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Shouldn´t Warframes Have More Mod Slots?


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i was thinking on how many "obligatory" mods  you need in a warframe, and i realised how little customization the lack of mod slots cause.


these are the "obligatory" mods:




all the warframe skills

a mod which affects skills or in some cases 2 (duration, power and range mods)

if you are a caster warframe definetely streamline.

I don't disagree with your premise here, but I often roll without any of the mods you named here as obligatory (redirection,vitality,flow). I am more likely to slot a defensive mod (Redirection, Vitality) when going up against Grineer, depending on my 'frame and the enemy level, because they are hitscan.


Flow I never use. Streamline, in contrast, is often one of the first mods I slot.


Moving on to your main point: I think 2 extra slots should be added, similar to the "Aura" slot in that only a certain class of mods can be slotted in them (however, this class of mods could still be slotted in the regular mod slots). Mods such as Master Thief, Heavy Impact, resistance mods (Diamond Skin, Antitoxin), Warm Coat would be in this class. Even mods such as Parry, Reflex Guard, Equilibrium, Undying Will, Retribution, and Provoked. Where exactly to draw the line is an argument for another day, but you get the idea.

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Something that crossed my mind: out of all the people saying that vitality/redirection aren't useful, how many of you only solo? 'Cause I do which is why they're useful for me.

I normally don't solo exclusively, but do enough of the time that I can see where defensive mods would be useful, even if not strictly necessary. However, recently I'm in a new area, and my internet isn't fully set up yet, but my neighbor was kind enough to give me the password to her WiFI... except now I can do nothing BUT solo because my ping is usually >800.


This is the fourth day where i'll be exclusively soloing, and redirection is *still* the only mod that i'll use of the bunch.

I don't touch steel fiber or vitality, and rarely will i use equilibrium. 




Set Shade as your sentinel. The ability to disappear briefly to regain your shields, reload, and pick up energy is invaluable for soloing, worth more than what any of the other sentinels bring to the table.

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Powers should have their own slots in the WF section, and the other four slots should be open.


But it's probably not going to happen.

Maybe someone doesn't use all the powers (i.e. me).


I'm against having more slots, as someone said before me, make trade-offs, see what abilities you don't realy use, polarize the ability slots with something suited for you, customize your frames people don't follow guides,  make your main frame(or frames) an extension of you.

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Ok, but the OP still has a good point, the game has gotten to the level where there are TOO many different mods to choose from, hence rendering many of them useless (e.g warm coat, laser resistance ect) on the other hand if DE gave us some "Passive" mod slots that would solve the dilemma 





Good point. Something like this has been on my mind since update 9 and all the newer mods that have dropped since. I can see this happening, kinda like the aurora slots, it would help to keep it balanced.

Edited by SluggoV2
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i was thinking on how many "obligatory" mods  you need in a warframe, and i realised how little customization the lack of mod slots cause.


these are the "obligatory" mods:




all the warframe skills

a mod which affects skills or in some cases 2 (duration, power and range mods)

if you are a caster warframe definetely streamline.


that leaves from 0 to 2 mod slots free for making your loadout.


im pretty sure DE, and most, if not all players, would like to make their unique warframe builds, but the lack of mod slots really takes away the abiltity to make them, plus it makes most utility mods, like enemy radar, rush, heavy impact and all the other mods to never be used. as an example if i wish to take away a mod which costs a lot of energy to take 2 mosd which cost less, i can´t do it because of the mod slots.


we are already limited by energy capacity, which is completely fine, but i think we should have more mod slots.

i guess 2 or 4 more would be fine to make use of all the maximum energy capacity of a warframe.



any feedback would be appreciated.

Most people use one warframe ability mod or maybe in some cases 2.

Frost? only use snowglobe

Nova? only use Molecular Prime

The only MUST HAVE mod is thief's wit

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I noticed one thing for the ammount of people saying vitality is useless i can affirm that not many people seems to do nightmare mode missions since 1 of said modes is no shields...making redirection utterly useless and those without vitality....easy targets?


And to only une 1 ability of a frame is to not bring out its utmost potential...well most of the time because i agree that currently there are a few abilities that have trouble once you reach higher levels, but that's considered a mechanic problem usually because DE dont go makiin abilities just for them to exist but never be used.

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Allow the creation of new slots through forma.

Cost: 2-4 forma(increasies with each new slot?)

Number of new slots allowed: 2-4 normal, 1 aura

New slots come as a blank slot they cannot be changed from such during creation they can be changed through formaing your frame when it gets back to level 30. The same with the aura.

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i was thinking on how many "obligatory" mods  you need in a warframe, and i realised how little customization the lack of mod slots cause.


these are the "obligatory" mods:




all the warframe skills

a mod which affects skills or in some cases 2 (duration, power and range mods)

if you are a caster warframe definetely streamline.

