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Warframe: Depowered (Medieval Frame) [6/26: Warframe: The Iron Age Sneak Peek! Ember, The Pyromancer]


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I will admit, though the initial sketches looked quite interesting, I was a bit skeptical with the wobbly look you had given. I know they were sketches to get an idea of the whole design, but I wasn't too sure haha.


However, seeing this finished piece, all doubts I regretfully had are erased. He looks so cool, fabulous and swift, which is fitting both for his theme and the idea of a duelist. I could almost see him do some moves like Raphael from Soul Calibur just for the fabulousness XDD



Haha, glad I didn't disappoint! I had an image of him in my mind, and had to go through with it in concept first, before I fleshed him out. I couldn't really add in all the details, since it was going to be a really rough sketch, though most of it is shown in the final piece. Funny thing is, I spent the most time on his rapier. I couldn't get it right for a while!


And yes, he's totally gonna be Raphael-esque. ^^  Let's just say he's gonna have a title among his enemies that sounds like "Rapier". 


Man, I can't wait to get to work on drawing him in a comic's fight scene. I already have an idea of what his fighting style and strategy is like. Volt is awesome.

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Oh man, halberd. That's gotta be my favorite pole-arm ever. High-five, dude. I can't believe I haven't added any pole-arms to this yet. Damn, luckily all these fellas don't suit pole-arms. Except for Frost, maybe, but I like his shield there.


Perhaps there's time yet to add that in. 

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Oh man, halberd. That's gotta be my favorite pole-arm ever. High-five, dude. I can't believe I haven't added any pole-arms to this yet. Damn, luckily all these fellas don't suit pole-arms. Except for Frost, maybe, but I like his shield there.

Perhaps there's time yet to add that in.

Late reply, but yeah. Ever since I started playing Dark Souls, my favorite weapon was the Halberd with a shield. It was impracticle and unwieldy, and probably impossible in reality, but it was such fun.

Edit: Double quoted.

Edited by CaptainPeanut
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You've got to give Trinity a Staff. No exceptions, otherwise I'll cry. She's got to be a healer with a staff :D


Oh, good idea. Was gonna give her a mace, though, cause I used to play Ragnarok Online, and those guys can't use anything except books, mace/morning stars and golf clubs.  See how her aesthetics pan out later on! ^^




Late reply, but yeah. Ever since I started playing Dark Souls, my favorite weapon was the Halberd with a shield. It was impracticle and unwieldy, and probably impossible in reality, but it was such fun.

Edit: Double quoted.



HAHA WOW! I thought no one would be crazy enough to do that except me! That S#&$ is awesome, man. I mean, like, seriously wicked sick. I always loved pikemen, and I always loved Halberds, but when I found out you could use it one-handed with a shield if you had enough strength, I totally flipped out. 


Only used it for a while, though. Haha, got better weapons in the end.

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I believe ZWarhammer meant that the transition from the game's design to your medieval design is great. XD


D'aw, man, I totally didn't think of that. XD  


Thanks for the enlightenment, Cas! Haha, I thought it's somewhat faithful to the original design, though! Which I really, really fancy! I suspect Ember's one of the few who will probably depart from their more spacey counterparts in a significant way. :O

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Ember would have the big puffy pants the Arabs wore. Aladdin style. Give her scimitars, and some cool lookin' turned up shoes!


Actually, that's pretty close! Though... I was actually gonna make her Indian. ;)  


Don't think they get enough love from the world, but I personally think Indian weaponry are just sick-&#! awesome. They've got some of the most exotic stuff around. She's gonna have like, tiger-style martial arts and stuff. And she'll choke people to death with her thighs. 


Arab's interesting, though. You actually are giving me a dilemma. Damn you, NZGamer. That's just too awesome to ignore. Ugh. Now I gotta do both designs to see which I prefer.

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Actually, that's pretty close! Though... I was actually gonna make her Indian. ;)  


Don't think they get enough love from the world, but I personally think Indian weaponry are just sick-&#! awesome. They've got some of the most exotic stuff around. She's gonna have like, tiger-style martial arts and stuff. And she'll choke people to death with her thighs. 


Arab's interesting, though. You actually are giving me a dilemma. Damn you, NZGamer. That's just too awesome to ignore. Ugh. Now I gotta do both designs to see which I prefer.


BAZINGA. I'm still glad you take my ideas into account. I hope to finish off some work I've been doing to show you. Keep up the awesome work by the way!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey dude. It's been a long while since you've posted anything. Are you taking a long break? Or are you extremely busy? I woud love to see what you have on Trinity :)



Haha, sorry, busy is more like it. Exams and projects have me up to my neck in responsibilities! Sorry! :( 


It'll probably be about a month or so until I'm able to continue, since that's when my exams end for real. It's gonna be quite a while until then, though! 

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So I've gotta say this is some of the most original Warframe fan art I've yet to see. You have a really good idea here and I really think you could roll with and make some cool stuff. Exalibur is probably my favorite, he just looks too badass. I'd love to see a character pose of him unhooking his cloak and tossing is down, ready to fight! Oh by the way do you have a deviant art page. You should really get this stuff on there if you don't man! Great work fella!

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So I've gotta say this is some of the most original Warframe fan art I've yet to see. You have a really good idea here and I really think you could roll with and make some cool stuff. Exalibur is probably my favorite, he just looks too badass. I'd love to see a character pose of him unhooking his cloak and tossing is down, ready to fight! Oh by the way do you have a deviant art page. You should really get this stuff on there if you don't man! Great work fella!


Haha, thanks! I do intend to do badass poses with them eventually! The art you see here are actually more like character design studies. Actual art would take way, way more time to do. Hopefully, after I complete 8, I'll do two more pieces, if the right Warframes are done.

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