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DE, why do you keep punishing Limbo in the new boss fights?


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5 hours ago, blazinvire said:

I feel like DE needs to get its facts straight, because it seems very unpredictable as to what is going to hit you and what isn't.
I feel like they should just simplify it and draw the line; if you're not on the same plane, you can't hurt each other.

Yea exactly. It's so annoying when you don't even know if the Rift is going to keep you safe from certain enemies. For example, Hyekka Masters and their flamethrowers can do nothing to Limbo while he is in the rift, but if she decides to chuck a firebomb his way, it suddenly doesn't care about the Rift and just blows him up. Like what?

Same with environmental damage. You never know what will affect you and what wont. The new bosses are so incredibly annoying as well, since they actively punish Limbo specifically while other invincibility frames run around completely unaffected.

It's incredibly random as to what affects him and what doesn't and that shouldn't be case. DE really don't seem to care at all though sadly....

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On 2020-08-26 at 1:23 PM, RazerXPrime said:

If anything complain about Zanuka Hunter which can pull Limbo out of the rift from across the map and even teleport him to his location at will.

Zanuka (and Stalker) actually kinda have a (lore) excuse in the fact that they are technically using frame powers to do so, which do cross the rift. Why Nullies can do so (or at least would in lore if its representative of gameplay) idk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At random times, Limbo's powers continue to stop working when in the Cambion Drift. Sometimes his passive is disabled, which means he cannot enter the Rift anymore. This seems to happen purposely when entering Isolation Vaults which is particularly annoying as the Necramech's will one-shot a Limbo who isn't in the Rift. Cataclysm also randomly stops functioning properly and doesn't pull enemies (and sometimes Limbo himself) into the Rift plane. 

Limbo's passive also still doesn't seem to be working, as enemies killed within the Rift do not give you any energy at all, even though the description of the passive states that every enemy killed in the Rift grants you 10 energy.

Please can you sort out these out DE.

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Enemy mechs will disable abilities and that's fine. But I can't understand why ally mechs also do it. All of the problems you mentioned happens during Vome cycle when ally necramechs roam cambion drift and will randomly come to help. But they have the exact same ability disable thing as enemy mechs in vaults. I don't know why it's still a thing. Maybe cause the mesa and saryns can use their nuke abilities and so it's all fine.

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18 hours ago, --Q--EXHALER_Wolf said:

Enemy mechs will disable abilities and that's fine.

That cannot be right as I have gone into the Drift and Isolation Vaults with other frames during the Vome cycle and all of the abilities work absolutely fine.

It really feels like a bug with Limbo as his abilities just get messed up and don't function properly.

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I just built Limbo a few days ago and I have him at rank 27 and I also have never gotten energy back from kills in the rift. I went back to check his passive multiple times to make sure I was reading it right and tried testing without any mods or pets equipped but I couldn't get it to change. I'm pretty disappointed at this point since I think Limbo is very fun to play and would like to get to play him as intended. Hopefully this gets figured out soon. 

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On 2020-09-09 at 12:40 AM, --Q--EXHALER_Wolf said:

Enemy mechs will disable abilities and that's fine.

but entire passives? does nezha's drifting get disabled? zephyr's floating? 
And lore wise the rift is in between the void and reality so mechs shouldn't have any capabilities of being able to interact with the rift so they shouldn't be able to disable limbo in the rift at all, or even be resistant to its effects. 

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On 2020-09-09 at 11:41 AM, --Q--EXHALER_Wolf said:

Not really, when farming mechs with nekros, I had to pay attention to desecrate as they would often turn it off.

Haven't tried Nekros, but other frames seem to work perfectly fine. Took a Nyx out in the Drift yesterday and into Isolation Vaults when Vome was out. All the abilities functioned as intended, no cancellations or passives randomly not working at all. The other popular candidates such as Wukong and Octavia also seem to work fine as well.

It must be a problem with certain frames or something, because its really inconsistent.

