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Warframe: Depowered (Medieval Frame) [6/26: Warframe: The Iron Age Sneak Peek! Ember, The Pyromancer]


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I think I said it once, but  I'll say it again. I'm sure that if DE made full-body Warframe skins to be similar to your medieval concepts, many, MANY people will throw their plat at them XD


I know I would for Trin.


Haha, aw, thanks, Cas! ^^


That would certainly be nice! I love swords and sorcery style things. ;) 


Wouldn't break immersion as much as a candy-cane scythe, too!


And thanks, everyone! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh gawd, just looking back at your artwork is still amazing, no matter how long ago it was posted.


I can't wait for Trinity!


Haha, aw, man, you flatter me. XD  




Sorry I'm so slow to upload, though! Haha, been rather busy, recently! Then again, I always seem pretty busy, don't I? :O

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Haha, aw, man, you flatter me. XD  




Sorry I'm so slow to upload, though! Haha, been rather busy, recently! Then again, I always seem pretty busy, don't I? :O

Mhmm, but we've been here, we've been waiting...



(Hint at the reference?)

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Haha, I don't know that reference. Sounds like a Zerg-thing, though. 


Or is it... The STALKER?!!!

Nope, The final sentence in the first Transformers movie from Optimus Prime.


"We, are here. We, are waiting".

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Nope, The final sentence in the first Transformers movie from Optimus Prime.


"We, are here. We, are waiting".


Oooh! Man, that feels like... AGES ago! 




... Yes, I did a bad Age of Extinction pun. I'm sorry. :(

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You seen the medieval RP going Cal? Seems your drawings triggered it.

Shameless promo link is shameless :3



Haha, wow, that's something! Didn't know it was around, but thought it'd happen eventually! (I doubt I triggered it, though, it's just one reaaally awesome idea.)


Gotta say, though, this is awesome. Hope it gets interesting as time goes on! I'll probably read it when I've got the time. Swords and sorcery intrigue me, ESPECIALLY since it's Warframe. <3

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Find the OCC thread, it says at the top that he had the thought after seeing someone draw a medieval Exacibur.




Goodness, you're right.


That "Some dude" is me! Okay, now I'm really surprised. Cause this only started during June! I've stopped updating for a long while. XD


And it looks like, true to your name, you're Valkyr! :O  Sweet! She's definitely gonna be one of those I draw, just so you know. Medieval ain't complete without a berserker.

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I'm still waiting to see how the more obvious choices will turn out eventually, since they're not so hard to imagine they should turn out pretty well (ie Oberon, Nekros). Although now that I thought about it I am really looking forward to mesoamerican Zephyr.

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I'm still waiting to see how the more obvious choices will turn out eventually, since they're not so hard to imagine they should turn out pretty well (ie Oberon, Nekros). Although now that I thought about it I am really looking forward to mesoamerican Zephyr.

Haha, I forgot the line up, but there'll be only 16 warframes at most. Four per cell ;)

But that's only for the story, of course. Bit by bit, I'll do concept art for everyone! Including enemies, which I'll release Codex-style as the story progresses, and the Tenno face them and murder them to shreds.

Soooo, I'm gonna have to take another look at that lineup again! Zephy may be the last of them! :o

Mesoamerican Zephyr sounds awesome, though. Definitely need one of those!

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Haha, I forgot the line up, but there'll be only 16 warframes at most. Four per cell ;)

But that's only for the story, of course. Bit by bit, I'll do concept art for everyone! Including enemies, which I'll release Codex-style as the story progresses, and the Tenno face them and murder them to shreds.

Soooo, I'm gonna have to take another look at that lineup again! Zephy may be the last of them! :o

Mesoamerican Zephyr sounds awesome, though. Definitely need one of those!

im so confused whats goingon?

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im so confused whats goingon?

Haha, not much, actually.

Cause the 16 frames are part of the story, divided into four cells. They normally operate alone, but gather based on the threat level. 2 is hard. 3 is very hard. 4 is cataclysmic.

And when all 16 Tenno gather together...

The fate of the world hangs in the balance.

I've written a very rough sketch on what I want the story to be like, where the stars are the 16 Tenno, so to speak. It's a world where only the Grin'ea empire exists as the tyrannical ruling government. The corpus are basically non-existant yet.

I'm still debating on when I should start drafting pages, though. I don't want to retcon anything, since it'll break the flow. And I need to settle on the final 16, before I start fitting the pieces.

Edited by Calayne
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Haha, not much, actually.

Cause the 16 frames are part of the story, divided into four cells. They normally operate alone, but gather based on the threat level. 2 is hard. 3 is very hard. 4 is cataclysmic.

And when all 16 Tenno gather together...

The fate of the world hangs in the balance.

I've written a very rough sketch on what I want the story to be like, where the stars are the 16 Tenno, so to speak. It's a world where only the Grin'ea empire exists as the tyrannical ruling government. The corpus are basically non-existant yet.

I'm still debating on when I should start drafting pages, though. I don't want to retcon anything, since it'll break the flow. And I need to settle on the final 16, before I start fitting the pieces.

so this has evolved from just being fan arts of medieval frames to being a full fledged fan fiction? 

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so this has evolved from just being fan arts of medieval frames to being a full fledged fan fiction?

Oh, in my head canon, it's always been fan fiction. I've just hardly announced it. If I ever get to drawing the comics, the story will unfold. But the story, and all the details, have to be finished first.

It's pretty time consuming, and pretty head-cracking. The only thing I've settled on is the mood and style. The Ten'ou will be silent for the most part, until a certain point.

But that will be a story for another day. ;)

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Haha, this one! It'll be a long time before I start, though. It's already been half a year since Depowered was started, and only a handful of Frames have been done!

Haha, so as you can tell, the going is slow indeed!

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Just sayin.



Edit.  Haha, oops.  I meant that as "Good things come to those who wait" but then realized it could be interpreted as "Catch up".


English, it's what's for "huh, what now?"

Edited by Rajko
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