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October 16Th: Community Hot Topics!


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what is a little encryption between friends...

It just makes us closer right?

59 6f 75 20 63 61 6e 20 72 65 61 64 2c

20 49 20 63 61 6e 20 72 65 61 64 2c 20

77 65 20 63 61 6e 20 72 65 61 64 2e 2e

01 A1 00 00-00 A1 00 00-68 74 74 70-00 4D 5A 90

1A 14 63 02-92 19 E7 8D-DE AA 24 C5-26 BF 95 BD

CF 70 EE CE-8D FC AA 06-55 11 E6 4E-15 3D 16 2B


0A 00 0E 00-00 50 45 00-00 4C 01 04-00 95 26 A6


Edited by Darkblue006
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Drop Tables


We completely understand and agree with the need to know more about drops, however there are legitimate security reasons why we can’t release the drop tables in their raw form.  As discussed on past Livestreams, we have been planning a Codex style system in-game for drops. The shovel is in the ground to get an in-game Codex that stores and presents information on where players have obtained pickups.  This task is no small feat, and currently we can’t estimate an exact completion date but we will show you the progress along the way in the Developer’s Workshop posts and Livestreams.


Content vs Gameplay


A recent conservation with Steve reflected on the situation a lot of our long term players find themselves in “our players are becoming bored. We can give you all the mods in the world to find, but without a reason to have these mods they become lackluster.”


This isn’t a surprise to many players on the forums because it has been a popular topic for awhile. There is a need for a more detailed story line and a purpose for 500+ hours of game play. Some great story line threads have been posted and it’s amazing to see what players come up with based on their Warframe experiences.


The return to Gender Swap.


With the talk of a new female Warframe joining our family, the conversation about male/female versions of Warframes is re-emerging from the community.  Scott and Steve both agree that if we ever decide to do male/female frames, the opposite gender would have a completely different skill set but with the same theme. For example, a male version of Ember would still have a Fire theme, but with 4 unique powers.


Speaking of the new Warframe, what’s her deal? We got an update from Mynki on her progress!


Mynki: “The design is coming along pretty well-- got a rough sketch and back-story worked out on the weekend, hoping to have a good concept of her tomorrow evening.”


Players have expressed their concern of Volt being left on the back burner, with the balancing of other Warframes taking precedent. He doesn’t measure up to what he could be, and from what we’ve been reading; he needs some love and Scott has acknowledged this:  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/120240-entry-2-%E2%80%93-oct-15-2013/page-3



Last Chance Weapons


With the Boar, Gorgon, Ether Daggers and Machete all advertised as “Last Chance” a concern has been brought up in the Community as to what this “retirement” means. These items are not permanently gone; they could be brought back at any time, “out of retirement” so to speak.


Sheldon: “We’re trying to set up for more “new-user weapons” and some of the weapons (like the Boar) just don’t fit the art style. There is always a chance of them coming back.”


Mutagen Update


Sheldon: “We’ve read your feedback on how to balance Mutagen. From what we’re seeing, there hasn’t been a flux in Mutagen crafting since it was put in the Derelicts. This could be due to The Orokin Vaults being introduced, but we will be keeping an eye on it and will consider tweaking it when necessary.”


New Community Moderator


As of yesterday Letter13 has joined the English community moderator team! With the inclusion of the Portugese forums, we also have Renan.Ruvio on board to assist with Portugese and English!



This is called "gender discrimination". The gender of the Warframe should never affect play style. Ever. This is player preference and nothing more.


If you are going to incorporate a second skill-set, make it interchangeable with current skills regardless of gender.

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Boatsniper, on 16 Oct 2013 - 3:21 PM, said:snapback.png


This is called "gender discrimination". The gender of the Warframe should never affect play style. Ever. This is player preference and nothing more.


If you are going to incorporate a second skill-set, make it interchangeable with current skills regardless of gender.

...yer feelin it! - tnx for the thoughts Tenno

Edited by Bladereap3r
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No offense to DE but the whole gender swapping issue is simple on the surface.


Just add a "gender" tab under appearence to switch genders of the frames.




