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October 16Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Well, this is going to be my first and last post since i uninstalled the game last night after a week of playing, just thought of giving my 2 cents on the matter.


I came to check out warframe after receiving an email from my affiliate partner. I have 200.000 strong email lists and ofc i wanted to see if its worth promoting among my readers.


At start i was pleasantly suprised at the game. Great potential, some of the mechanics are rly well done and thought out, the block system on maps a bit tedious but still good approach and fresh concepts. Actually a game i wouldnt mind playing or paying for. 


Mods, maps, weps etc are preety easy to figure out, foundry etc.... I was progresing quite well for a newb, started to build new weps, got a wep as a reward for playing mars missions and so on and then you get to slots and space for your items. 


It is by far the most $&*&*#(%& thing i experienced in any game. Whoever thought of it, should be fired ASAP. 


I wouldnt mind paying for the game, i wouldnt mind paying to pimp out my toons, but a need to buy slots for items with Platinum is just making fools out of players.  


I actually followed the livestream the other day and the team was all sweet talk "thank you backers, blah blah" and then you get to the concept of slot sistem inside the game. It makes the team look so FAKE its not even funny.  


If you play you gonna pay is the actual attitude of the creators. 


"Here is your reward for playing 100games on Mars, but you need to buy a slot from us so you can have it. Dont mind all the time you invested in building your toon, we found a way to force you to give us money", is the actual attitude comming from the game. 


I find the slot sistem insulting.  Any other player i know or any of my readers i believe would find it insulting also. It is a really really cheap version of "bend over for us" from the creators of the game and it is completly unnecessary. 


I wouldnt mind paying hundreds of $ to back up a startup, but after seeing the twoface Livestream sugarpouring and then finding such things as slot limits inside game, i m not giving you a cent nor am i promoting you.


Anyways, good luck and hopefully you will find someone smarter to work out the business strategy, beacuse you are missing out on tons of money simply beacuse you work on a presumption that players are either all kids or simply stupid.  Ofc you will publicly denounce such statement, but we all know its true.




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swoah! that's quite insulting to the staff of DE. but whatever.




On the topic of the codex, I think it would have been great if, for older players, some data was filled in already for us. Right now, I want to say that I won't mind re-playing missions to fill the codex because as Steve said, it'll be something in your gear that you'll have to "use" on an enemy type or something and "scan" it for information. When he mentioned this I kept thinking about the scanning tool from Resident Evil Revelation and how that worked. So perhaps it'll be something that refreshes the game. After a while, it may become a bit tedious, especially if you have played the missions already. don't get me wrong though, the codex is a much needed tool and for the new players i'm very sure it will enhance their gameplay solely because of the different perspective they'll have of the codex.




On male/female gender swaps...well...I didn't see it as being a necessary thing. And I was content with the initially decision to just not do it. However it's news to me that Scott and Steve said that, if they were to do it, the opposite gender will have 4 new unique abilities, based along the same lines as the theme of the original warframe. But thinking about that makes me assume that it's gonna take a lot of creativity to produce a 4 new abilities for let's say a male ember, when right now, our current Ember already has problems of each of her 4 abilities seeming to be just the same ability with increasing damage. =s


Gender swapping seems to be a step backward imo. The amount of resources that it would take to implement this would be better utilized in creating brand new warframes. Considering old warframes seem to always need tweaking (Nova gonna get nerfed sometime along with Mag; Ember seeming to be a never ending problem) think about have opposite genders of each of the current warframes who will then also need tweaking. Am I underestimating the creative abilities of DE? No. But in all sincerity, I believe that these abilities would be put to better use on brand new content; not on reworking old content to seem like new content.


I'm not sure that I understand the reasons for people wanting gender swapping/ opposite genders of current warframes. However, this isn't meant to bash those people. Whatever reasons they have, is their own business. and that's fine. But my take on it, in order to inform DE to make a concrete decision on it, is that since the release of brand new frames alternate between male and female, I do not see it necessary to rework old frames and create opposite genders of them with "unique" abilities. This can possibly stall the creation of new frames, as well as create more problems than it solves, especially since the general audience is divided with respect to this decision.




