepts I’ve either discussed with others or made myself. Each one, people just criticized. But here they are. 

With sentient mimics, I’m pretty sure a Mimic Frame Concept(title suggestion for post) would be taken into consideration by DE. 

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Hello mexican_titan111, Here is a few positive ideas up to now for your frame, including abilities that benifit allies too also a few names I found might fit well.

Names coming from the word mimic

-Mofang (Chinese)

-Meniru (Malag)

-Manahaka (Malagasy) 

-Mimos (Greek) 

1)Having the skills of Mimicry you have the power to replicate allies/enemies abilities for the duration of the ability. Increasing strength mods will stack from enemies base attack. 

2) Chosen enemy will be seen as a replica of you, causing surrounding enemies to attack, selecting an allie will be seen as an enemy and be left alone. 


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1 hour ago, Infiniteonvitae said:

Hello mexican_titan111, Here is a few positive ideas up to now for your frame, including abilities that benifit allies too also a few names I found might fit well.

Names coming from the word mimic

-Mofang (Chinese)

-Meniru (Malag)

-Manahaka (Malagasy) 

-Mimos (Greek) 

1)Having the skills of Mimicry you have the power to replicate allies/enemies abilities for the duration of the ability. Increasing strength mods will stack from enemies base attack. 

2) Chosen enemy will be seen as a replica of you, causing surrounding enemies to attack, selecting an allie will be seen as an enemy and be left alone. 


The name Mofang makes me imagine a very creepy fanged frame. Like it is covered with fangs and due to its creepiness, it copies or mimics the appearances of others in order to walk amongst them without spreading fear. 

I don’t know about the whole replicate abilities. Why bother creating new abilities just to have another frame copy? Like some warframe Shang Tsung. Then that would be a lot to add to a frame. It would be more complicated than you think. In MK Shang Tsung basically switches places with another character. That is much easier coding. So unless this frame completely copies another frame, which I doubt DE would allow, the whole replicate ability concept would require a lot of coding to add basically every type of abilities coding to the frame for it to successfully copy another. And using the ability while looking at a frame basically unlocks the ability for that frame. 

It’s too complicated to implement and takes away the uniqueness of every frame away. Which is why I doubt DE would even attempt to go through with it. 

Mimicing appearances, stats like speed/health/shield/armor etc. is one thing. But mimicing abilities is way more complicated. I could see it mimicing Inaros’s large health, but not his sandstorm. Not to mention it would have to cancel a lot of abilities the moment it mimics another which would add more complications. Cause copying Chroma’s Vex Armor Buff and copying Excalibur’s Exalted Blade would be way too OP. DE would have to make a lot of limitations for this to be allowed. And that’s if they even want to go through the complications of trying implement this ability. 

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6 hours ago, Infiniteonvitae said:

Just throwing ideas onto the table thats all...!!

That’s why my shapeshifter concept is the way it is. I chose the abilities cause I figured that would be the easiest for DE to implement. And they have synergy. 

Many people suggesting a shapeshifter/copycat frame always have the same idea. An ability to copy other frames’ abilities. People already complain about new frames copying another: Gauss vs volt, harrow vs Oberon, grendel vs inaros, etc. However I still see people using older frames more often than newer frames. So the complaints were childish. I’ve made concepts just for the same type of people to throw them out the window cause of a tiny itty bitty similarity to another frame. 

The thing is, most players aren’t gonna like a frame that relies on copying another frame and DE isn’t gonna want to implement a frame that requires crazy codings to have the ability of pretty much all abilities. Not to mention it would take away the uniqueness of every other existing frame.

I was just simply explaining the flaw in the copycat ability suggestion that many have already used on many posts. Like how many time frame concepts always tried mentioning the ability to basically reset the game itself. I mentioned how that wouldn’t work nor be allowed by DE. But I also suggested that the only kind of time reset ability that I could see possible, is the ability to reset the frame itself back a certain amount. Sort of like the Glitch skill from Black Ops 3 prophet. Basically sets a recorded mark of some sort and the frame just teleports back if the ability is canceled or takes fatal damage. Guess what, DE added that exact same ability, with a few additions, to the new frame coming soon

Doesn’t mean you can’t suggest more/better ideas for abilities. Such as copying the health, shield, armor, and speed of a teammate. So if a tanky teammate joins, the... Mofang could mimic and be tanky also, while having a high power strength build. Wouldn’t really be considered OP since DE encourage teamwork. Which I use my Nidus to over double anybody’s power strength. Made newbies not feel so weak. 

Man, got me picturing like a dozen ability ideas right now. 

Edited by (PS4)chris1pat8twins
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