The only difficult thing about this is adding male/female counterparts that are as visually appealing (no i do not mean sex to sell) and fitting already existing themes and updating all animations for each frame. While difficult and time consuming they are doable and after the game is near release ready this is something serious to consider down the road so that players dont think "wait if they are all suits not charcters then why did my male char grow boobs to cast fire?."




each frame needs to be their own character with their own backstory and lore. you have suggested the new melee/berzerker frame is not mentally sound thanks to corpus expiraments and dissection. I love the idea of each frame being a charachter in a story based campaign but that would mean each frame would need a backstory of how they are rescued/found includign an episodic campaign or cutscenes in various missions. i dont consider voice acting for any frames as they are meant to remain faceless and silent forces of the galaxy so movement and expression would need to be emphasized. This has also been suggested by the new player tutorial as an ash frost and nyx rescue excal and not fellow excaliburs or a second excalibur that would suggest there are multiple "pilots" of the same frames but rather only 1 tenno per frame (lore wise) thus explaining why tenno havent slaughtered all the factions considering rhino and nova alone could wipe out batalions and maybe even armada's. (ie there are actually only 14 ish tenno* and not millions of tenno). With that all in mind if you REALLY wanted to emphasize narrative another possibility is of the tenno discovering parts of their/the past to explain why the tenno went into cryo sleep. After all we know so little of the orokin and tenno.... to the point even the tenno dont know who they were or why they decided to prolong their lives with cryo sleep.



* -(currently not including "agents" that work for the tenno or the lotus)


in other words add gender or lore if not both.


ie stop pulling a star trek and making crap up as you go along lore wise and either give the people canon lore that shall not change or no more lore until all mechanics are tested and ready for release THEN add lore.


you have a great narrative here no matter which route you take. dont screw it up with unintentional plot holes before you even decide what is canon or not.


i know both of those should be low on priority especially with a dmg and armor rework inbound but players either need to be able to pick genders of frames and have that be the ONLY difference or explain why frame genders are static with lore. something to consider for Update 12 or even 13.

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As for the gender swap. When you say "completely different skill sets with same theme", I hope this simply means different animations and visual particle effects for the abilities. Otherwise I have to agree with the majority here, it would be redundant to label this as a "gender swap" and I would prefer new frames in their entirety instead of a shortcut out.

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Last Chance Weapons


With the Boar, Gorgon, Ether Daggers and Machete all advertised as “Last Chance” a concern has been brought up in the Community as to what this “retirement” means. These items are not permanently gone; they could be brought back at any time, “out of retirement” so to speak.


Sheldon: “We’re trying to set up for more “new-user weapons” and some of the weapons (like the Boar) just don’t fit the art style. There is always a chance of them coming back.”

I would just like to put my view forward about the possibility of retired weapons/items coming out of retirement sometime in the future.  One of the four weapons was XP Locked for me so that weekend before they were retired I made a real effort to level up to get it before it was gone.

If there is a possibility they may come back in their current form then there was no point in me putting everything else on hold that weekend just to play and I may as well just waited.


The point I’m trying to make is if they do come back I think they should not be exactly the same.  As it was pointed out the art style didn’t fit anymore anyway.  So apart from having a new look, you should also be able to level from it. Otherwise people who levelled with the original are not going to bother with it when/if it comes back.

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can warframe have armor & weapon degradation?...

i would love to repair my battlesuit and weapon after battle hahaha,

and shield...i mean a "real shield"...i wanna bash some corpus/grineer/infested head with my shield & blocking my enemy attack like a viking warrior (blocking mod seem useful)


ignore me, too much skyrim hahaha


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The return to Gender Swap.


With the talk of a new female Warframe joining our family, the conversation about male/female versions of Warframes is re-emerging from the community.  Scott and Steve both agree that if we ever decide to do male/female frames, the opposite gender would have a completely different skill set but with the same theme. For example, a male version of Ember would still have a Fire theme, but with 4 unique powers.


There are few things I fell really strongly about in this game, I love the entirety of it and basically accept the changes that DE makes respecting there judgment. Though this disappoints me. I understand it, I I were the writer for the lore this would make sense to me. But as important as lore and context and all the atmosphere is, for me at least, this has and still is taking away a lot from the game. But, that is just specific to me, the general idea is still solid.

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I like the idea of genders of a frame having different powers, but any chance those powers can be interchangeable between the two sexes? 

That would make sense and be excellent for game-play. Though I am a little bias 

Just some feed back, this would make me very happy.

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I like the idea of genders of a frame having different powers, but any chance those powers can be interchangeable between the two sexes? 

Actually from what I have seen in that amazing game I must disagree with the idea and really like more that every Frame is unique in his abilities.

Making their powers interchangeable would spoil all the fun of looking for others Frame blueprints to craft them and be able to use them and their abilities.

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Gratz Letter13, I have done missions with you so I know you are a great player and knowledgeable...


