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Warframe: Depowered (Medieval Frame) [6/26: Warframe: The Iron Age Sneak Peek! Ember, The Pyromancer]


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Definitely traditional. Could do digital, and it's a lot cleaner, but coordination is a whole different game, and there's a certain life you can't achieve via digital media until an insanely high level. Sure, you can get used to digital art, and eventually, digital out-performs traditional media thanks to a million features plus one. 


But the Tenno still use swords, even when guns are around, so I guess it ain't all about stats and numbers!

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@FrostWolf: Wowz. That sounds pretty epic. I've always wanted to see a Tenno war, and now thinking about it, I wonder what a FantasyFrame's full-blown war would look like!



You probably have  like ten different factions and then the VOID gods show up!

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Haha, Kaian, I'm touched. Speaking of Crusaders, I'm planning a rework of Excalibur. Think he looks too "Heavy" here. Was thinking of putting him into lighter, half-plate armor or something like that.


And @FrostWolf: Holy S#&$, man. Makes me wish we had Machinima for that kinda thing. You and someone here must be Warhammer fans! Couldn't help but think of Chaos Marines as anti-tenno, heh! Man... Ten'ou against orcs, goblins, mind-flayers, bugbears, beholders, dragons, bandits, elementals, vampires, zombies, skeletons, jelly.... Any devious thing that moves, really.


Makes me think that maybe Warframe would be pretty successful as a High Fantasy genre.

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And @FrostWolf: Holy S#&$, man. Makes me wish we had Machinima for that kinda thing. You and someone here must be Warhammer fans! Couldn't help but think of Chaos Marines as anti-tenno, heh! Man... Ten'ou against orcs, goblins, mind-flayers, bugbears, beholders, dragons, bandits, elementals, vampires, zombies, skeletons, jelly.... Any devious thing that moves, really.



I actually prefer the Fantasy version of Warhammer.



I could play with the concept a bit, You'd have the SNK/Warhammer feel of any moment something Big and Badass is gonna tear down the wall and start killing/eating people. Life is but a fleeting excuse of an existence and anyone who dares challenge that notion shalt be ground down by the cold mailed fist reality.


The hopelessness has overwhelmed everything.


Then the day "they" return at the bleakest of moments. It wasn't just the tide of the battle turning... It was something more!

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Haha, thanks, Ninja. 


And wow... Dreamy. The Fantasy Warframe party would only be as large as the current frame count, though: 15, plus one coming in. A band of Sorceror-Kings, warrior and wizard. To even think of a skirmish between the whole squad and a small army makes me tear up a little.


The fantasy version of WH is pretty cool, but I think I know more about WH40K; And it is soooooo sweet. Their lore is just bloody gruesome, and so awesome. There's something about it that makes you just want to go "Aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuugh.......uuuuuuuuuuhh...." into a drooling mess.

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anyway more blurbs




Imperial Year 003


Month of Iunius


The outer protectorates in the east fall under attack by the war bands of a man called Aguila, The Immortal Khan.


The Eastern boarder becomes a warzone.


The Northern territories erupt in civil unrest.



Imperial year 001: The Last month of the Imperial calendar


Month of Maius: The Last Month of the Empire


3rd Day: The eastern front suffers a massive blow with the deaths of its overseeing commanders. GrandMaster  Gaius requests additional Ten'ou companies dispatched.


Lord General Isa and head of the Imperial Military personally leads over three tenths of the army to reinforce the Eastern front.


7th day: The Sundering happens. Over three fifths of the Empire's finest, The Ten'ou vanish over night without a trace.


The only true clue is the words that could be mustered from the Priestess of the Stars, the royal diviner.


"Their stars have been saved for a darker night"


13th: Emperor Prius the XI failing health makes him unfit to continue ruling. Imperial Prince Vargas is effectively made Emperor.


15th: Lord General Isa is killed by assassins. The Eastern Front once more verges on the edge of full collapse.

Emperor Vargas orders that all remaining Ten'ou be sent to the Eastern Front, under the command of Grandmaster Solomon.



17th: Ten'ou and Imperial forces under the command of Brother Captain Trayus return to the capital... and lay siege to the Imperial palace. Emperor Vargas is slain in single combat by Trayus' right hand Karna.


Grandmaster Solomon is ambushed by the combined forces of Aguila and Grandmaster Gaius, Isa's true killer.


The Eastern front collapses, Foreign forces enter the Imperial interior.


This betrayal is dubbed The Heresy.


18-20th: Khan's forces cut a swath of destruction straight for the Capital.



21th: The Royal palace falls to the herectics.

The ailing  Prius perishes in battle against Trayus.

Trayus is mortally wounded and then executed by Karna.



23rd: Aguila's forces reach the Capital and proceed to sack the city.



25th: All loyal Imperial Forces retreat... The Capital is lost to traitor and barbarian forces. Imperial command fractures.


31st: The Last day of the Empire as it had been known.




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Haha, thanks, guys! 


@FrostWolf: Totally, man. I bet Fantasy Lotus would be the most sarcastic head the Ten'ou will ever know. I imagine she'd be one hell of an Archivist. Or a mage, really. Sort of like The Emperor, except for only 15-16 people. With a smug grin, she'd send them out on missions to reap souls to upgrade their weapons, which she'll be enchanting. 

