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[The Outdated Parkour Thread] It Finally Happened! (Voice Your Opinion In The Poll!)


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I think that parkour should be remastered, especially after the implementation of Spy 2.0. Since the harder puzzles need parkour to avoid detection, the least DE could do is make it so that messing up the wallrun because of random pillars is MY fault. You won't believe how many times I've seen people try to wallrun to avoid the lasers, only to do a vertical run and land EXACTLY where they shouldn't.

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I think that parkour should be remastered, especially after the implementation of Spy 2.0. Since the harder puzzles need parkour to avoid detection, the least DE could do is make it so that messing up the wallrun because of random pillars is MY fault. You won't believe how many times I've seen people try to wallrun to avoid the lasers, only to do a vertical run and land EXACTLY where they shouldn't.

I just tried that yesterday : guess what happened... :/



Throwing money at screen


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I don't know how you guys still have faith that DE will ever improve the parkour  ; ever the evolution of the maps / movement have been geared to either bypass parkour  or to  ignore it entirely  and even in some cases confine us in smaller maps to take away our mobility  


Parkour 2.0 is overly complex , and really hard to do  - when they just won't fix something simple as changing the stamina drain on the shield (Shiva and aegis )  to where it can bock , or  to bring back charge attacks  and bring quick block  back there just not going to bother with something as hard to do right as  parkour .  


Even spy 2.0 it 's just alot easier to  use powers / direction melee  than to parkour . i just don't get why anyone would have faith that parkour  will ever be worked on . 

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I don't know how you guys still have faith that DE will ever improve the parkour  ; ever the evolution of the maps / movement have been geared to either bypass parkour  or to  ignore it entirely  and even in some cases confine us in smaller maps to take away our mobility  


Parkour 2.0 is overly complex , and really hard to do  - when they just won't fix something simple as changing the stamina drain on the shield (Shiva and aegis )  to where it can bock , or  to bring back charge attacks  and bring quick block  back there just not going to bother with something as hard to do right as  parkour .  


Even spy 2.0 it 's just alot easier to  use powers / direction melee  than to parkour . i just don't get why anyone would have faith that parkour  will ever be worked on . 

because Geoff said himself that they are currently working on it?

He said himself that currently they are trying to make it less sticky and fix the vault so it behaves like I suggest. (although they didn't say they took that suggestion from me)

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I don't know how you guys still have faith that DE will ever improve the parkour  ; ever the evolution of the maps / movement have been geared to either bypass parkour  or to  ignore it entirely  and even in some cases confine us in smaller maps to take away our mobility  


Parkour 2.0 is overly complex , and really hard to do  - when they just won't fix something simple as changing the stamina drain on the shield (Shiva and aegis )  to where it can bock , or  to bring back charge attacks  and bring quick block  back there just not going to bother with something as hard to do right as  parkour .  


Even spy 2.0 it 's just alot easier to  use powers / direction melee  than to parkour . i just don't get why anyone would have faith that parkour  will ever be worked on . 


Pffft, nay-sayer. Go rain on someone else's parade. This one's still loud and proud!


(And because Geoff said so)

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I definitely want to see a majority, or hopefully, all of these suggestions to be added.


To add a bit to the fire, when aiming mid-air and not in a slide, you can aim and fire, but right now its very hard to use effectively. Right now, when you aim in midair and hit the floor, you're forced out of the aim and into a roll. My suggestion is to have it to where, as long as you're holding the aim button, when you hit the ground after sailing majestically through the air, you slide along the ground on your side, still being able to aim and fire, until you either run out of momentum or you release the aim button, in which your warframe hops back to their feet (I was thinking they could use which ever hand is closer to the ground and push against it, using whatever momentum remains to flip back to their feet).

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I think Mogamu accidentally highlighted one of the problems with the movement system in general in this video: 




Start the video at 7:50 and watch the clunky movement as he's explaining an issue that is effected by the movement system too.


Yeah, that vaulting fail.  Vaulting was a terrible addition to the game.  It's slow, clunky, too leisurely for combat.  It's like the Mass Effect 3 cover system.  Activates at the worst possible moment, like a drunk suicidal auto-pilot.  The game is over 2 years old and we still have to explain slow, clunky, leisurely is bad, not Space Ninja. 

Edited by ThePresident777
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I don't know how you guys still have faith that DE will ever improve the parkour  ; ever the evolution of the maps / movement have been geared to either bypass parkour  or to  ignore it entirely  and even in some cases confine us in smaller maps to take away our mobility  


Parkour 2.0 is overly complex , and really hard to do  - when they just won't fix something simple as changing the stamina drain on the shield (Shiva and aegis )  to where it can bock , or  to bring back charge attacks  and bring quick block  back there just not going to bother with something as hard to do right as  parkour .  


