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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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The thing that gets me at the moment is how corpus ships have such fragile windows. . . I mean for such an intelligent race, they sure don't know how to make proper space windows -_-

LOL I know the couldn't come up with windows like the Grineer?

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Well, I think that in a Corpus vs Grineer war, the main point would be the economy and the strategy.


Grineer's units are patched up clones. They look cheaper, at least for the light units. Their weapons don't require too much ressources, except for the Ogris and the Ignis. We could think that making clones would be expensive and take time, but obviously they are not that complex.


Corpus' units are carrying Clan tech weapons, and those cost a lot of ressources. But the Corpus control the market and can get enough ressources to maintain a high production pace. However, their empire is less expanded than the Grineer's.


We can think that Corpus could just cut off the exchange market, but Grineer's Empire is wide enough to be self-sufficient. But being wide is maybe a weakness too as in a total war they could have to defend themselves on many fronts. The Corpus could then take some settlements down and avoid the Grineers to exploit their current resources.


Why I think the Grineer might win, is more about a motivation reason. This Empire is obviously totalitarian, based on tyranny and dictatorship. High ranked commanders such as Ruk or Vor can motivate their troops like no one else, being blindly idolized. Grineers also have a huge experience in resistance tactics.

Edited by matto
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Let's not assume that the corpus ships have no guns.

they could very well be the same as the covenant ships in halo.





As you can see, they somewhat resemble the corpus ships that we usually see, no guns or whatsoever.

they look weak right?




They could very well be like this.


Appearances are often deceiving.

I greatly aprove this

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OP while ur descriptions are nice you missing many units on both sides... especially Grineers. Let's have a comparison:


Grineer will be red while Corpus will be green


Melee Units Comparison:


Sawman - Powerfist - Flameblade - Scorpion - Eviscerator




Prod Crewman



Grineers clearly win, Scorpions and Flameblades alone could erase every single Prod Crewman from a ship without the help of the rest.


Standard Units Comparison:


Trooper - Lancer - Elite Lancer - Shield Lancer - Seeker - Ballista - Scorch




Crewman - Sniper Crewman - MOA



Once again Grineers clearly win, while MOAs are nice DPS they simply cant compete with Scorches and, if happens that the Scorch is behind a Shield Lancer well... gg & no re.


Heavy Units Comparison:


Heavy Gunner - Napalm - Bombard - Commander - Hellion




Elite Crewman - Corpus Tech - Shockwave MOA - Railgun MOA - Fusion MOA - Drone



I would say this is a Tie, both factions have great units, Techs are slightly stronger than Heavy Gunners and Bombards and can self-deploy Shield Ospreys, Drones are quite strong too... but on the other side we've the fearsome Napalms and the extremely high AoE DPS Hellion. Tie.


Support Units Comparison:


Latcher - Roller - Informer




Shield Osprey - Mine Osprey - Leech Osprey



Another Tie, both of the factions have different types of Support Units... Grineers are focus on disabling and CC'ing the enemy while Corpus's ones are focused on defense... they are equally important so it's a Tie again.

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Well considering the

and the strength of the magnetic fields that Ruk can generate, I doubt your water will be much use.

Were Corpus will invent a device that would just disrupt his magnetic fields.


 This image is good because it sums up my state of mind just before I click patch notes.

That tells the truth on a whole other level

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