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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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The captured Tenno are hostages of Alad V. If we fight against the Corpus they will be executed. If we fight with him, he will spare them in exchange for the extra firepower/talent he needs to shut down the grineer.

Join Corpus and you save Tenno while maintaining balance. Win-win.

If you fight with Corpus,they just take the tenno,kill you,and kthxbye


If you fight with grineer,until they get the pods from corpus,you snatch them

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Remember, if you side with the Corpus, you side with the people who want to experiment and dissect your fellow Tenno. The Grineer, for the most part, want to give the Tenno an honorable death in battle. 

If you side with the Corpus, you're siding with the people who supply the Grineer with Tenno technology.


If you side with the Corpus, you're siding with the people who go into the Void and other Orokin areas to steal Orokin technology, making more powerful enemies like the Fusion MOAs. 


As I stated. Corpus Supplies the Tenno. Everything on the Market are from Corpus' Merchandise (theory)  and Darvo justifies that Theory. Profit numbs the Pain, no matter who they are dealing with-thats what the Corpus believe. They dont hunt us like the Grineer do, all they want is a profitable margin over the limited resources. 

Supporting the Grineer means Suicide. You are going to support an Empire whose Second Priority is our annihilation. 

Edited by yeomanry
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If the rewards are weapons, than I'll probably side with Corpus.


New Grineer guns (Grakata, Ignis, Baguette) are ugly. If they look like Viper or Gorgon though...


This guy just wants Reputation. Dont bite the bait guys.

There's no Poll for us to vote, smart OP-you really did fool people for this.


Yeah, reputation points are so important.

Edited by Shion963
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Supporting the Corpus is the best long-term choice I'd think. They're merchants and can be dealt with, whereas the Grineer are more single-minded in pursuing dominance. A Corpus victory would allow the possibility of negotiating for the cryo pods, whereas they may be destroyed out of spite in the case of a Grineer victory. Honestly, we lose either way, though the degree to which we lose hinges on the outcome of this conflict.

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BS Translator:


I'm playing the way i want unless my boss tells me to play this way.


God what garbage. Maybe its the politics of the day but i'm tired of playing the game by the rules of other powers. Either stand against your 'clan' or submit to their rule like a good little sheep *pats*


Hyperion5182 Lord Marshal of the Kill them All party for this event.



I've been called traitor by people far more powerful than you. You think idiot even comes close to raising my blood pressure?


You're the one choosing to let someone else dictate the way you play for an event. Just like a good little Sheep.


As it stands right now without further information i wont be playing at all because that's just how i feel concerning the rules of this event. Take a stand and mean it. Might be a lively bunch of people but if it actively screws YOU what good is it?


Start taking responsibility for your own decisions.

You're taking this event far too seriously, Lord Marshall of the Delusions-of-Grandeur Party. 

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Why do I smell some bias in this thread?

Everything is bias.


I got all the proof I needed when I was on a grineer ship and the Corpus invaded... KILLING ALL THE GRINNER VIOLENTLY!!!

Same thing happens when the Grineer invade a Corpus ship :)




Infested: Nom nom nom.






isn't that from a movie?

Is that trolls the movie? O MAAI GOOODDD


I just realized....the Gorgon....looks like a p**l**s

No derailing please.

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I don't see how one weapon exclusive, Or anything else equates to a 'DLC'.


It's just life. Limited edition car? They only make so many. And thus it's called limited edition. It's not, Not fair. It's just how it is. Or any other thing besides a car, For that matter. It gives a special feeling for those who have it, And those who don't need to just deal with it. There's many things in life I don't have, Probably will never have. Solution: Come to terms. Deal with it. If everyone has something, It loses all it's value and feel, And is no longer exclusive. Thus, Why even make it a reward for the event. When you could get it any time later, And on your own timeline. So it just removes all motivation for events if the rewards are like that. Not the way to go, In my opinion.

Well it isn't per say, but I like I said, this involves exclusives and DLC's all around. There is also a huge difference between real life and virtual life, don't let it take over you dude, you are pretty far in it already. Necessity exists in real life and that is not a factor in a virtual one. However, I don't support the ideology that the gaming industry is trying to force upon people, it is not so much of a necessity as it is a thought for me. Exclusives and DLC, no matter what scale, are bad for gaming industry, it encourages gaming companies to make money from the content that was originally part of the game, but they wanted more money from their game and this is a nice marketing trick from them, many are fooled by this trick.

What does this have to do with Warframe? Personally I would love to see this game to be some of the first games to show how they should be done, be an example of a game exclusives done right. You want ambition to the events? You want to feel special to boost your own ego? Fine, that is OK. Doesn't mean we need to completely shut off all the " exclusive " content, we can make it timed exclusives. Like if you participate in this event, you get the stuff 6 months earlier than they are released to wider audience, that is a long time to feel special. Not only that but you get a badge you can show off that the people who weren't there at the time can not get in any form.

Still not enough? Well why don't you boost yourself to GM and show off those things and better yet, buy physical stuff from DE or make some made and show off them to the forums, that'll give you something others do not have.

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To side with the Corpus and make the Grineer Empire weaken, also possibly creating brainwashed Corpus-Tenno hybrids...


Or to side with the Grineer to stop the Corpus, but also to possibly allow the Tenno to die...


The choice is yours...




I think I'll side with the Grineer. Better dead than brainwashed to fight your own, but to each their own, I guess.

I think you've got it wrong. It seems like you need to side with the corpus to help the Tenno in cryo pods. There's no reason to side with the grineer, other than you want them to take over certain maps. At least that's how I read it anyway.

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The thing I don't like is how we obviously know that the cryopods are there now. Why don't we just stealthily spring them, watch the Grineer and Corpus fight it out (maybe take a side if one gets an upper hand), and laugh when they figure out that the thing they're fighting for isn't there anymore?

True, BTW I remember when I said back in the day, about half a year ago that the things are sleeping inside would be Tenno and boy did I get bashed around a lot. Who was right after all :D

Anyways, I agree. This makes no sense.

And finally to the topic, this makes sense lore wise as well. We are here to enforce balance apparently our intentions is not to kill off a faction other than Infested. Corpus is needed by their markets etc, they are like this big corporation that has a lot of power and income and is a bit corrupt. Grineer are the government but corrupted as well, they want dominance and dictatorship. Our job is to make sure neither faction get's that power but also our job is to make sure that they exist.

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Vauban or Banshee? I cant make up my mind. Please explain why they are good what is their best skills etc.











P.S no this is not another faction thread I just need some help choosing a frame.

Edited by alphex
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