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A Sentinal rework (Oxylus)


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So, I am sure we all know the "Wounderful" sentinal that is the Oxylus. I wanted to sugest a small rework involving its "Mods" and a secondary weapon for it.

First, the mods.

Scan Aquatic Life Forms
This... the only good thing about it was the "Fishing hot spots" for me, but I don't think I ever, EVER used it outside of the plains, so I have no idea what so ever if it shows up locations on other open worlds. For now, I will think yes.
Now for my sugestion for the rework.
Scan Life Forms
It will mark fishing hot spots and animal track starting areas (the scat) on your mini map. As for land animals, it will show the tracks in the energy color of the sentinal. Further, if this mod is equipt, if an animal is spotted, it will turn to the creature and highlight the entity for easier aiming and capture. Fish will have a similar effect but will only prock on "Rare" fish, so large or fish you can only summon with some baits.

Scan Matter
Dose... dose anyone use this? Anyone? Animal instinct exists, and stays marked, from start to end. Seriously... why dose this exist?
Bio scan
Your sentinal will scan flowers, leaves, so on for their extract, even if scan quota is already full.

Weapon rework.
This is a sentinal was built to capture things... yet, as far as I seen, the dart it fires dose only damage.
I thin it would be interesting that it can cause different effects... now ether having different weapons you can buy and build or change through a mod. But I think it would be neet if the dark could fire a dart that dose a said of effect. For example, a chance of sleep, poison, paralysis, so on. Basicly it fires a dart that can do random effects.

That is about it.

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On 2020-08-29 at 6:50 PM, BaneOfOrion said:

They added a plant scanning mod with heart of deimos, simaris has it.

I might have skipped over it when looking at all the new shinies... So on that part I would have to say is my fault.


On 2020-08-29 at 8:13 PM, DrakeWurrum said:

I think Oxylus would be really useful if it marked conservation targets on your HUD (wild or not).

And I agree with that... I kind of had the thought of maybe it would mark/highlight wild Kavats in the Deralic. 

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  • 4 months later...

So, I am going to shake this awake because I had a bit more of an idea for the darts besides for status.

Now granted, these will be mods, so keep that in mind as I type this out... and ya, I could make a new page for this but hey, I already made this post about the bad sentinel a long time ago, might as well use it.

Tranquillizer Dart
Dose exactly what it reads on the box, who would have guessed? It has a minor delay before it takes full effect. Further, targets will be slowed by a percentage up till final effect. The dart reduces damage done as an asking price of making targets unaware of them being hit.

Poisoner's Delight
A mod that adds a toxic proct... ya toxic mods exist and I am well aware, but increases damage of the effect by a % and makes it last longer once effect is in place. (Note, because Toxic is one of the base elements other toxic based damage items, like Corrosive or Gas, will have a damage boost and last longer.)

Lock up
Its basically Tranquillizer darts but instead of sleeping a target, it causes them to freeze in animation and fall over. 

Explosive Darts
Another thing that dose as it says, it makes darts explode, but on a delay of a few seconds. Might not be the most useful but the idea is if the target goes to run to friends to help them take out the trouble maker, they are not the only one going boom, dealing damage to all those around them.

Infected Dart
This dart is a colection of infected bio mass, and once in its target, will cause tendrals to shoot out grabbing near by targets and drag them into a fixed point, that being the target hit, all while dealing a bit of damage to the target hit and those grabbed. (Note, if damage is great enough to kill the target hit or grabbed targets, it will rip them apart. So a limb there or a moa leg there.)

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