Even spy 2.0 it 's just alot easier to  use powers / direction melee  than to parkour . i just don't get why anyone would have faith that parkour  will ever be worked on . 


It's the year of quality and they have said a few brief but positive things on these issues.  So, we have to consider that they may resolve them.  If not in the year of quality, then, when?  Besides, they love to troll so don't expect them to announce much.  They're more likely to slip this stuff in under the radar while making all sorts of fan fair about the least impactful thing ever.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Been sliding around unrealistically for the past few days and it made me think about making a post suggesting some movement and parkour changes only to realize that there was a post already created that contained all of the ideas that I had bouncing around my head. I hope that at least some of these changes are planning to be made. I hope at least, if it's not too much to hope, that they've at least given this post a good look over to see how people are talking. 

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U16 in a few weeks. Let us pray that they've given this post a look at least.

Pretty sure they have looked this up. This thread has been around for a very long time.

still, they haven't talked anything about parkour on the recent devstreams, which is disappointing that it might potentially not going to be shipped on 16.0. oh well, I guess we can, at least, stay optimistic and wait for Tennolive.

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Pretty sure they have looked this up. This thread has been around for a very long time.

still, they haven't talked anything about parkour on the recent devstreams, which is disappointing that it might potentially not going to be shipped on 16.0. oh well, I guess we can, at least, stay optimistic and wait for Tennolive.

Iirc they actually mentioned that Geoff had stuff for parkour to show, but was absent due to illness in the last devstream.

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Ok so we've been teased with Parkour 2.0 on TennoLive. For those who have missed the livestream:


So anyway (assuming if all of that we've seen will be implemented ingame), let's make some analysis.


1. Walljump

Okay so the walljump can be a bit flashy, Excal transitions from a horizontal wallrun to jump and does a (unnecessary but kinda cool) barrel roll to get to the other wall and continue wallrunning. This, I think, would address point #3. Players won't just catapult far ahead after a short wallrun, it would be more controllable, and perhaps aimable.


2. Horizontal wallrun -> Vertical wallrun

I think this would be the solution for point #1, albeit a bit differently. The transition is done by a slight pause, and then continuing to wallrun upwards. Point #1 states that "The distinction between vertical and horizontal wallrun needs to be removed when player is not shooting or aiming." Well it does remove the distinction, but with a slight pause instead of seamless transition. Although I may only be half-right about it (more on this later).


3. Grabbing onto the wall

Later on we see Excal walljump and then grabbing onto the other wall, being stationary. I think this has to do with point #5, except that you don't slide down. Seems a bit vulnerable because being immobile means you're still being prone to enemy fire. Perhaps, in its defense, that the distance between you and the enemies are quite far that the probability to hit the Tenno is not that significant. But still...


4. Zipline transitioning

There are 2 parts here, one is that Excal transitions from the stationary wall grab to ziplining, and then transitioning to another zipline below. I don't see the OP addressing this one (correct me if there is), maybe because of the level design. To make this happen the tilesets would probably have to be tweaked for this particular maneuver, basically a zipline on top of another zipline. 


5. Zipline -> Vertical wallrun
Here we see Excal brakes with his legs, and then swings to the other wall pad. Again, a slight pause for the transition. Perhaps there will be a key that enables us to brake from ziplining, being stationary and then enables us to swing to either side. Not a bad idea, but again, being immobile makes players susceptible to enemy fire.


6. Aimable Vertical wallrun + Vertical walljump

On the last part we see Excal wallrunning towards the rooftop by changing its vertical orientation, jumps to another wall pad, and continues to vertical wallrun. Excal does this twice. Again, this would address point #1 where players could aim the wallrun orientation to a certain extent. It only shows a bit of vertical orientation but there's a chance that we might be able to transition to horizontal wallrunning by applying this orientation. Also, it could address point #6 where we could transition from a vertical wallrun into jumping towards a platform on either side. Still, the vertical walljump is quite a nice idea, but again, level design would have to tweaked to make this possible.


7. Yet at the very last part we still see Excal grabbing the ledge and then does a front handspring, like usual. If i'm not mistaken, the OP does address this before, but I don't seem to find it. A simple ledge grab and then raising your legs towards the platform would be a simpler solution, it's how Parkour practicioners does it and it takes a shorter time to execute. The front handspring, while being a cool factor in WF, still takes time; I guess DE can compensate this by making the animation quick, and I mean really quick. 



I just want to clarify that all of the points I mentioned are under "Further improving it with new additions and overhauls" section, not the "Much needed fixes". Anyway, Thoughts?

Edited by KuroShiranui
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The ability to slightly change a wallrun's diection + stationary wall grab is a nice start.


They really need to make each transition between moves/strange pauses shorter!


I wonder if the rope swing is the new move mr Geoff was talking about in a recent devstream...

Edited by unknow99
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