On the topic of Nekros, well, I only started playing with him recently, and I must say that soul punch is just a blessing, along with Shadows of the Dead and Desecrate. Terrify, I thought would have worked similar to Fiddlestick's Fear (from LoL) but it seems to be a watered-down version of it. Will continue to play with him and observe this more.

Edited by kalikilic
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Well, this is going to be my first and last post since i uninstalled the game last night after a week of playing, just thought of giving my 2 cents on the matter.


I came to check out warframe after receiving an email from my affiliate partner. I have 200.000 strong email lists and ofc i wanted to see if its worth promoting among my readers.


At start i was pleasantly suprised at the game. Great potential, some of the mechanics are rly well done and thought out, the block system on maps a bit tedious but still good approach and fresh concepts. Actually a game i wouldnt mind playing or paying for. 


Mods, maps, weps etc are preety easy to figure out, foundry etc.... I was progresing quite well for a newb, started to build new weps, got a wep as a reward for playing mars missions and so on and then you get to slots and space for your items. 


It is by far the most $&*&*#(%& thing i experienced in any game. Whoever thought of it, should be fired ASAP. 


I wouldnt mind paying for the game, i wouldnt mind paying to pimp out my toons, but a need to buy slots for items with Platinum is just making fools out of players.  


I actually followed the livestream the other day and the team was all sweet talk "thank you backers, blah blah" and then you get to the concept of slot sistem inside the game. It makes the team look so FAKE its not even funny.  


If you play you gonna pay is the actual attitude of the creators. 


"Here is your reward for playing 100games on Mars, but you need to buy a slot from us so you can have it. Dont mind all the time you invested in building your toon, we found a way to force you to give us money", is the actual attitude comming from the game. 


I find the slot sistem insulting.  Any other player i know or any of my readers i believe would find it insulting also. It is a really really cheap version of "bend over for us" from the creators of the game and it is completly unnecessary. 


I wouldnt mind paying hundreds of $ to back up a startup, but after seeing the twoface Livestream sugarpouring and then finding such things as slot limits inside game, i m not giving you a cent nor am i promoting you.


Anyways, good luck and hopefully you will find someone smarter to work out the business strategy, beacuse you are missing out on tons of money simply beacuse you work on a presumption that players are either all kids or simply stupid.  Ofc you will publicly denounce such statement, but we all know its true.


All i see is: 1 week of playthrough and talks about "insulting" slots system.

Is this what you call thougtful and constructive feedback?


If you want to talk and compare about mmorpg's business model, you did a very very bad job at explaining.

Other professional game reviewers did not even come close or sound like you do.


Hell..even i can be a reviewer like this. "but we all know its true." sorry your WE does not include me.

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I honestly don't think warframe should have gender swap, but eh.

 According to DE they plan on adding lore behind each warframe like with the new bezerker type. which probably means that each warframe will prob be treated more and more like an individual character and not a suit.


at least at first glance I will have to see this "backstory's" implementation before much else can be said.

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If DE goes through with gender swap in the way that is mentioned in the OP, they should just treat those Warframes as unique, instead of being, for example, Excalibur with boobs and a different skill set. 


If not, DE should just make skins that change the Warframe into the opposite gender, not connecting it to lore, just having it as an aesthetic option.

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Could you please stop announcing event winners only by prime time? It's annoying because I can't/don't watch it sometimes but I want to know who the winners were, can't you just put the winners list after in the event forum? And if they are put somewhere else and I haven't noticed i'd like to know :).

Edited by Wilmerex
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Hi im  FOUNDER and does anyone know about this forunders gift thing i submittted the form wat is it about

The gift is a shirt and a headband with lotus emblem on them. It's a "thank you" gift from DE to Founders. That's about it.

Edited by CapricaSix
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Hm. Gender Swap frames...If DE wants to go through with this, with a different design and skillset, but similar theming? Im down with that. God only knows how they'll tackle Trinity as a guy if they have to create skills unique to a second medic, or what a female version of Vauban would bring to the table in terms of "Trapping"

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