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Helminth abilities/passives/themes synergies?


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Some frames "work" on certain theme or have some passive/ability synergy(ies).

For example the Baruuk increase his "Restraint Meter" by avoiding damage, restraining or disarming oponents. Certain abilities does the same:

  • Inaros' Desication,
  • Excalibur's Radial Blind,
  • maybe even Banshee's Silence

Ember should increase her power strength while enemies walk into Nezha's firewalker.
The Nezha's firewalker should trigger the light buff of the Mirage.

There are probably much more synergies that "should work" but will they work? What do you think. Any information?


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I don't think that's going to work. Baruuk's description is provided in the context of his own abilities, and Reb said that in the case of some other unique frames like Grendel, removing his 1 means the entire kit becomes useless because of dependencies. This means that frame design and synergies are based on specific abilities rather than abilities that "fulfill" similar roles.

Ember does benefit from Fire Walker but that's because her passive is tied to heat sources in general. She does't have to proc them herself.

As for Mirage and Fire Walker, I don't think it will work. I think the ability only considers environmental light and heat procs on you (Which you can no longer give yourself) rather than just any light source. 


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7 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

I don't think that's going to work. Baruuk's description is provided in the context of his own abilities, and Reb said that in the case of some other unique frames like Grendel, removing his 1 means the entire kit becomes useless because of dependencies. This means that frame design and synergies are based on specific abilities rather than abilities that "fulfill" similar roles.

But there isn't many frames that eat enemies. Inaros' is very slow (and not in the list) and Garuda's Blood altar is more drinking a blood than eating a body. So maybe that's why removing his 1st means his kit becomes useless? Because there are not abilities that can change his 1st. In case of the Baruuk there are many similar abilities... I don't think the think she said means synergies between concrete abilities. I think there is not enough information to say "yes" or "no".

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