Those are definitely not obligatory. I agree with that there is a certain amount of limitation, but I don't think there is a lack of customization. Just for example, with Rhino. You can make him a tank build by using up four mod slots and putting all of the defensive mods on him and choosing two more for what's left or you can make him dps, by putting maybe only one defensive mod on him and having the rest be focus, streamline, stretch, etc.

With the release of so many new mods though I do believe there is limitation, in that sense that when am I ever going to choose Maglev (extended slide mod) over say focus (power strength) with any frame that would use focus? Never. Maglev will never be more important than Focus.

SO, I think UTILITY mod slots should be added, somewhat like the Aura slot, where you can only equip maybe one or two mods that fit the bill into those slots. Just my thoughts anyways.


EDIT: This would also give added reason for forma'ing because as of right now the Aura bonus pretty well completely nullifies the need for that. Not saying the Aura bonus should go away; I, and I'm sure many other people, would be pretty damn irked if it did, but I definitely think Utility slots, or whatever you'd call it, would just add that much more to the game.

Edited by Instinction
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Maybe someone doesn't use all the powers (i.e. me).


I'm against having more slots, as someone said before me, make trade-offs, see what abilities you don't realy use, polarize the ability slots with something suited for you, customize your frames people don't follow guides,  make your main frame(or frames) an extension of you.


It's cool you think I have no idea how to actually play warfame at a competent level, instituting the kind of lateral exegesis only a zen master trained for years could attempt to undertake after many long aeons spent in consideration and contemplation-


oh wait.






If you can see past your simplistic condescension, you might perhaps take into account that there are now hundreds of mods as in more than ONE HUNDRED to choose from, with over 45 belonging to Frames now with corrupted mods. 


6 open slots, 45 mods.


I'll let you figure it out.

Edited by -Kittens-
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People will always say "limited slots means tactical choices and trade offs". But in my pretty extensive experience in warframe, it boils down to the necessary mods on every frame (streamline/flow/focus etc) and maybe the odd utility mod.

In my opinion the warframe mod system needs to change and I have two suggestions.

1. Remove warframe powers from the mod system in general and just have 8 mod slots and aura slot (potentially removing aura mod slot buff).


Warframe power cards are currently pointless. They are easy to max and you can have them all equipped with the new aura system at lvl 0 anyway. They are also fairly costly point wise and take up valuable mod slots.


Removes warframe powers from drop tables (no more well of life drops).

Frees up mod space.

Allows for greater customising of loadouts (no need to save slots for powers).

Could make the game more fun for new players, no need to level with 0 powers.

Fairly easy to do.


Removes potential ease of introducing new warframe powers (but at the rate DE are going at the moment, I don't see this occurring).

Might make people grumble that there is no feeling of progression with levelling frames.

2. Add passive utility slots to warframes.


There are plenty of passive utility skills that no one uses because they cost too much for what they do and aren't as useful as the core mods. Adding passive utility slots, similar to aura slot, could solve this issue of they cost nothing.


Allows utility mods like master theif and rush to cost nothing.

Can vary up loadouts.

Save mod points and slots for better mods.

Would change very little about the current mod system.


Useful mods such as rush would be used a lot more than mods such as flame resistance. Everyone would be rushing all the time.

Could have same reaction as aura slots "game getting too easy".

People would complain about spending more forma on passive slots.

Anyway those are my thoughts.

On a side note I think that a lot of the mods need looking at again add some are just plain pointless or aren't worth the mod points.

Personally I would also like to see helmet slots with passive helmet mods for bonuses replacing the current helmet stats. This would let you interchange stats whilst retaining your desired customisation appearance. But that is another issue entirely.

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They should do the following:
4 Skills Mods -> //

2 Defence Slots -> D

2 Support Slots -> -

2 Offense Slots -> V

2 Passive Slots -> no sign yet (for MODS like warmcoat knockdown resistance for eg)

With Forma you should be able to "add" Slots  (except Skill Slots) to a total amout of i don't know mb 2 (?) for each Group?

To help some new players they should appear at the screen but should be have a "LOCK" SIGN that can either be "opened" by forma or maybe unlock them with Mastery Rank...

IMO that would add variety to the game and would be awsm! :)

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i was thinking on how many "obligatory" mods  you need in a warframe, and i realised how little customization the lack of mod slots cause.


that leaves from 0 to 2 mod slots free for making your loadout.


Solution that doesn't raise the power cap - make different variations of the obligatory mods that don't stack with eachother.



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I noticed one thing for the ammount of people saying vitality is useless i can affirm that not many people seems to do nightmare mode missions since 1 of said modes is no shields...making redirection utterly useless and those without vitality....easy targets?


Nobody said useless. People said not mandatory.  Almost all the mods can be situational.  Nightmare for example.  I run nightmare alone a lot.  Recently I started using Volt.  He's non-potatoed and low rank.  You know what I use?  Speed, Constitution, Continuity and Rush.  Because not getting hit is better protection than higher health.

