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The <spoiler> does *what* exactly?


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The idea that this giant McGuffin is the source of Tenno immortality is silly. If it was, why didn't the Orokin destroy it during the uprising?

Personally, I think the people involved are just deluded. It's a powerful artifact, sure. Just not what they say it is.

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Thought it was held open the doorway to the source, that being the void?

Also, from what I recall the uprising took all of what, 10 seconds? Drum beat, drum beat, sword drawn, dead Orokin, happy Tenno? At what point during that would the Orokin blast off to Deimos and shut down the heart?


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The Heart of Deimos is the source for everything that is powered by void energy, not just the Tenno. Solar rails, towers, railjacks, etc. would also cease functioning alongside the Tenno if the Orokin were to destroy the heart. Considering the lack of people qualified to repair/rebuild the heart, destroying it would be the equivalent of the Orokin shooting themselves in the foot. It would leave them without a good chunk of their advanced technology, and subsequently vulnerable to the Sentients and other non-Tenno incursions in the empire. There's also the possibility that Deimos was already compromised by the Infestation before the Tenno uprising, which would have at the very least delayed any attempt to sabotage it.

I think that how detrimental disabling the heart would be to Orokin technology is precisely why the infestation is so desperate to convince the Entrati to let it shut everything down. The Infestation doesn't need void energy to function, so the other factions losing their void tech works directly in its favor. For example, the corpus and grineer wouldn't be able to send reinforcements to infested outbreaks quickly enough to stop them if they didn't have access to the solar rails. 


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Seems to me the game should include a mission to spread the void access tech across as many directions as possible. Putting all void access in that one spot is just begging for something horrid to happen.

Although, when it stopped, void access wasn't gone. It was just much reduced. It's like the Heart makes it easier. In that sense, it's like a crutch. How might the Tenno adapt if they had to grow a stronger natural connection to the void? And what might they become? Seems like a lead-in to a new chapter, if they go that way.

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