My post is regarding what DE Steve was saying about becoming bored. I too made the argument in Design Council that the game cannot be the same every map, RUSH, RUSH, no ones being taught to respect the supporting roles of all Warframes and are simply basing all gameplay on Kill Count. What we need to do is add some UNKNOWNS or add ways that a mission path can be altered and also a way to get away from Rush, Kill Count, Win, Win with no regard for the frames as a whole unit but also emphasize their individual supporting roles. True, it cannot advance without content that changes. The biggest change would be to emphasize teamwork, the importance of support, not so much Rush and kill. We need to be forced into TACTICAL missions where you must survive... I would rather fail and be satisfied in our team efforts and challenged instead of here's your free WIN... What if at the end we all could be Acknowledged and feel equally important. Like an animation showing the whole team saying good job and displaying under each persons name Saves, Kills, Revives, Ammo Restores, Health Restores, what each player excelled in. 90% of the time no one knows I used an Ammo Restore or a Health restore that I paid for and built and used to aid in the mission success you see?

Edited by Terry3373
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Gratz Letter13, I have done missions with you so I know you are a great player and knowledgeable...


My post is regarding what DE Steve was saying about becoming bored. I too made the argument in Design Council that the game cannot be the same every map, RUSH, RUSH, no ones being taught to respect the supporting roles of all Warframes and are simply basing all gameplay on Kill Count. What we need to do is add some UNKNOWNS or add ways that a mission path can be altered and also a way to get away from Rush, Kill Count, Win, Win with no regard for the frames as a whole unit but also emphasize their individual supporting roles. True, it cannot advance without content that changes. The biggest change would be to emphasize teamwork, the importance of support, not so much Rush and kill. We need to be forced into TACTICAL missions where you must survive... I would rather fail and be satisfied in our team efforts and challenged instead of here's your free WIN...

Can't agree more with you but unfortunately I think some people just don't give a damn about others and was few times now too much I must say that while I try to scavenge as much as I can some others are already at extraction after a mad rush to the objective, or starting the elevator when you are just few meters away leaving you behind, some others are so hanger to rush that they found themselves bleeding in the floor with nobody nearby to help them, that's why I have mainly played the game only with friends and rarely in public sessions, and I am afraid that we can't change what they are but I support  your idea.

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Gratz Letter13, I have done missions with you so I know you are a great player and knowledgeable...


My post is regarding what DE Steve was saying about becoming bored. I too made the argument in Design Council that the game cannot be the same every map, RUSH, RUSH, no ones being taught to respect the supporting roles of all Warframes and are simply basing all gameplay on Kill Count. What we need to do is add some UNKNOWNS or add ways that a mission path can be altered and also a way to get away from Rush, Kill Count, Win, Win with no regard for the frames as a whole unit but also emphasize their individual supporting roles. True, it cannot advance without content that changes. The biggest change would be to emphasize teamwork, the importance of support, not so much Rush and kill. We need to be forced into TACTICAL missions where you must survive... I would rather fail and be satisfied in our team efforts and challenged instead of here's your free WIN... What if at the end we all could be Acknowledged and feel equally important. Like an animation showing the whole team saying good job and displaying under each persons name Saves, Kills, Revives, Ammo Restores, Health Restores, what each player excelled in. 90% of the time no one knows I used an Ammo Restore or a Health restore that I paid for and built and used to aid in the mission success you see?

That would be a whole different game then. That would require enemies that set up choke points that take a ranged CC or a Tank to take out, defences that can only be shut down with a heavily supported mag to short out their shields or a loki/ash coming into a hard to access vent to get inside and destroy their reactor, hopefully without alarming enemies on the inside of the base and not calling them all on their position. It would need heavy miniboss enemies that would be hard to take down no matter the op-ness of your weapons and would absolutely require a Trinity, but could be predictable. It would require a distinct difference between passing through level undetected, detected but fighting quick enough and getting stopped by a lockdown long enough for enemies to bolster up the defences in next room.

Weapons, that require more than one sniper bullet and make you very ammo-hungry, different piercing mechanic taking AP/electricity (for shields) damage into consideration, minibosses that can harass you from another tile, requiring a frost or a good eye for spotters, and, above all, predictably different levels. You should KNOW you'll need an AoE nuke or a single-target damage, support, tank or infiltrators, longrange sniper or a shortrange shotty.

Warframe has a long way to go, and it needs to start growing up from the heap of RNG to provide more meaning to classes.

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WhiskeyGolf, on 29 Oct 2013 - 10:00 AM, said:

Some way for built-in voice chat would be pretty nice. Being able to talk to each other really really helps, as opposed to typing on a keyboard.

...it also allows me to keep everyone guessing as to where I'm from, what with my multiple accents lol.

There is a built-in push-to-talk voicechat.
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