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Haha, thanks, guys! 


@FrostWolf: Totally, man. I bet Fantasy Lotus would be the most sarcastic head the Ten'ou will ever know. I imagine she'd be one hell of an Archivist. Or a mage, really. Sort of like The Emperor, except for only 15-16 people. With a smug grin, she'd send them out on missions to reap souls to upgrade their weapons, which she'll be enchanting. 

And changing the mission halfway through too.

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Ash could be very Assassin like; but maybe japanese-like heritage so very ninja/ samurai. so maybe he could have a kodachi and a bow and arrow.


Saryn would also be an assassin but using poison darts instead i think hmm


Your work is really cool! I very much enjoyed it 

Edited by Demon093
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Haha, thanks, guys. Don't worry about the upvotes, really: I do this cause I felt I needed to get it out of my system. If I didn't draw it, I probably couldn't sleep. (Some of them were actually works done in the middle of the night).


Yeah, Ash is definitely one of the lighter units I intend to draw, but Ninjas are too light to be interesting, if you get what I mean.




Just drawing this with a helmet over it is kinda lackluster :P  Gotta go through the drawing board!

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@FrostWolf: Totally, man. I bet Fantasy Lotus would be the most sarcastic head the Ten'ou will ever know. I imagine she'd be one hell of an Archivist. Or a mage, really. Sort of like The Emperor, except for only 15-16 people. With a smug grin, she'd send them out on missions to reap souls to upgrade their weapons, which she'll be enchanting. 



That's if the Lotus was the head of the Ten'ou... Hell she might not even be the one behind the sundering. That individual might just drop them into the era with little more then an "IOU an explaining" and let them wing it. Having to piece what happened from the locals who'd they have to gain their trust cause Saving a city is one thing. They are still associated with the guys that betrayed the Empire. for the Maddening powers of the Void -or just for fun... Yeah one of the Fallen is THAT guy-


Excalibur would be the one of the few remaining Brother Captains -as opposed to Warframe's Excalibur being the newly awakened rookie- Thus he bears the burden of leadership and must decide what the Ten'ou should strive for in this new era. Restoring the Empire? Rebuilding the Ten'ou? Protecting the current nations? or Bringing divine justice to the Fallen ones? Making matters worse is he doesn't have the same camaraderie as his Sci-fi version. Basically only meeting the Three other Tenno - Mag, Loki and Rhino, The agreed on starter frames- for the first time in Haelm. So not only does he have other people to deal with... he has to gain his fellow ten'ou's respect as well.


-The other Tenno are awakened at the same time but in different regions and areas and not to a such a major attack-



Mag goes from being the heart and Excalibur's childhood friend-who is oblivious to Her massive crush on him- to The near emotionless Kuudere warrioress. While Mag tends to be seen as the most passive aggressive of the Fem frames in Warframe. Fantasy Mag is more direct, If something needs to be done she is generally one of the first to act. She still keeps her the" glue that holds the group together" aspect.... but its in a more Mother Lion way.


Essentially she goes from...


The one you can cry with


and cries too you






You wonder if she even does cry-she does... on the inside when no ones looking!-




Loki, Loki is still pretty much the smart guy of the bunch, being more analytical and logical then the rest. However while Warframe Loki was more insufferable genius, a tactical prodigy and at times vastly cold and logical -I still don't really grasp what it means for others to die- and liking to lord over you with the fact he knows his smarter then the rest combined. Fantasy Loki is more grounded in that his Knowledge comes from living in the world. He is still the badass bookworm but instead of treating you like an idiot for not knowing... He loves the fact he can get to talk about something -His kinda of motor mouth now but hey he has that voice you'd listen to for hours anyway!- He is the most "bro" to Excalibur -IE Excalibur screws up... Loki doesn't write him off as a failure or jump to the "Unfit for command" cause mistakes come and go, His got plenty of them... which he'll gladly tell you about... He seems almost proud of his idiot phase-  He'd be the oldest of the starting four



But wait... If Loki goes from the snarky genius to the Brotastic Knowledge giver... What about Rhino!


I always saw Rhino as Loki's opposite, While Loki is Intelligent and Logical, Rhino is Grounded and Wise. Rhino is the rock the team stands on. Serving as the pillar to keep them on track. Big Bro Frame basically.




Fantasy Rhino is ahem a bit umm how do  I put this... **** here is the easy way to say it


He went from Stoic, calm, humble and brotherly too




with a heavy does of



and yes that be his Taunt pose, Come at me bros!


Oh yeah... Since Melee would be a more prominent component... The person with Titan like strength, the ability to shrug off blows and with a Elf pedigree of Kings -his only a 1/4 human on his mothers side- - He comes from a long line of #$&(% Primes!-


Fantasy Rhino is high on his own Egotism -Meaning he is basically Gilgamesh who went to the Gym more, personality wise- The ladies flock to him, People are generally just in awe of his power and ability to laugh in the face of overwhelming odds -




-The Biggest mother ****ing beast comes rampaging down the town lane-


"-sighs- I guess you'll have too do.

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