When I solo on other  frames I usually do take vitality but not redirection.  Meaning Redirection is also not mandatory.

Oh and Rhino builds?  Iron Skin and high base shields/health pretty much means redirection and vitality are also not really needed, or maybe one but not the other.

They are far from useless.  Just MOST mods are situational.  Flow/Focus are two however that the situation is ... almost all the time.

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People will always say "limited slots means tactical choices and trade offs". But in my pretty extensive experience in warframe, it boils down to the necessary mods on every frame (streamline/flow/focus etc) and maybe the odd utility mod.

In my opinion the warframe mod system needs to change and I have two suggestions.

1. Remove warframe powers from the mod system in general and just have 8 mod slots and aura slot (potentially removing aura mod slot buff).


Warframe power cards are currently pointless. They are easy to max and you can have them all equipped with the new aura system at lvl 0 anyway. They are also fairly costly point wise and take up valuable mod slots.


Removes warframe powers from drop tables (no more well of life drops).

Frees up mod space.

Allows for greater customising of loadouts (no need to save slots for powers).

Could make the game more fun for new players, no need to level with 0 powers.

Fairly easy to do.


Removes potential ease of introducing new warframe powers (but at the rate DE are going at the moment, I don't see this occurring).

Might make people grumble that there is no feeling of progression with levelling frames.


Or have the 4 frame slots moved to a different area, and have them only accept skills - same way auras only accept auras.


This would remove both cons.


But I digress. The helmet idea rocks.

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They are far from useless.  Just MOST mods are situational.  Flow/Focus are two however that the situation is ... almost all the time.


No, still situational. I rarely if ever wear either of those mods. I prefer gunplay to pretty much any frame skill. So those two mods are a waste of space for me.

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i was thinking on how many "obligatory" mods  you need in a warframe, and i realised how little customization the lack of mod slots cause.


these are the "obligatory" mods:




all the warframe skills

a mod which affects skills or in some cases 2 (duration, power and range mods)

if you are a caster warframe definetely streamline.


that leaves from 0 to 2 mod slots free for making your loadout.


im pretty sure DE, and most, if not all players, would like to make their unique warframe builds, but the lack of mod slots really takes away the abiltity to make them, plus it makes most utility mods, like enemy radar, rush, heavy impact and all the other mods to never be used. as an example if i wish to take away a mod which costs a lot of energy to take 2 mosd which cost less, i can´t do it because of the mod slots.


we are already limited by energy capacity, which is completely fine, but i think we should have more mod slots.

i guess 2 or 4 more would be fine to make use of all the maximum energy capacity of a warframe.



any feedback would be appreciated.

vitality is NOT obligatory. neither is flow. and DEFINITELY not all the warframe skills. I usually run 1-2 skills per warframe. NEVER EVER run vitality (unless im running the decaying key?.. whichever one is -75% shields.. and even then I dont need vitality). i havent used streamline since probably 8.0. (and its not because I dont have streamline.. i have 2x max ranked streamlines.. cause back in the day you would have to remove and switch frames, then equip. so having more than one maxed out mod just made sense.. so you didnt need to constantly switch mods around)... duration, power, range are all on a per warframe basis. no warframe needs all 3.


So in my book theres 2-3 mods NEEDED on a frame, the rest are just optional. I'll give you one of the mods for range/power/strength to go with that skill and you are still only looking at 3-4 mods. "needed" plenty of space to customize.


you frame gets ALOT more customizable when you STOP playing your frame like a press 4 to win button. learn to use your gun and you wont need all those mods. problem solved. then you can put all your mods into whatever you like.. parkour, speed, utility.

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vitality is NOT obligatory. neither is flow. and DEFINITELY not all the warframe skills. I usually run 1-2 skills per warframe. NEVER EVER run vitality (unless im running the decaying key?.. whichever one is -75% shields.. and even then I dont need vitality). i havent used streamline since probably 8.0. (and its not because I dont have streamline.. i have 2x max ranked streamlines.. cause back in the day you would have to remove and switch frames, then equip. so having more than one maxed out mod just made sense.. so you didnt need to constantly switch mods around)... duration, power, range are all on a per warframe basis. no warframe needs all 3.


So in my book theres 2-3 mods NEEDED on a frame, the rest are just optional. I'll give you one of the mods for range/power/strength to go with that skill and you are still only looking at 3-4 mods. "needed" plenty of space to customize.


you frame gets ALOT more customizable when you STOP playing your frame like a press 4 to win button. learn to use your gun and you wont need all those mods. problem solved. then you can put all your mods into whatever you like.. parkour, speed, utility.

but it`s still more powerfull to have all the mods i marked as obligatory.


and buffing the other mods won´t change anything. you can buff enemy radar all you want, but flow will still be better in all situations, unless you are hitted by an ancient disruptor, in which case vitality is needed.

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