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4 hours ago, Pyra_Firestone said:

but entire passives? does nezha's drifting get disabled? zephyr's floating?

Yea it doesn't make any sense at all does it. It has to be a glitch because some of these passives are needed to keep frames alive, in the case of Limbo.

4 hours ago, Pyra_Firestone said:

And lore wise the rift is in between the void and reality so mechs shouldn't have any capabilities of being able to interact with the rift so they shouldn't be able to disable limbo in the rift at all, or even be resistant to its effects. 

Agree wholeheartedly. It feels like DE really don't like Limbo now and I really hate that he gets punished with each update that reduces his effectiveness. He's an all or nothing glass-cannon. Either he's invulnerable, or he's dead. There isn't an in-between for him. 

His invulnerability is really inconsistent and doesn't make any sense lore-wise, since the Rift plane is where he is supposed to be 100% safe from the material plane. Yet certain attacks/enemies are resistant to the Rift or just outright ignore it and damage Limbo anyway. Like for example, fire grenades somehow still damage Limbo, boss attacks like the Jackals missiles and new Strobe Light attack and even environmental damages like cold and fire.

DE either needs to remove Limbo from the game or make it so that nothing at all can affect while he is in the Rift and all normal enemies except bosses are vulnerable to the Rift and Stasis.

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10 hours ago, PinkLenny said:

I just built Limbo a few days ago and I have him at rank 27 and I also have never gotten energy back from kills in the rift. I went back to check his passive multiple times to make sure I was reading it right and tried testing without any mods or pets equipped but I couldn't get it to change. I'm pretty disappointed at this point since I think Limbo is very fun to play and would like to get to play him as intended. Hopefully this gets figured out soon. 

Yea, its really strange how DE still haven't fixed that part of his passive.

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Just a heads up: Limbo still barely works on Deimos, and the problems do not only occur on the Vome cycle as I was farming materials for 3 hours in it and at random intervals between both Fass and Vome I my abilities would not work. Stasis works like 30% of the times it is cast, banish seems to have 0 duration on 100% duration, rift surge does not even show its animations but I get notified that I have damage bonus. Too bad I cannot enter the rift and kill the enemies. Cataclysm still sometimes pulls people in, and even while on the rift some enemies just damage and kill you. Enemies that are outside of the rift. All in all this is essentially deleting limbo for Deimos.

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nullifiers force Limbo out of rift when they touch him. Being able to dodge between dimensions is his passive, staying in one depends on environment of course. But I still agree that permanent nullification of abilities seems too much. I've done multiple steel path bounties on deimos. And abilities work perfectly when it's Fass, but starts breaking when it's Vome and very soon a mech shows up when that happens. I just avoid doing anything in deimos during Vome cycle lol.

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12 hours ago, --Q--EXHALER_Wolf said:

And abilities work perfectly when it's Fass, but starts breaking when it's Vome and very soon a mech shows up when that happens. I just avoid doing anything in deimos during Vome cycle lol.

His powers break during the Fass cycle as well. I'm not alone on this as well apparently;

13 hours ago, terrorBOOKs said:

Just a heads up: Limbo still barely works on Deimos, and the problems do not only occur on the Vome cycle as I was farming materials for 3 hours in it and at random intervals between both Fass and Vome I my abilities would not work.

And like I said; other frames seem to work perfectly in both cycles and in the presence of hostile/friendly Necramechs.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having issues as described by the OP.


-sometimes when I try to dodge to enter the Rift manually it pulls me into the Rift but then immediately pushes me out.  This happens every time I'm fighting near a necramech but will also happen randomly on the overworld.

-sometimes when I utilize Cataclysm, it either doesn't pull me or it doesn't pull enemies into the Rift.  walking in and out of the Cataclysm doesn't alter my Rift state at all.  in these instances i can usually dodge to enter the Rift, though if I'm fighting necramechs it flat out won't work.


This is super problematic as limbo is quite useless against necramechs and unreliable in all other instances (i understand if it can't be stasis'd but i should be able to enter the Rift as normal.)

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